Clever Little Bag by PUMA

Design de produit

Clever Little Bag by PUMA

Yves Behar

Shoeboxes account for millions of tonnes of waste and sadly, looking at my shoe racks, I’ve probably made a substantial contribution to that. PUMA on the other hand is on a mission to reduce its carbon, energy, water and waste « paw print », and has decided to do away with the shoebox altogether. It has launched its Clever Little Bag, a single folded sheet of cardboard in a resuable, recyclable PET bag, designed to protect shoes from the time they leave the factory until the customer gets them home.

PUMA says the new packaging and distribution system will reduce the paper used for shoeboxes by 65% and carbon emissions by 10,000 tons per year. It plans to make the remaining packaging materials fully sustainable by 2015.


The Clever Little Bag is the brainchild of San Francisco-based industrial designer, humanist, naturalist and fuseproject founder Yves Behar.

For the statistically-minded among you the “Clever Little Bag” concept will help PUMA reduce the water, energy and diesel used in manufacturing by more than 60% per year.

  • Approximately 8,500 tons less paper will be consumed
  • 20 million Megajoules of electricity will be saved
  • 1 million liters less fuel oil will be used
  • 1 million liters of water will be saved
  • 500,000 liters of diesel will be saved during transport, and
  • Up to 275 tons of plastic will be saved thanks to the replacement of traditional shopping bags with the lighter built-in bag

Tip from a shoeaholic: you can also use the Clever Little Bag to pack shoes when you go on holiday!


Extrait du rapport d’analyse du cycle de vie présentant les projets de box  : lca-report extrait

Fonction d’usage et valeur d’estime

La fameuse boite rouge à chaussures habituellement utilisée par PUMA, à part être esthétique, n’avait aucune autre fonction dans la vie courante.

La marque allemande a donc revu la conception de sa boite dans le but de diminuer l’utilisation des matières. Ce nouveau design permet d’économiser 65 % de carton, 8 500 tonnes de papier et 1 millions de litres d’eau !

 Le Clever little Bag (petit sac intelligent), est constitué d’une simple page en carton protégeant les chaussures, accompagné d’un sac en matière recyclable pouvant être réutilisé une fois le produit transporté chez soi.

Une réflexion croisée sur l’objet :

  • à quoi il sert,
  • comment on s’en sert,
  • qui s’en sert,
  • son esthétique (forme/matière/couleur)
  • son système de production.


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