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1ere S3 I’m a visionary

Recherche pour M Le Maudit  : l’expressionnisme au cinéma

Pour Vendredi :livre page 94 : A1 sur le cahier et lire le texte B. Cameras all around . CCTV  : exact meaning ?

Useful vocabulary :

definition visionary : a person of unusually foresight.

a person who has idealistic or impractical ideas or schemes that are not likely to come true.

Foresight : the act or power of foreseeing, knowledge or insight of the future; foreknowledge.

nouns:a gadget/ an appliance / a device / a breakthrough / a discovery / an application / an add-on / domotics / robotics /teleworking / smart homes / security devices / household devices / scientist / improvement

adjectives: innovative  /??n???ve?t?v/ / environmentally friendly / sophiticated / handy /convenient / futuristic? outdated /

verbs: invent / design / create / imagine / conceive / upgrade / improve / evolve

enhance : to increase the value, attractiveness, or quality of; improve:


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