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Ce blog en langue anglaise, supervisé par Corinne Charlette, Professeur d’anglais au Lycée Alain Colas de Nevers est entièrement réalisé par des élèves de LLCER Anglais (Langues, Littératures et Civilisations Etrangères et Régionales).Les articles anciens ont été écrits par les élèves de LELE (Littérature en Langue Etrangère).Les fautes ne sont pas toutes corrigées pour encourager les bonnes volontés et pour reproduire des conditions réelles d’utilisation des outils numériques dans un contexte autre que scolaire.Nous vous remercions donc pour votre indulgence.

Divergent – Veronica Roth

Divergent is a novel from the american author Veronica Roth. It has been published in 2011 and it is part of the literary genre of dystopia. This book is the first of a successful trilogy. We are in a post-apocalyptic city, formerly Chicago. Here is the story of the book :

Beatrice Prior, called Tris, is the main character of this novel. She lived in a society divided into 5 factions, according to the predominant personality trait of the people. There is Abnegation made up of people who devote themselves entirely to others. These people dress in grey, have the bare minimum at home and don’t look at themselves in the mirror because it’s considered superfluous, you don’t have to worry about how you look. These people must always remain humble and modest ; so they make up the government society. Plus, there is Amity made up of people who  live together in harmony and who favour peace and joy ; these people are involved in agriculture. There is also Candor : people can’t lie and always say whatever they think. They are honest (sometimes too much) ; so they take care of the society’s justice system. Plus, there is Erudite with the smartest people. They are researchers, scientists who deal with the medical field. Finally, we have Dauntless, with courageous and fearless people. They take care of the security of the city.

Tris is 16 years old and it’s at this age that she must choose the faction in which she wants to belong until the end of her life. Children generally choose the faction they grew up in and very few change factions. These changes, called transfers, are accompanied by a change of neighborhood and a break with the family of origin. Before that, she and everyone her age took a test to find out which faction would suit them best. However, Tris test is different from the others ; the test is inconclusive, it corresponds to several factions. Tris is divergent and it’s a secret that she must absolutely hide. Except that in this totalitarian society, not to fit into a box is to sign one’s death warrant.

Tris makes the most unexpected choice at the Choosing Ceremony, contrary to all the teaching she has received from her family. However, this choice is that of her heart but that’s the worst when we are divergent. Indeed, being « factionless », that is to say being a recluse from society, is not what she should fear. She must fear execution.  Destiny will bring her up to the mysterious Four, the coach of her group of newcomers, a man broken by life with hard airs.

This book denounces totalitarian governments and the repercussions on the inhabitants. Indeed, we put people into factions that are based on just one trait of their personality when we are not defined by that alone. People who do not fit into a faction are simply eliminated as dangerous. It is simply revolting for the reader whe he sees how society accepts its fate and allows itself to be manipulated by the government, which is entirely corrupt. This book also shows us that being different is not a fault, on the contrary it is a very honorable quality that must always be respected. Because we are all different, 5 factions are not enough to rank us inside, everyone somehow has his own faction of which he is the only one to belong.

It is very difficult to talk about this book without spoilers because it would be a shame not to discover this book as you read it. I really loved this book and especially the sentences : “Becoming fearless isn’t the point. That’s impossible. It’s learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it.” ; “I want to be brave, and selfless, and smart, and kind, and honest.”



The Handmaid’s Tale – Margaret Atwood

The Handmaid’s Tale is a novel from the Canadian author Margaret Atwood. It has been published in 1985 and it is part of the literary genre of dystopia. A dystopia describes an imaginary society ruled by totalitarian power where people lose their freedom and self-awareness. This book is a futuristic novel and it has been adapted in TV series since 2017. Here is the story of this book :

Offred is a woman under the Republic of Gilead, a military dictatorship founded by religious fanatics. In this society where fertility has fallen dramatically, women are categorized. There are the Commanders’ Wives dressed in blue ; they’re married to « Commanders », political leaders with responsibilities. These women are concerned only with the supervision of housework and live comfortably. Then there are the Marthas in green ; there are servants and nannies when there is a child, they are sterile. Then, there are the Econowives who are married to poor men. Plus, the Aunts are the women who indoctrinate and brainwash the Handmaids. And finally, the Handmaids are the women still fertile. They are only used for reproduction and they belong to Commanders. They are recognizable by their red dress.

Offred is a Handmaid in this society. Before the new government came, she had a job, a husband and a little girl. Now, she spends her time in her room that contains the minimum and she has the right to walk once a day with a companion like her. Like all the maids, she suffers the contempt and jealousy of other women who are unable to give birth, and especially of the Commanders’ WIves, because it’s the maids who are able to give birth to their husbands. « It’s not the husbands you have to watch out for, it’s the Wives. You should always try to imagine what they must be feeling; of course, they will resent you. It is only natural, try to feel for them. » The Handmaids are therefore very badly treated but have to accept their fate.

Offred doesn’t have a name anymore and the only thing that keeps her going is her memories. She was separated from her daughter and her husband, who was injured the last time she saw him. The reader thus alternates between memories of the past and events of the present, which allows us to observe the evolution of the status of women. Indeed, the Handmaids no longer have freedoms and are conditioned to remain quiet. They live under the threat of being sent to the Colonies: a place where all those who are not executed are sent. The people there live in terrible conditions, which are shown to the maids to frighten them. Religion is also an important part of their « education » done by the Aunts. Maids are kept in the deepest ignorance : « Knowing was a temptation. What you don’t know won’t tempt you. » They do not have access to television (which only broadcasts propaganda material) or books but only to the Bible.

This novel allows us to discover a new society where women no longer have freedoms and are reduced to objects that are used and thrown away when they become useless. Indeed, this novel shows how fragile women’s freedoms are and are never acquired forever. Simone de Beauvoir said : « Never forget that all it takes is a political, economic or religious crisis for women’s rights to be called into question. These rights are never acquired. You will have to remain vigilant throughout your life. »

As a woman, this novel really sends shivers down my spine because I think I could very well be in Offred’s place. Indeed, the author was inspired only by elements that have already arrived in dictatorships and real authoritarian societies. This makes the novel lively and very touching for the reader, who can very well imagine the society described by Margaret Atwood. This novel also allows us to open our eyes to today’s events, where women’s rights are being challenged. I’m thinking of Afghanistan since the Taliban came : young women can’t go to school and can’t go out without being completely covered and accompanied by a man. I am also thinking of the United States, where a fundamental right is being called into question: the right to abortion. The law in the U.S. Constitution obliging the legalization of abortion could be abolished, which would allow some states to prohibit it. It is estimated that 26 out of 50 states would actually ban or reduce it if the law were abolished (including the great state of Texas). This would be a real massacre for women’s right to dispose of their bodies.

I really liked this sentence from the novel that made me think : « A rat in a maze is free to go anywhere, as long as it stays inside the maze. »

It Ends with Us – Colleen Hoover

It Ends with Us is a novel from the american author Colleen Hoover. It has been published in 2016 and it is part of the literary genre of romance.It can also be described as a « psychological drama ». To write this book, the author drew inspiration from certain events in her life. It’s a really poignant book, you don’t get the same after you read it. Indeed, the book is about domestic violence. Here is the story of this novel :

For as long as she can remember, Lily Blossom Bloom has always lived in a world of physical and psychological violence. Between a violent father and a mother blinded by love she finds submissive, she swore to herself never to experience this. Her dream is to open a flower shop in Boston, the city « where everything goes well ». This is where she meets Ryle, a neurosurgeon who has everything to please and who seems really attracted to her. But Lily finds it hard to give her confidence to the male people after her traumatic childhood. Her story with Ryle will plunge her back into her family memories to Atlas, her childhood love that she never managed to completely forget.

The author portrays two different characters. Ryle is funny, charming, ambitious but we gradually discover a dark hidden side. Atlas, he went trough hell before realizing his dream : to open a restaurant in Boston. He is nevertheless a deeply good and kind person. Yet fate chose to separate him from Lily.                                                                                        We follow Lily’s internal journey. We first have the point of view of the child who does not understand why her mother allows herself to be beaten and tries to hide what she has suffered, instead of denouncing her husband. Then we move on to the teenage Lily who lives in misunderstanding and fear but who meets a homeless man who has conquered her heart, Atlas. Finally we have the point of view of the adult who loves his tormentor, Ryle, despite the beatings, the excuses and the pardons. We knew that love was complex but when hope enters the game, it distorts all our bearings.

The author shows us that we can’t imagine how we would react in a certain situation before being confronted with it. Lily who was sure of what she would do if her husband hit her loses all her bearings when the situation arises. Yet she forgives Ryle because deep down, she wishes with all her heart that this man was not like her father. However, Ryle’s actions are repeated and excuses rain down… His mother will tell her : « We all have a limit. What we’re willing to put up with before we break. When I married your father, I knew exactly what my limit was. But slowly . . . with every incident . . . my limit was pushed a little more. And a little more. The first time your father hit me, he was immediately sorry. He swore it would never happen again. The second time he hit me, he was even more sorry. The third time it happened, it was more than a hit. It was a beating. And every single time, I took him back. But the fourth time, it was only a slap. And when that happened, I felt relieved. I remember thinking, ‘At least he didn’t beat me this time. This wasn’t so bad.”

Lily is someone everyone can relate to. She is an extraordinary person who always sees the good in others. When she suffers, the reader suffers with her. We would like so much to be able to help her.The author manages to get us into the story. We fall in love with Ryle along with her, we take the first hit with her, etc… It makes us open our eyes to domestic violence. The story is all the more touching as the author experienced the same situation with her parents : her father beat her mother.

I won’t tell you the full story because I would like you to discover it yourself. To know what the heroine will do, it will be necessary to read the book. I clearly adored this novel but at the same time it upset me so much ; I have never felt so many things with a book. This novel is a real cry fo all people who experience domestic violence. It calls into question all our certainties and our assumptions about this violence.

The sentence that stuck out to me the most was : “All humans make mistakes. What determines a person’s character aren’t the mistakes we make. It’s how we take those mistakes and turn them into lessons rather than excuses.”



Fahrenheit 451 – Ray Bradbury

Fahrenheit 451 is a novel from the american author Ray Bradbury. It has been published in 1953 in the US ; it is part of the literary genre of dystopia (unlike utopia, dystopia offers a pessimistic vision of the future). The title refers to the auto-ignition point, in degrees Fahrenheit, of the paper (equivalent to 232.8°C). It is the temperature at which any substance or material ignites spontaneously in the absence of flames. This novel was written in the context of the Cold War between the United States and the USSR. It was a period of tension with the threat of nuclear war and the rise of communist ideas. Here is the story :

Just imagine. A futuristic world where the books have disappeared. In this society, reading would be considered an antisocial act because it is a source of questioning and reflection.The role of firefighters would no longer be to extinguish the fire but to light it. Indeed, they would be responsible for burning the books, the possession of which is prohibited for the collective good, as well as their owner’s house. “Classes are shortened, discipline neglected, philosophy, history, languages abandoned, English and its pronunciation gradually neglected, and finally almost ignored. We live in the immediate future. work, so many distractions to choose from. Why learn anything but push buttons, plug in switches, tighten screws and nuts? »

Guy Montag, the main chracter, is a firefighter. He was convinced he was doing good before he met his neighbor, a young woman named Clarisse who is very quick-witted. He begins to question himself following this meeting. He had never read books and was not in the habit of asking questions. This fireman however begins to dream of a different world, one that would not banish literature and the imagination in favor of an immediately consumable happiness. We follow this man’s awareness and the upheaval it will bring in his life throughout the novel.

Ray Bradbury describes a world riddled with overcomsumption, self-centeredness and lack of culture; a world where, despite everything, people live happily ever after, drinking from TV series and sporting events. He also stages people who go beyond this pattern, for more realism and authenticity. One might wonder why books should be banned. Indeed, when you think about it, reading allows you to forge your own opinions. This totalitarian society has found the solution : abolish books and thus, the freedom of thought. The worst part of all this is that to avoid asking too many questions, the population makes herself stupid with the television. Plus, the banishment of books has been smooth.

This book is well futuristic but it allows us to question our current society. Books are increasingly threatened by infantilizing and mind-numbing screens and games. People are becoming more and more superficial and are losing their taste for culture. This book is a novel of anticipation which reminds us the importance of freedom of expression and which denounces the brainwashing (thanks to the TV) and the authoritarian excesses of our society.

I really liked this book because, as an avid reader, i can’t imagine my life without books. I don’t even imagine that we can ban them because it would be a real attack on freedoms. So, to prevent the Ray Bradbury scenario from happening, let’s keep reading !

I would like to share with you a quote that really impressed me and made me think : “‘Stuff your eyes with wonder,’ he said, ‘live as if you’d drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It’s more fantastic that any dream made or paid for in factories. Ask no guarantees, ask for no security, there never was such an animal. And if there were, it would be related to the great sloth which hangs upside down in a tree all day every day, sleeping its life away. To hell with that,’ he said, ‘shake the tree and knock the great sloth down on his ass.’” 




Right Behind You

Right Behind You is a novel by Lisa Gardner published in February 2017.
A mother and father who are alcoholics, drug addicts and have abandoned their role as parents to be nothing but bulky wrack. Telly and his little sister, Sharlah are united by a heavi secret buryed deep in their memories. Thirteen-year-old Sharlah has lived apart from her brother for a long time, ever since the fatal day he killed their father to protect her. The foster family of the young teenager, Pierce Quincy, an ex-profiler FBI , and his wife Rainie a police officer, have provided her with a secure and loving environment. When a massacre produce at a gas station, Telly is immediately accused, recognize on surveillance camera. It is at this point that Sharlah’s past resurfaces like a nightmare. Her foster parents do everything they can to protect their daughter. Accompanied by her dog, Luka, she goes in search of her brother who is being hunted by the police. She tries to find answer to the murders committe by her brother. Is he really guilty? Is he such a bad person?

From the first lines, Lisa Gardner take us with her feelings. This novel is filled from begining to end with suspense, surprises and revelation. She knows how to get  all into the plot straight away.

It is a very good book if you like detective stories. The story of the book allows us to get to know a difficult family situation that some people know.

The Hate U Give

The Hate U Give is a novel by Angie Thomas based on true events. It’s the story of a young african-american girl, Starr, who share her life between on her quarter where there are gang wars and her « white » school located in a chic suburb. These are two different world that clash. One night, everything change. Starr witnesses the death of her best friend, Khalil, killed by a police officer. Starr is the only witness.  From this event, the two worlds will conflict, she will have to defend this best friend memory against the police who want to bury the case. The young girl will then learn to put her head on straight. 

This novel is a concentrate of emotions, it make us for rage, reflection, strength and sadness. It forces the reader to become consciousness of the persistent inequalities. It also us to decrypt the Black Lives Matter movement. The book has been adapt into a film by George Tillman Jr. 

In my opinion, it is a book that should be read to understand better the current situation. 

The vampire diares

« The vampire diares », « Le journal d’un vampire » in french, is a series of eleven fantastic and young adult litterature books written by Lisa Jane Smith, an American writter, in 1991.

It tells the story of Elena Gilbert, a teenager who seems unsympathetic, pretentious and manipulative but all this change when her parents died in a car accident from which she survived and when she met the young Italian man, Stefan Salvatore who arrives at her high school. Then she makes every effort to find out more about him and seduce him. But when he reveals to her his terrible secret, tragic events start happening one another quickly in the region. Elena is convinced of Stefan’s innocence but she don’t know who is behind the cruel attack of the inhabitants of the region.

This book series was later adapted into a TV series on the American channel CW in 2009 by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec. It starts Nina Dobrev as Elena and Paul Wesley as Stefan in the main roles. The show won on 2011 the Saturn Awards which rewards the most representative films and series of science-fiction, fantasy,horro and animation. It also won 4 prizes at the Tenn Choice Awards The serie has many differences with the book but the serie stay as one of the bigest successes of the channel.

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Call me by your name

CAfficher l’image sourceall me by your name is a romance and dramatic book by André Aciman whose the original version was published in 2007 in      New York and the French version        (transleted by Jean-Pierre Aoustin) in          2008 in Paris. This novel won the Lambda literary Award for men’s fiction in 2007.      André Aciman also published a sequel             to this book in 2019 named « Find me ».


It talks about a love story at the beginning of 1980s between Elio, a 17 years old boy, who live in his holiday residence in Italy with his family and Oliver, a 24 years old American proffessor of philosophy who has been invited by Elio’s father to work with him for the summer holidays. The young men will create an ambiguous relationship between hate/desire and friendship/love. They both try to find their sexuality in a world where people are still closed minded. But when they finally understand what they feel for each other, it will be time for Oliver to return on the continent and leave Italy and Elio. This experience will change them forever although at the end Elio will learn that Oliver is getting married with a women.

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It has been adapted into a film ten years later in 2017 with Timothée Chalamet as Elio and Armie Hammer as Oliver in the main roles. It has been directed by Luca Guadagnino and scripted by James Ivory who won the Oscar for the best adapted screenplay in 2018. The movie has been nominated three times at the Golden Globes and four times at the BAFTA( British and Academy of Film Television Arts) and the Oscars. Luca Guadagnino also want to create another movie based on the sequel of call me by your name but no date has been shared with us at the time for this project.

I started to watch the movie before reading the book which is not the best idea because even if it’s the same history it is not presented in the same way. But both the book and the movie are very intersting and moving because we are surounded with all the feelings that the characters feels and with their universe.

Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur

Milk and honey is a poetry book written by Rupi Kaur and published on 2014.

Who is Rupi Kaur ?

Rupi Kaur was born on October 4, 1992 in India. She’s a writer who became famous thanks to social media, more specifically through Instagram where she posted her poems. She is a feminist and fights for any form of equality. She starts to draw, paint and write very young, inspired and encouraged by her mother. Milk and Honey is her first book.

About the book ;

Milk and Honey is divided in 4 parts ; the hurting, the loving, the breaking and the healing. 

The hurting talks about abuse (of different types ; physical, mental, sexual…) There is a lot of sadness in this part, we see her pain, she exposes her demons. She talks about assault, violence, family and the place of women in society.

The loving is surely the most joyful part of the book ; she talks about love, friendship, security, hope and learn to love herself.

The breaking is about the separation, the void, the loneliness, the regret… all the things that appears when love go away. 

And finally, the healing ; it’s a total reconstruction of herself, it’s about self acceptance, self love and feminism.

This book is, for me, the perfect representation of life, it’s a cycle ; we love, we suffer, we heal and love again and again… We can identify oneself so much at her words, we pass through all the emotions possible. It’s hard to read at the beginning because she talks about a lot of sensitive subjects that can be traumatic but Rupi Kaur is a survivor and makes us feel like this thanks to her book. It’s the reconstruction of a woman, like a faded flower who blooms again. It’s a good message of hope, whatever can happen, it’s not the end, there is always hope.

Pillow Thoughts by Courtney Peppernell

Pillow Thoughts is a poetry book write in prose published in 2016. The particularity of this book is that you don’t have to read it in order, there is no real beginning or end. It is divided into sections to read when you feel you need them the most. 

Courtney Peppernell is totally devoted to her readers and wants to help people to feel understand, not alone and supported. 

The book is divided into ten parts ; if you are dreaming of someone, if you are in love, if you are heartbroken, if you are lonely, if you are sad, if you are missing someone, if you need encouragement, if you are soul-searching, if you need a reason to stay and the last part is « this is for you ».

Everybody can relate to her words. Sometimes you just can’t put words one your own feelings, it’s to hard or you just don’t understand them and it’s totally okay, just know that poetry can help to take a step back, this book can do it that’s why I recommend it.

James Bond (No time to die)

6 October 2021, the last James Bond film is out to the movies in France. This film close the saga of James Bond with Daniel Craig. There are 5 films with the same actor. This film realized by Cary Jodi Fukunaga, this is a spy movie. Because of the Covid pandemic the filw was postponed many times. This film is the most expensive of all movies with Daniel Craig, it was cost 250 millions of dollars for the production.

At the beginning the James Bond was a fiction character created in 1953 by the writer and journalist Lan Fleming. James Bond is a British spy who appeared for the first time in the novel entitled « Casino Royale » in 1953. Fleming wrote 12 novels and 2 collections of short stories. He wrote at this house located in Jamaica. After his death, some people decided to prolonge his work. This novel are great success in the wolrdwide. But these are the movie adaptations that made James Bond famous and mythical character for every generation.

James Bond is aslo known as the number 007. The first zero signified that is authorized to kill, the second that he has already killed, and the last that he is the 7th to receive this authorization.

I really liked this last film, there was many actions, but I still a little sad no to see Daniel Craig again in this role.

The tatooist of Auschwitz

This book is the truth story of a man who found love with a woman in a concentration camp. The man accepted to testify how he managed to survive this tragic war. This story is full of hope. The main characters are Lale and Gita, two people who were deported in the Auschwitz camp during the Second Wolrd War.

The author named Heather Morris, she is an Australian journalist and a scripwriter. She met Lale Sokolov. He accpeted to tell his story to conserved a memory. Since 2003 the author listens to the story of this man. And in 2018 she published her novel. Her novel becomes a best seller who that has been translated in fifteen languages and that will be adapted to the cinema.

I really appreciated this novel because on the one hand I love this part of history, every aspect of this part of history, I am very interested in all aspect of this part. And on the other hand I loved how the authot wrtites. She succeded to make a jus testify, and she made a hard story into a beautiful story full fo hope. At the beginning I was afraid to read a harder story like that because it is a terrible situation with lot of inhumanity and violence. It is may be the darkest period of history. But although the hard moment the author managed to make the story « softer » and not darkest. The novel was not full of darkest moment. Heather Morris is focused on the love story and thta’s what made a beautiful story. The end make me full of emotion, it was stay in my mind forever and I recommed it to everyone.

Pandemia – Franck Thilliez

Pandemia is a book from the author Franck Thilliez. It has been published in 2015 and it is part of the literary genre of thrillers. Here is the story of this book :

Amandine is a scientist at the Institut Pasteur. One day, she’s called to take samples from an ornithological reserve, nothing exceptional for her so far. However, she descovers the bodies of three swans who died in strange conditions. Soon, swan corpses multiplied, first in France, then in neighbouring countries. A race against the clock starts to find the origin of this strain and understand it, in the greatest of secrets.

At the same time, the police team of  « 36 quai des Orfèvres » composed of Frank Sharko, Lucie Henebelle et Nicolas Bellanger is trying to solve a sordid murder. A man and his dog were found dead. The pond next to the crime scene is searched. Bones and skulls from four bodies are found. In addition, a computer attack hits the police station’s network, preventing the use of computers and deleting their data. Instead, a chilling message appears : « The Flood will come first from heaven, and then the Apocalypse will come forth from the bowels of the earth ».

Moreover, we discover that the first human cases of the virus are begginning to appear and that the contagion is accelerating at an unprecedented rate. The hypothesis of a natural disaster is quickly replaced by that of a terrorist nature.

We can easily compare the book to our actual situation. That’s why I chose to present this book, although there are differencies. It talks about a global pandemic, but here, it’s the work of terrorists. There are common elements with us like cyber attacks and terrorism. Besides, the story is very absorbing ! The plot is well thinking and the characters are endearing, that’s made the book fascinating. The author is also French ! The only negative thing we can report is that some female characters are set aside to the benefit of male characters. To conclude, obviously, this book was published in 2015 but some similitaries are surprising. As if the author was inspired by today’s life…

If you like the author Franck Thilliez, I advice you Puzzle, one of my favorite book with Pandemia. Thank you, for having read my article.




Uglies – Scott Westerfeld

Uglies is a book from the american author Scott Westerfeld. It was published in 2005 and it’s one of the well-known dystopias. Here is the story :

Tally Youngblood, the main character, will soon be 16 years old. She lives in a society where all the young girls go through a cosmetic surgery, called the Operation, at this age to join the Pretties caste. Tally wants to leave her world for this one, a world where people spend their time having fun, without worrying about anything. But the day before her birthday, she discovers the rebels world,a place called the Smoke. In this place, live people who reject the surgery. She’s going to learn that behind this perfect life we sell them lies a manipulation. She’s going to have to make a big choice that will affect her whole life : become rebellious and remain ugly for life, or succumb to perfection.

This book is simply awesome. He talks about an interesting subject : the standards of beauty. The surgery consists of closing the Ugly’s face and body into the « normal ». If you don’t do the operation, you are considerated ugly and therefore an outcast. The governement wants to change them completely to make it the ideal society, hence the importance of the physical. The character of young people is erased to make them obedient and naive so that they can be properly manipulated. Tally herself is very naive because of the education she received. They convince them that for living a happy life, she has to be pretty. It seems absurd for us.

To conclude, it’s a future society, but when we look at our own, we think our future might look like that fiction. Indeed, we notice that we also face social pressure regarding our appearance. Society also forces us to get into codes, which we begin to break. This book is therefore easy to read while conveying a strong message.

Silver Linings Playbook

Silver Linings Playbook is an American drama film released in 2012. It starts Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper in the main roles, and Robert De Niro and Jacki Weaver in supporting roles. It was nominated for 8 Oscars but only got one : Best Actress in a leading role for Jennifer Lawrence who became the second youngest woman in history to win this award.

The films is about Pat, a former teacher who just get out of a psychiatric hospital, who gets back to his parents and yesterday wants to win back his wife, who left him before he was committed to this hospital. To achieve this goal, he want to show her that he is doing every possible effort to heal and become a better man that what he was before. He receives help from a young woman,Tiffany, who has recently lost her husband and also suffers from mental issues. They make each other a promise : she helps him out to win back his wife but he was to train with her so they both participate in a dancing contest.

The film is very touching, and really allows us to understand that life isn’t always kind to everyone and some events can really affect your behavior and create disorders that are very hard to live with. In the film, Tiffany wants to make Pat understand that only will be happy if he accepts that he has issues and if he stops living in the past.

When they see us

When they see us is a Netflix mini-series released in 2019 which reverses the wrongful conviction of five teenagers. It traces one of the biggest miscarriage of justice in the United States.
This Series has known a lot of success but also a lot of dissatisfaction.

At the end of the 80’s, on April 19th 1989, in the heart of Central Park, a young woman was found half-conscious after being raped and beaten. Trisha Meili, 28, an employee of an investment bank was jogging when she is assaulted. Ed Koch, the mayor of New York at the time, even called it the “crime of the century”.That same night, the police received calls alerting them that a group of thirty to forty teenagers terrorized passers in Central Park. Two young boys were arrested, Kevin Richardson and Raymond Santana, who said they had only witnessed the violence. Then, when Trisha Meilli’s body was discovered, the police arrested three other teenagers in Harlem: Yusef Salaam, Korey Wise and Antron McCray. Subjected to almost 30 hours of interrogations, the boys with the exception of Yusef Salaam, ended up confessing their guilt in recordings. However, the police could not find any piece of evidence to support these statements, and the suspects, aged 14 to 16, had a clean criminal record. In 2002, when some of the teenagers had already served their sentence, the real guilty, Matias Reyes, revealed that he was the only one guilty of the crime. The “Central Park Five” were cleared and took the city of New York to court, for malicious prosecution and racial discrimination, they eventually received a compansation of 40 million dollars.

This mini series is very interseting because it is based on true events. It shows how terrible this miscarriage of justice was and how it ruined lives of young people, and how it’s hard to get up after that even if their were innocent all along. This story also reminds us that racism in the USA was very strong in the 80’s and how Black People were treated by the authorities.

The Wolf Of Wall Street

« The Wolf Of Wall Street » is a film directed by Martin Scorsese in and released in 2014. This film was inspired from a true story.

This film takes place in 80 years, when the stock market « Wall Street » was the biggest stock market in the world. Jordan Belfort, a simply job searcher would like to apply for a job in one of company that constitute « Wall Street ». He was accepted in one of these companys and he started to work like « matchmaker » beetweens the Brokers and traders. But, he had biggest objectives and he was undergraduated in this company and after two years, he was promoted « Broker ». But, after some time, the company where he worked goes bankrupt and closes. Jordan Belfort started to work in his own account, and it is succeeds him. The first month, he won 70 000 dollars. He creates a new broking company that he call « Straton Oakmont ». His company becomes the richest company of all Wall Street. But, his actions were not entierely legal. He used the naivety of people. For the beginning, he lie to middle class people to push them to buy his stocks. After, he lie to richer people, the « Moby Dick of the market » as he called them. He used also to illegal process to boost prices of his stocks : he creates « ghost company’s ». It is in reality many inactive companys that he creates with his employee, to buy his own stocks for sell these in a better price. Jordan Belfort became one of the richer personnality in U.S.A.

I liked this film because it shows to us how the more simple people ( but very smart ) can to become a very rich an influent personnality. This film show also the stock market at this times and how it work. It is very interesting to see how this people live with a perpetual stress, how they take work in this very strange, but intersting environment.


ne pas corriger toutes les fautes mais celles en rouge

Law of the Lawless

Law of the Lawless is a russian serie realised by Aleksei Sidorov and release in the Russian TV in 2002. This serie is composed of 15 episodes ( two seasons).

This serie talk in generally about the russian mafia. The story begun in Russia, when a  student (alexandr belov) who are recently back from the army, is involved against his will in a sttlements story. He must to escape far of the city where he live for his security and security of his mother. He is follow by his two chilhood friends. Alexandr became the first suspect of a murder story and he became research by the police of the country. But he is innocent. In the course of history, he must, to survive, to work like a henchman for differents illegal organisation. Later, he create his own organisation, a realy mafia, always with his two chilhood friends.

This serie shows the life of people in Russia, particulary of the

12 Angry Men

12 Angry Men is a film directed by Sidney Lumet and release in cinemas in 1957.

This film talk about the legitimacy of the death penalty. In USA at these times, the death penalty were attribuated to a sentenced by an assembly wich was composed of 12 men. These men had to decide the fate of the sentenced. For condemn to death, all the men must to approve the same decision : keep him alive or kill him. In this film, 11 men are agree to kill the sentenced, but 1 of them are not. During the film, he trys to convince the 11 other men to not kill the sentenced, because he think that he is innocent. To achieve this, he used of diffenrents arguments, proofs and witnesses.

I have very like this film because its talk about the injustices in the american society. The message of this story is to never give up and to never change our beliefe. This film is considerated like a classic of the american cinema.


Chernobyl is an HBO limited serie which was a real success after its release in 2019.

The story takes place in Chernobyl in Ukraine, starring Jared Harris, Stellan Skarsgard and Emily Watson, it traces the events of one of the most dramatic disasters in history : the explosion, in 1986, of a reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Soviet Union.

The series received a lot of Golden Globes and Emmy nominations for Best Music, Best Actors and Actress, Best Directing and Best Mini Series .  Despite its success and reputation for reconstructing the Chernobyl disaster, some moments of the show are modified and don’t correspond to the reality of the true events. Changes in certain facts sparked discontent and controversy, with Russia accusing the series of exaggerating the responsability of the Soviet authorities in the disaster.  Some journalists even said that the series is made only to criticize and devalue the Soviet Union.

 The series focuses on three characters who helped not only prevent further disasters but also understand how such a catastrophe could have happened.  Valeri Legassov, a scientist specialized in reactors, Boris Schcherbina and Ulana Khomyuk (who is fictional character cretaed to represent the group of researchers who helped Legassov in order to simplify the series) arguably played the most important role in this case. Thanks to them we  now know that the accident which struck Chernobyl was not a coincidence but a mistake due to the incompetence of the nuclear power plant chiefs.  Moreover, the last episode mainly focuses on the trial of the three men who were responsible for the disaster : the two plant chiefs and the chief engineer.

 During the five episodes, Chernobyl traces the events of what happened before and after the explosion as well as government pressure to hide the case from the rest of the world.

 It’s a dark and moving series that really wants to show the harsh reality.  Its authenticity and its connection to history allows us to truly immerse ourselves in one of the greatest catastrophes of the twentieth century.

 I was very surprised to love this series so much and to have followed it to the end because the scientific field is not something I am particularly interested in. But I eventually ended up being really captivated by the show which I think, will leave anyone speechless after every single scene.


A star is born (2018)

A star is born is a Romance movie released in 2018 . This is the third remake of a classic film, it is producted and directed by a big Hollywood star  Bradley Cooper. He also stars in the  film with one of the biggest singer of the decade, Lady Gaga. 

The movie is about Jackson Maine, played by Bradley Cooper, a famous country music singer in the USA who deals with a lot of problems with drugs and alcohol. After one of his concerts he meets Ally, played by Lady Gaga, A small cabaret singer who dreams of becoming a more famous singer. Her performance of « La vie en Rose » lets him speechless and he eventually fall in love with her .A long love story between the two begins after he invited her to sing alongside him at one of his concerts. Jackson introduces the young promising singer to the musical industry, then Ally meets with sucess the public and records labels and soon enters the big leagues. Quickly overshadowed by the success of the young woman, Jackson lives more and more badly this situation between incomprehension and jealousy the love story will turn in drama.  

This remake has know a lot of success all over the world with more than 40 nominations in a lot of categories, in this film, the music holds a very special place in the script, it makes the movie very authentic and touching, Cooper and Gaga won the Oscar for best original song for their performance of the famous song « Shallow ». 

This is an interesting and very touching story. Through a love story, this movie tells us about the backstage of the musical industry and also speaks about issues with addiction and alcoholism. I love that movie, the complicity of the two actors is incredible, the mix between drama, love story and musical is amazing and the end is very heartbreaking. Before this film, I wasn’t particularly attracted to romance but I have to admit that this one carried me all along, and still does when I watch it again. 


Escape from Alcatraz

« Escape from Alcatraz » is a film directed by Don Siegel and released  in 1979. This film was inspired from a true story.

This film takes place in the famous prison of San Francisco « Alcatraz » in 1962. A new prisoner, Franck Morris who just arrived from an other prison in Atlanta, joins the prison « Alcatraz » with the reputation that nobody had never succeeded to escape from it. Frank Morris was a shoplifter and an ex-murderer, but he had the particularity to have an extraordinary I.Q. , that makes him a very smart person. He, with three of his new friends John Anglin, Clarence Anglin and Allan West), try to escape from Alcatraz to regain freedom and to become the first people who had succeeded to escape from this prison.

I suggest this film, because it ( in parallel with the story ) shows the life of the american prisonners in this time, and their occupation ( How the organisation of the prison try to put them back in the back way ). The film shows also how the different character survive in this environment, that we can compare to a jungle, with very dangerous people and very strong rules. The director shows to us a very negative vision about the life in community in prison.

Hunger games

    Hunger games is a trilogy of science fiction written by suzanne Collins.  It consists of three volumes. The date of publication is in 2008 in the United States and 2009 in France. The first two novels are a bestseller.  Each book is a selection of nine chapters. Hunger games is also a cinematic tetralogy.  This is an American science fiction directed by Gary Gross and François lawrence.

    I’m going to talk about Volume 1. This is about the arrival of a 16-year-old woman named Katniss.  She comes from district 12. Katniss has to participate in hunger games, the losers will die.  On the ruins of the United States (in a dark future), a game show is created to control the people by terror.  Twelve boys and twelve girls drawn to participate in this sinister reality show, which everyone is forced to watch live.  One rule in the arena: survive, at any cost.  It was katniss’s sister who was supposed to go but she decides to go because she is aware of the danger and she has already been confronted with death.  Survive is like a second nature to her.

    I started by watching the movies.  It’s a mistake because it’s better to read the books first.  I also preferred books even if the movies are beautiful.  I really enjoyed the story and that kind of book.  This is a book series not to be missed.

Harry Potter

Harry Potter is a book written by J.K Rowling and published in London in 1997. It belongs t the genre of low fantasy. The fictional sequel stopped in 2007. In 2016 it took place a play that is considered the « eighth story ». The book and scripts have been translated into French by J. F Menard. The books have gained tremendous popularity, they have been a commercial success and have been critically acclaimed. There were eight films. There have also been video games, attractions, exhibitions, etc. that have been adapted from the series. Harry Potter is a series of seven novels that talks about the adventures of a young wizard (Harry Potter) and his friends: Ron and Hermione. They are in a famous wizarding school: Hogwarts led by Dumbledore.
Harry is a young orphan who has been entrusted to Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia who didn’t like him. They force him to sleep in a broom closet and to endure a lot of things. He is aggrieved by Dudley (son of the Dursley’s and his band whose favorite « game » is Harry’s hunt). The day of his eleventh birthday, Harry receives the visit of the giant Hagrid who comes to pick him up to take him to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft where a place awaits him since his birth. Harry learns that he is a wizard (very famous as his dead parents, James and Lily Potter). It is also revealed that his parents did not die in a car accident but murdered by a terrifying dark wizard whose name nobody dares to pronounce.
I started Harry Potter not so long ago (less than a year). I wanted to know what would happen to Harry. I do not like fantastic novels but I have a lot of hooks and this book is really worth reading and watching the movies. I regret not having started this book earlier.

Game Of Thrones

Game of Thrones is an American fantasy television series created by David Benioff and Daniel Brett Weiss for TV chain: HBO.  It’s an adaptation of  the series of fantasy novels A Song of Ice and Fire by George Raymond Richard Martin.  The series began on HBO in the United States on April 17, 2011, and will conclude with the eighth season on April 14, 2019. The most popular character are Daenerys Targaryen playing by Emilia Clarke, Jon Snow playing by Kit Harington, Arya and Sansa Stark playing by Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner, Cersei Lannister playing by Lena Headey and many other because The distribution is composed of several hundred actors.

The scenes take place on the fictional continent , Game of Thrones has several plots and a large cast but follows three plot . The first plot is about the Iron Throne who lead seven kingdoms, and follows  alliances and treasons between noble dynasties. The second story plot is about the last descendant of the realm’s deposed ruling dynasty, who has been exiled and is demand to return on the throne. The third story arc follows the Night’s Watch, a brotherhood defending the kingdom against legendary creatures of the North.

The series is generally perceived as a sort of medieval realism. George R.R. Martin set out to make the story feel more like historical fiction than contemporary fantasy, with less magic and sorcery and more on political intrigue, and the characters. But legend, imaginary animals like dragons and magic are very present in the serie.

I like this serie because themes are interesting like the abolition of the slavery, the conquest of new kingdoms, the threat of supernatural characters. Although it is a famous serie, it stays a beautiful series with stunning scenery, well-turned intrigues even if sometimes it is very violent and inappropriate for young people. Each episode is captivating, the characters are very neat and very well played by the actors (I am unable to determine the best), and the plot never runs out, on the contrary it grows with the seasons.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde


Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a gothic novel by the scottisch author: Robert Louis Stevenson, published in 1886. This story is also knowing as the Strange Case Of Jekyll Hyde, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde or Jekyll and Hyde.

The story takes place in London in the 18th century.  One night, Mr Utterson, and his friend Mr Enfield walk the streets of the city. They pass in front of a door that reminds Mr Enfield of a strange fact he witnessed: the attack of a young girl by a man named Mr Hyde, a man with a repulsive appearance. Later, Mr Utterson learns that Mr Hyde is linked to one of his close friends, Dr Jekyll. Latter sent him a strange testament in which he declares to give the whole of his fortune to his friend Mr Hyde after his death. Dr Jekyll is a beloved and appreciated character but he will change his behavior and become lonely and withdrawn. Mrs Utterson will be close to Dr Jeckyll to try to understand. the murder of a politically influential person has just been committed and Jekyll’s cane was found at the scene of the attack. Utterson is getting more and more worried. One day, one of their mutual friends, Dr Lanyon, dies quickly without anyone knowing what killed him. On the evening of his funeral, Utterson discovers a letter written by Lanyon that he can’t open until Jekyll’s death. Later, Poole, Jekyll’s faithful master of the house, came to look for the notary because all the servants were terrified by the doctor’s behaviour: he remained confined in his office. The notary goes to the doctor and discovers Hyde’s body. Utterson finds a letter that Jekyll addressed to him in which he asks him to read the letter written by Lanyon. All the work of Dr Jekyll is detailed: by drinking a potion, he managed to separate his soul into two parts, one good, the other bad. But the bad side, Ms Hyde, got the better of the good Jekyll and he can’t go back to what he was. The doctor declares that he prefers death rather than being the incarnation of devil. Utterson keeps all this information secret.

I think that the using of gothic element in this story is important and interessant because it reinforce the atmosphere. The scene takes at night, in confined place, Dr Jeckyll transgressing the moral code. This story inspires wonder and admiration but also the fear and amazement to think that we have a monstrous part.


Simetierre is an horror novel, written by Stephen King and published in 1983.

It’s a family who live in a big house, and in the garden, there is a graveyard  for animals of compagny. But one day, the cat of the family death, and the father understand that this graveyard isn’t normal beacuse he can see the cat in the bathroom with blood. He put his cat in the gaveyard, but since this days, the atmosphere is strange is the house and there are paranormals things. Habitants are malefics and they killed others.

This book is very strange but the author said that in USA, families love their animals like an human and they can put their dog and cat in a gaveyard. In fact, it’s just a readaptation in an horror story about the tradition in USA.

Treasure Island

Treasure Island is an adventure novel written by Robert Stevenson. The first book is appeared in 1881, but Stevenson had make many modifications to his text. The real book appeared in 1883.

Jim, the main character, is a young man like others. One day, an old man come in his parent’s house. Jim and this old man are firends. The old man said to Jim that an treasure island exist. But the old man dead, and Jim wants to find the treasure, with a plan, the old man’s plan. He goes to find this treasure with a both. It’s the real adventure.

This book is interisting, because he is about adventure, and we are many actions in this book. It’s like the Coral Island, but not with children. But it’s a fantastic book, and story.

The Zookerper’s Wife

The Zookerper’s Wife

The Zookerper’s Wife is a novel inspired of a real story, wrote by Diane Ackerman. The bokk was adapt in cinema by Niki Caro in 2017.

Diane Ackerman was born in 1948 in Ilinois in United States. She is a poet, an essayist and a novelist. She worked for many Univerties like Columbia or Pittsburgh. She is a member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She had a Guggenheim bourse. She is married with the novelist Paul West. She lives in Athaca in the States of New York. In 2012 she was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for One Hundred Names For Love. The Zookerper’s Wife received an Orion book Award in 2008. Ackerman had three bestsellers: The Human Age (2014), The Zookerper’s Wife (2008), A Natural History Of The Sens (1999). She is a member of The NEw York Institute for the Humanities.

During the Nazis occupation in Poland, the director of the Warsaw zoo, Jan Zabinsky and his wife Antonina hid almost 300 people, mainly Jews evaxuated from the guetto. They hid them in the basement of their villa and of the zoo. Germans ner found out. Six million Europeans Jews died during the genocide organized by the Nazis. All the people hid by the Zabinsky exept two survived. The Shoah Yad Vashem memorial in Jerusalem honoured this couple with the tittle of Rigtousness among Nation, attributed to those who had rescuded Jews during the Second World War. Niki Caro said that she « didn’t want to make a film about the Holocaust but it was different. Most of our war films deal with men. But it’s talking women, children and animals and I’m very interested in that ». While Jan was often absent because he was engaged in the Polish Resistance, it was Antonina who tooks care of their guest with the animal compagny including a piglet, an otter and a badger. Nazi Germans were always deployed in the zoo. Helping jews enven offering water was punished by the death in this time. Antonina played an air of piano to warned her guests when the Nazis approached so that they could escaped by underground tunnels.            The Zookerper’s Wife is an astonishing book. In first his form looks like a docu-fiction. The book mixed fictionnal passage with descriptive narrations. It’s based on Antonina’ diary and Jan’s interviews.

I really liked this book that tells us the story of Jan and Antonina Zabinsky: two ordinary people who became real heros during the Holocaust. They showed their curage and their strong-willed in saving more than 300 Jews of the death while they trying to live. We can see the destruction of the zoo and the power of Germans Nazis. Zabinsky uses the structure of the zoo to hide people. This books makes us see History differently. It’s a book that must to be read.


Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist

Oliver Twistor the Parisch Boy’s Progressis Charles Dickens second novel and was published as a serial between 1837 and 1939.

Charles Dickens was born in Porthsmouth in Englan on Februar 1812. He is consider like the greates novelist of the Victorian Age. He lived in larg family. But they joinged the father in london, they lived on big poverty and Charles Dickens stopped his studies. When he was twelves, he was employed in sheeting factory. This nostalgia for happy and pure childhood, this obsession with hunger and poverty are themes and real feelings that are found in his work. In 1833 he made his debut as a writer in newspapers and tale magazines in the popular districts of London. It was in 1836 that his first book of tales « Les esquisses de Boz » (Boz being his pseudonym) appeared. From 1837 he began to reveal his talent with « The Adventures of Mr. Pickwick », his success was immediate. Between writing and great journeys, Charles Dickens is prolific and inspired. It was at this time that he married Catherine Hogarth.All of Charles Dickens’ novels will be published monthly or weekly. Overworked and very nervous, Charles Dickens does not merge and his health suffers. On June 9, 1865, he had a terrible and serious railway accident that physically diminished him. The same day, five years later, he died.

In the film Oliver was born and raised into a life of poverty in wokhouse around London. He is an orphan beacuse his mother died during his birth. Because he is poor he must live in a workhouse, it’s the new poor laws. It replace the old poor law that appear in the XVI century. This law was a poor relief to help paupers. this system changed with the new poor laws, pauppers were instead in workhouse. It was an institution where people did unpaid work and had food and accomodation in return. So Oliver Twist spends the first nine years of his life in a baby farm int the care of Mrs Mann. Around of Oliver’s nine birthday, Mr Bumble, the parish beable puts him to work in a workhouse. He lived there with very little food for six months. One day he asked more food with the famous request: « Please, sir, I want some more ». After many adventures, he finds him in London where he met Jack Pawkins, a joung pickpocket. This boys invites Oliver Twist in his band. Jack, Bill, Nancy and other stole in London streetfor Fagin. They took Oliver with them but one day the thieft turned badly and Oliver is arrest by the police. The man who was stole, he helped Oliver Twist to go out the police and they lived together. But Fagin found him and force him to stole the old man. After some times and adventures Fagin was arrested and Oliver found the old man.

In this example of social novel, Dickens satiries the hypocrisies, includng child labour, the recrutement of chidren as criminals and the presence of chidren in the street

Tom Sawyer

Mark Twain brought up the character of Tom Sawyer in 1876 (in England) in the adventures of Tom Sawyer. And later in other works. To create his character, he was inspired by his youth and the name of his friend: Tom Sawyer Spivey. Tom Sawyer is a character who has become a symbol of freedom in popular culture. 

Tom is an orphan boy with a changing age because in a chapter he loses a tooth but his love for Becky shows that he is in pre-adolescence. His friends are identified with the favorite adventure novels of the author’s youth. 

Tom Sawyer represents in the eyes of the public, a certain ideal of the American child by his qualities of spirit and intelligence. The novel has been adapted several times to cinema. It should be noted that Tom Sawyer Island is the name of an Island in the Disney Parks of California, Florida and Tokyo. 

          Tom Sawyer is a child living in a village in the southern United States: St. Petersburg (imaginary name). Orphaned, he lives with his aunt Polly, his half-brother Sid and his cousin Mary. His aunt has a good heart and remorse both to punish and not to punish his nonsense. Sid is a model boy who is always ready to denounce the incarcerations of Tom. Mary, probably a little older, is the only one who has any influence over Tom. He steals jams, skips school and escapes when he wants to punish him. He is fighting with a newcomer, too well dressed. Obliged on Saturday to baste the fence, he manages to convince his friends that it’s exciting and makes them do the work for him. 

       I think this book is very childish but we learn a few things about life that is to say that there is a moral in this story. It’s very interesting to read. I liked the character of Tom. Last his nonsense he is all innocent and adorable

The Maze Runner

The Maze Runner is a trilogy of science fiction novels  written by James Dashner. The first volume in French, was published in 2012 in New York by Pocket Jeunesse. The tittles are: The LabyrinthThe Scorched Earthand, The Deadly Remedy. 

The trilogy has sold ten million copies worldwide. The success of the books led to a series of film adaptations in which The Labyrinthe is the first one released in 2014, then it was The scorched earth in 2015 and finally, The Deadly Remedy was released in France on February 7th , 2018, all of them directed by Wes Ball.

      Thomas (a teenager) wakes up inside a cage which is moving up, he’s amnesiac. When the cage stops, Thomas finds himself in a large space, called “The Block”. ( The place is called like that by their inhabitants who by the way are also amnesiac as Thomas). The block is closed by four huge walls and a door that closes at night. Thirty boys live in the block and have set as rules: not to laze, not to attack each other and not to go into the labyrinth. Their life revolves around the practice of agriculture and breeding. They do not know why they are in the block, and who sent them there, but they  boys called these people the Creators. They know, however, that the Creators belong to a mysterious organization called WICKED. Thomas quickly learns that each month, the cage goes back up with a new members and once a week with crates that provide the block with material that the locals are unable to produce by themselves, and that the yard is at the heart of a a labyrinth whose configuration changes every night, and which is also traversed every night by monsters, called Scavengers, monstrous creatures that are also robots. Anyone has managed to spend the night in the labyrinth, and if somebody does, he always finished killed by a scavenger. Scribers can also sting, making the victim enraged. This one undergoes the Transformation, very painful, but which makes scraps of memories. A person stung and crazy by the Transformation is sent into the labyrinth when closing the doors, which condemns them to death. Thomas meets Alby (the leader of the Bloc). The day after Thomas arrived, however, the Box goes back a new one. This is the first time in 2 years that two new ones arrive in two days. But it wasn’t a boy but a girl: Teresa. She looks dead but, suddenly, she stands up and says « Everything will change soon ». In her hand, there is a message « This is the last, there will be no others. » She appears to be in sort of a coma and she is transferred to the infirmary. 

       It’s one of the science fiction movies I love. There are suspense, twists, etc. I like the story and the progress of it. The movies are just awesome and I preferred to watch the movies than read the stories. 

if I stay

If I stay is a novel written by Gayle Forman, an american author. This novel was written in 2009.

The main character is Mia, she is 17 years old. She is violoncelliste and one day, she has an accident with her family. But in this accident, her family (her brother, and her parents) dead. Mia is the unique survival. But she cannot walk. She had a boyfriend, she loves him, but she wants to find her family in the sky. She doesn’t know if she stays with her boyfriend, Adam, or she wants to die… but at the end, she prefer to stay with Adam, and to continue the violoncelle.

This novel is very sad, but she is too interisting because we can see that this accident can arrived for everybody. The book help us to see that we must love and to be with our family. I like this book and I think that it is a good story !

Call me back

Call me back is a novel wrotten by Sophie McKenzie, an English author. This novel is about a murder. Laura is the main character. Her sister was killed but she doesn’t know the murderer. She wants know him and decides to make an enquete. She is help by her friends and her husband. But at the end, Laura see that the murderer is Leo, her friend who help her to find the murderer. Leo wants to kill Laura and her family but she arrived to go in commicarian. Leo was arrested by police and story finished hier.

This novel is interristing and we want always read the suit. This novel learn us to beware of other. It’s a good story.



Outlander is a drama television series based upon Diana Gabaldon’s historical time travel book series of the same name. The serie is developed by Ronald D. Moore and producted by Sony Pictures Television. The show premiered an August 2014. 6 seasons are planned.

Diana Gabaldon (1 952-x) is an american author and a profesor. Her books merge multiple genre like historical fiction, romance, mystery, adventure and science-fiction. Her notableworlks is Outlander, Lord John.

Ronald Dowl Moore (1 964-x) is an american screenwriter and television producer. He is best know for his work on Star Trek, on the re-imagined Battlestar Galatica Tv serie for which he won a peabody Award  for  Outlander.

Outlander means that a person who arriv accidently in a place or who arrive in new country. Caitrona Balfe as Claire Randall is marriedto Frank Randall. She is a nurse during the World War II. In 1946 she is going on a trip in Scotland with her husband. But she is carried back in time to the XVIII century. She falls in a group of rebel Scottish Highlanders from Clan McKenzie. She met the Captain Jonathan Black Jack Randall, Frank’s ancestor. She marries Jamie Fraser, out of necessity, but they quickly fall in love. She knows what is going to happen in the future. She knows that the Jacobit cause is doomed to fail, Claire tries to warn against pursuing a rebelion. With Jamie, she tryes to changes the future.

This story is fascinated because it’s makes by intrigue, witchcraft, a temporal travel and a incredible love triangle. It’s a mix between Downtown Abbey and Games Of Thrones. The heroin is stunning. She gave way in a very male society and knows make essential in Scotland thanks her medical knowledges. She is very courageous and feminist, she defend woman. The costumes and decors was very realistic and beautiful. I like this serie because she mix the history, the fiction and love. The idea of travels into the time it’s a great idea. I advise this series for those who likes the Scottish history and the loving plot.

War Horse

War Horse

It’s a film by Steven Spielberg in 2 011, it’s adapted from the novel of the same name by Micheal Morpugo in 1 982. The scriptwas written by Lee Hall and Richard Curtis. It’s a drama and historical film.

Micheal Morpugo(1 943-x) is a writter for the children most of the time. His most important works is War Horse, Why the Whales Came, Private Peaceful. Many of this works were given him prizes and awards.

Steven Spielberg (1 946-x) is an American filmaker. He is considered one of the foundingpoineers of the New Hollywood era and one of the most popular director and producers in film history. His best-know films are Jaws, Indianna Jones, E.T the extra-terrestrial, Jurassic Park and Schindler’s List.

Albert lives with his parent, they rent a farm. They need a new horse so Albert and his father are going to buy a new one but it isn’t capable at working in farm. They bought him to do competion. with the owner of the farm. Albert have a big complicity with the horse. He managed to make work of the horse ,Joey, in the farm. But the first world war start and the horse was sold to the cavalery and send in trenchees. Albert is too young to enlist right now, aftersome time he enlist in order to find Joey. By many adventures, the horse end up in deutsch army. But at the end of the warJoey and Joey meet again.

This film give a tribute to 8 Million of horses killed durring WWI. Il like this film because it is full of emotions, it is very sad ans funy. The film allows characters to meet each others in a moment of their lifes at some point of the history. Some scene of this film recall Saving Private Ryan by Steven Spielberg, it’s natural because Steven Spielberg like to study the WWI. I thing that the characters and decors are beautiful like the soundtrack realized by John Williams.


Let It Snow: Three Holiday Romances

This book is write in 2008 by John Green, an american autor. In this book there are three differents parts.

In the first part, there is snow, and a young girl, Jubilé. We are the 24Th December, and Jubilé is in a train, alone and she is sad because the train is broken and blocked. Jubilé wants to be with her friends but she can’t. At the end of the first part, Jubilé arrived in an bar restaurant, there are pom-pom girl and many peaople but she’s sad. She is always alone in this restaurant.

At the second part, we are with Le Duc and JP. The boss of the restaurant who is Jubilé is desesperate because in his restaurant there are many pom-pom girl and he calls Le Duc and JP for they come in this bar. Le Duc and JP go to the bar with a Le Duc’s car but in the road with the snow, the car is broke, and they go in the bar with their foot. When they arrived in the bar, they look Jubilé who is hier… They rest in this bar…

At the three part, we are with a young man, he’s sad because he isn’t with his girlfirend. She excepts his in Starbucks but he is in this bar with the pompom girl. He is sad and he comes to Jubilé and JP and Le Duc. They speak and Jubilé and the young man are in love.

At the end of this book, jubilé and the young man are in love and this is a good end!

This book is eprouvant and a little sad but at the end he is happy and characters are too happy. This is a good story.

Love, Simon

It’s a story write in 2018. It is an American story, write by Becky Albertalli. this story speak about friends. There is three boys and two girls. There is one boy who is homosexual, his name is Simon. It is a secret because nobody know. But one day, he learns that a other boy is too homosexual and this boy is in his school. They speak every days but they don’t know who they are. One day, Simon was in computer and a boy in this school see that Simon is homosexual. He says the secret in school and in twitter. Other boy know the identity of Simon but he wants stay secret and he would not speak with Simon. Simon is sad and he proposed that other boy says who is he. Next, Simon has no friends because they are sad that Simon don’t says that he is homosexual. At the end, Simon meet the homosexual boy and they become a true couple. Simon find his friends and the end is happy.

I like this book and this story because she defends the homosexuality, the harassment between students and the courage for student to said that they are homosexual. I think that this book can help homosexual for said that they are homosexual. They do their coming out.

Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe is an English novel. It belongs to the genre of adventure novel. Written by Daniel Defoe and published in 1719. His publisher is W. Taylo. The story is inspired of the life of Alexander Selkirk. This novel is the first adventure novel written in English. When it was published, it was a huge success. Jean-Jacques Rousseau considers it as an educational novel. Shipwreck stories are as beautiful as literature because the eldest is Ulysses and the Odyssey (8th century BC).Today, it is considered as a classic novel in literature. The best known translation of Robinson Crusoe (by D. Defoe) in French is that written by Petrus Borel (poet and romantic frenetic writer) in the nineteenth century. A new version was released in 2011, translation of Françoise Du Sorbier. This novel has been adapted to cinema and television a lot of times. It is one written by Michel Fournier with Friday or the limbo of the Pacific. Since it releases, Defoe’s has not stopped creating new variations on the theme, or robinsonnades. It has become a myth. Robinson became a common name. 

    This novel is written in the first person singular. Robinson Crusoe is an adventurer in the soul. In the story that Robinson Crusoe tells in 1651, he led in England against the will of his parents who wanted him to be a lawyer. Robinson Crusoe navigates on the Pacific on the side of South America. His ship has suffered a storm and is stranded a stone’s throw from an island. He is the only survivor (with a dog). He joins the island and discovers that it is deserted. Robinson recovers a lot of equipment on the boat (like a rifle) and settles on the island and lives more than thirty years but after twenty five years he finds an Indian and names him Friday. Robinson tries to reproduce the way of life of the society where he is born, that is to say that he begins to practice agriculture and breeding while he could live by hunting and gathering. With his animals, he managed to recreate a micro society because he considers himself the king in the middle of his subjects. We understand that everything he does is a way of fighting loneliness and clinging to the life he led.

  Robinson Crusoe’s story pleased me. I loved reading his adventures and how he was going to evolve. Last year, I studied four rewriting of Robinson Crusoe. It was very interesting to see the variants of this myth. I usually do not like to read adventure novels but here it did not bother me. 

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character invented by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (British writer and doctor, who owes his fame to his novels and short stories featuring detective Sherlock Holmes considered as a major innovation of the detective novel) in the detective story A study in Scarlet in 1887. The novel tells an investigation led by the famous Sherlock Holmes. There were four adventures of Sherlock Holmes. The first one a study in Scarlet published in 1887, then The sign of four published in 1890, and The hound of the Baskerville published in 1902 finally The valley of fear published in 1915. There is a lot of film about Sherlock Holmes like the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, the return of Sherlock holmes. In total, there are eight films with Sherlock Holmes. There are also five series (Elementary, Sherlock, etc.). Originally, Conan Doyle planned to call his detective Sherrinford Holmes. 

     Sherlock Holmes lives in 221B Baker Street in London. He is a consulting detective. His enemies are Professor Moriarty and Colonel Sebastian Moran. He was born in 1854. 

I find quite difficult to summarize Sherlock Holmes. Dr. Watson and he solves all kinds of puzzles. They will undergo a lot of events very intriguing. Sherlock Holmes is a strange person seen from others. He is in his own world and he is very intelligent. However, he has very little knowledge in areas of knowledge that he considers unnecessary to his work. Each book tells an adventure and the evolution of the characters. We attach or just detach characters. 

  At first I was rethinking about reading Sherlock Holmes. Phis as the pages, I liked and I always wanted to know more. The character I hated as the story unfolds is Dr. Watson’s wife. I find her haughty and not sincere. On the other hand, Mrs. Hudson is really adorable and good will. She always wants to please. There is a rebound that has marked me, this is the moment when Sherlock Holmes commits suicide. But we must read really carefully to find out what really happened about his suicide. 

  In the stories of Sherlock Holmes, there is a lot of suspense and « fear ». I also watched the Sherlock Holmes series on Netflix. I think the series is even more intriguing than the books. Sherlock Holmes is and will remain popular. 


Today I’m going to introduce you to Carrie by Stephen King. It was written in 1974 and it was adapted to four movies also known as Carrie. I’ve read the book and seen the version from 1976 and 2013. Carrie is an horror novel.

The story is about a girl called Carrie White. Carrie White is a sixteen-years-old girl bullied by her classmates and manhandled by her mother who has some curious obsession for paranormal activities.
One day, Carrie finds out she has the power of telekinesis.

This book is fantastic, even if we don’t have that much of suspense, this is still pleasant to read this book. The character of Carrie kindles compassion, because she is in pain and we witness how being a teenager is difficult to her.

I think everybody need to read a Stephen King’s book, because all his books are amazing, they are all best sellers and they are all part of the pop culture.

I hope you will read it.

The Bucket List

Hello everyone ! Today I’m here to talk about a film which have touch me ! It’s The Bucket list, an american film product by Bod Reiner in 2007.

This film is about the story of two men who are very ill, the doctor says to each one that the disease will kill them in few months. Carter Chambers, who is played by Morgan Freeman, and Edward Cole, played by jack Nicholson, are together in  a same hospital room so they begin to talk, and one day Edward C. asks Carter C. about the paper he read everytime, it’s his bucket list where he written everything he wants to do before die and he is a bit sad because he thinks he will  never do all he wants… So Edward decides that’s immportant and he helps Carter to realize all dreams he had on his list . The family is ok with this project, they want that Carter realise all he wants before die even if they would prefer that he spends this time with them. They still really worry about the health of Carter ! Warning spoiler ! At the end it stays just one dream on the list but Carter can’t realize it because people say to him he is too old and too weak to do that : climb Everest ! So Carter die and had never realize his dream alive, Edward die few month later. In fact it’s the end which have really touch me : at the end we see a climber who climb the Everest and when he arrive on the top he put a funeral urn next to an other and we understand  that it’s the ash of the two men !

This end is very important because it’s like it says : « Never give up, all your dreams can be realize and if it’s not in this life it will be in an other ! » . it’s really an hopeful message and Carter  is a model for everyone for his tenacity. This film helps everybody to remember that life is, unfortunatly, unfair and can be stop sudently so every moment is the best moment to realize our dream !

It’s not unbiased but I think it’s really a film to see !


Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

This story was a romantic story. This book was published in 1813 and it was written by Jane Austen

Jane Austen was born in 16 December 1775 in Steventon in England. While Austen write a great deal about marriage but she never married or had children herself. She died on July 1817

Mr and Mrs Bennett have 5 daughter to marry. Because in 18 century all girl must be married to be more respected and have a better place in society. The five girls are: Jane, Elizabeth, Mary,Kitty and Lydia.                                                                                               A rich man:Mr Bingley comes live next door to the Bennett Family. Elizabeth fall in love to Mr Bingley during a ball.                                                                                              Bennett’s family meet the best friend of Mr Bingley who is Mr Darcy. Mr Bingley and Mr Darcy are totally contrary. Mr Bingley is handsome, dynamic and very sociable in contrary Mr Darcy is arrogant, cold, distant and unsociable. Jane and Mr Darcy are going to love each other but it’s going to take time because Jane would not be married and She is very different to Mr Darcy.                                                                                                              Lydia run away with Wickham who is a soldier. And gets married with him.                      The characters found their soulmate but it was complicated. Because the society imposes social rules for the marriage and other character complicated stories

Even if we studied it in class, I liked well this novel because it’s describes society of the 18 century with realism. The story is about love, marriage, money and class. In 18 century the marriage is necessary to have a good financial situation and a better place in society

The road by Cormac McCarthy

The Road by Cormac McCarthy

The Road was written by Cormac McCarthy in 2006. It’s science-fiction novel.

Cormac McCarthy was born in 1933 in Providence, Rhode Island (USA). He has written 10 novels and he was working occasionally for tv. In 2007, he has won the Pulitzer prize for fiction for his novels: The road is his biggest success, rapidly this novel was adapted in film.

The scene take place in world which is destroyed. Big fires destroyed cities and campaigns. The nature has disappeared. All humans live alone, they are scared about other. The humans choose to be violent and egoistische. Two characters (a boy and his father) walk along a road to go to the Sud. The characters walk in a hostile and post-apocalyptic world. They feel menaced by other. They don’t have a lot of food and they drink water. They eat when they find food.The son is a child, he believes in the villains and in kind persons. The father is sick, so in last part of the novel he died. His son is obliged to live alone but a man find him. In this meeting he can see the start of new humanity. When they arrive to the sea they are disappointed beaucause  the sea is grey and polluted.

This story speak about the love between a son and his father .They desire to immortalize the memory and the culture in a world of darkness. I have liking this novels because I like science-fiction novels. It’s interested to see the human’s comportement after a catastrophe.  It is a metaphoric novel, the story talk about  an impossible quest, of the lost paradise, the humanity that destroys itself. This story represent the Human, we don’t know  that we are going to make and to be in future.

Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast  is a tale published in 1740 by Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve and published in « La jeune Amériaine et les cotes marins ». It’s like a wonderful tale and fiction. The first adaptation was in 1946 by Jean Cocteau then there were about nine different adaptations during the nineteenth and twentieth century. The last fim is March 22, 2017 and lasts 2 hours and 09mins.

At the end of the eighteenth century, in a small French village. Beautiful a dreamy girl and passionate about literature, lives with her father who is a wacky old inventor. He lost himself one night in the forest he took refuge in the castle of the Beast, which throws him in the dungeon. She could not bear to see her father imprisoned, Belle then agrees to take her place, unaware that under the mask of the monster hides a Prince Charming trembling with love for her, but victim of a terrible curse. We see in the heart of the tale, a magical story between beauty and the beast. A complicity, affection and of course the love that is born little by little.

Beauty and the beast is not necessarily my favorite tale but I liked to read it and discover the sublime story between the two. I saw the movie in 2012 I think and it was really wonderful. Beauty and the Beast are a magical couple and their story has not been simple from start to finish. I recommend reading the tale and watching the film after, because it’s the same story but not the same details.


Suits is an american TV serie created by Aaron Korsh and broadcast in 2011.

The story is the story of Harvey Specter, played by Gabriel Macht, a lawyer ambitious in a Manhattan firm who need someone to help him in his job. He choose Mike Ross, played by Patrik J. Adams, a young man very talented with a photographic memory but certificatless. Together they are a succesful team but they play a dangerous game : to keep his place Mike doesn’t be confound, nobody muss know he had no degree to be lawyer.

This serie is a typical american serie in the busness world who everyone wants the place of his/her neighbour but when Mike Ross arrived in this world, he brings with him a bit humanity. Pearson Hardman is a firm as an other, there are rivality, friendship, love and work and this do the story of this series.

We learn to know the characters, the first times you thinks Harvey Specter is heartless but he is the most loyal and genrerous man of this series ( after Mike Ross of course!), Mike Ross is maybe not the best citizen of New York ( before work to Harvey Specter he was drugaholic and he brooke the rules to give some money to support his granny who is pensionner, you can say it’s a good reason and I’m agree but in fact it’s not lawful, oups!) but Mike is the best man of this world, intelligent and friendly, lovely with his granny and… human!

I think this series is a good series because it show that anyone is not  what he/she seems to be. You don’t konw the story of everyone, in this serie but also in the real life : some peoples lie to seems to be strong and to be protected himself or the other and other lie to destroy the other people or to have what they want.

I think also it’s a good serie because the humour is different of the other series : it’s not a comedie but there are a lot of witticism and it’s somethings I love really !

It’s not unbiased but I think it’s really a serie to see !

The lord of the fly

The Lord of the fly was writting by William Golding in 1954. In french cours we have study a traduction of this book.

It’s the stroy of a band of few boy between six and fourteen years old. After the crash of their plane they discover that they are alone on a island, without adults and at the beginnig they are happy of this discovery but progressidly tey are sad and finaly they miss their daily life. A litle society is take in place and not everyone is agree on who muss be the chief : it’s Ralph who is nommed to be chief but Jack the « hunter » of this band thinks that the chief muss be him. So a « war » begin between the two boy :  Jack is violent and Ralph pacifist . For the children suvive is a game but  Ralph and his « friend »,Porcinet, understand that it’s not a game and try to convaince the other. But nobody trust him and they prefer folow Jack who « feed » everyone and who is more funny than Ralph and his band. So at the End of the story only the twins, Porcinet and the « litle» stay with Ralph. In their island they need to do fire and only the glases of Porcinet may to do this so when the boys are divised in two side only one side have the glases to do fire : the side of Ralph. So one night the Jack’s band stile the glases and it’s a problem for Ralph because without fire, no smock and if there is no smock, nobody can see the children on the island and they are condamn to died on the island . So Ralph and his band go see Jack to have the glases. Jack refuse and after a « fight »  Porcinet  fall and die. It’s the third dead of the book.

I think it’s horrible that boys, YOUNG boys, can kill an other child just by game, for me it’s impossible. Childhood it’s the symbol of the innocence and for me innocence can’t be accociated with dead. I think that the author want to creat a litle society to show how this is in reality and the horrorof the reality that we can’t ever see. We are obliged to understand that everyone is dangerous, the children too. Even if you think that children are innocenct and that they can’t be dangerous, you have wrong ! In this book we see how the fear and to be thristy for power is dangerous for the other and also for you! Because the children are frightened by a monster so They look for security or confort and Jack can give this contrary to Ralph who have no mean, no fire, no plays… Jack have everything and especially the power and he won’t to share with Ralph so he become dangerous for the people against him. Everyone can be dangerous if you are against him, everyone can be with you if you have all they want. I think it’s not the vision we want to have of the life.

Normally I appreciate not really the story without woman, like in this book, but here, even if I will prefer that a girl be in the story, I have really enjoy the book because it question me one the way I see people and how for me the cildren are compulsorily good!

Even if I am a bit dissapointed by the end the story is particulary interressant by its psychological approach. But it’s not a book for the optimist !

It’s not unbiased but I think it’s really a book to read!

La joie (and l’étranger)

La joie is a realistic book writting by Charles Pépin in 2014 so it’s a recent book

I want to talk about this novel which I am study in my french classes because I had loved it very much. It’s the story of Mr Solaro a man who is never sad, he arrives to find in his life, even if this is realy bad, subjets to be happy. In this story are hidding a lot of philosophic thinking and I find it’s really a big questionning for each reader who have read this book. This book refers the book writng by Albert Camus : L’étranger . We find a lot of reference to Camus’s book in the book of Pépin but their point of view on the life is totally different and I find it’s really interresting  to compare the two story.

L’étranger of Camus it’s a book i haven’t understand because the main character , who he is Mr Meursault, fells anything even if his mother dead : for me it’s unpossible ! If the two story are similary the mains characters are opposited in their personalities …

If I love la joie and not l’étranger it’s because Solaro love the life contrary to Meursault. The story of Mr Solar is realy a life’s celebration and the message that Charles Pépin want to share is very important, it’s as he says «  please reader, loved your life, it’s realy important ! »

It’s not unbiased but I think it’s really a book to read!

Sharp Objects

Good Morning.

Sharp Objects is a thriller book written by Gillian Flynn, an american author I appreciate a lot. So I wanted to share you an other novel of her.

Camille Preaker is a journalist living in Chicago. She had to go to Wind Gap, a little town where she is from. She was sent there because her boss wants her to write an article and investigate about the assassination of two little girls. First, Camille doesn’t agree to return to Wind Gap, because this town makes her recall of bad memories from her childhood, the death of her sister and her insane mother. But then she changes her mind, and chose to investigate because she thinks she will understand her past by investigate.

I’ve chosen this book, because the author, Gillian Flynn is one my favourite author. I did appreciate her novel Gone Girl, so I think as a fan I had to read other novels by her.
The characters from Sharp Objects are very special, they are dark and all have secrets that they keep. Camille Preaker’s family has really a creepy past, and I really enjoyed it.
I was kind of disappointed of the investigation, I think it should have been better but it was interesting though.

I hope you will read it.

The road

  The Road is a post apocalyptic novel written by Cormac McCarthy published in 2006 in the United States by the publisher Alfred A.Knof. This novel was published in France in 2008 by éditions de l’olivier and translated (from English) by François Hirsch. This novel was awarded two prizes: the first in 2007 (the Pulitzer Prize for fiction) and the second in 2008 (the Ignotus Prize). The book is 252 (two hundred fifty two) pages. This novel was adapted to the cinema in 2009. It is a dramatic film of post-apocalyptic anticipation.
An unknown cataclysm has devastated the world. The world now looks like the beginnings of humanity. There is no more nature. The roads are present. The bridge are destroyed. There are fires. In this world, there are still a few people, including a man and his son. This man whose name we do not know, as well as his child. This man’s wife committed suicide. The little one to fear, he clings incessantly to his father. He often has nightmares and wants to die to join his mother. In this world, it is extremely cold. There is no food. You have to fight all the time to survive the cold, hunger and other people who have survived. They are going to make dangerous encounters … « How would we know that we are the last man on Earth?  »
It’s a sublime fair novel. We are immersed in this apocalyptic and devastated world. It is two men have an extraordinary relationship, they are accomplices and solidarity in all their trials. Moreover, the film is upsetting. I really advice him.

Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies is a novel by William Golding (British author) published in 1954 and edited by Faber and Faber. It is published in France in 1956 by the edition Gallimard in the collection of the whole world and translated by Lola Tranec. This book is about 261 pages long. There were two adaptations to the cinema (1963 and 1990) and an adaptation to the theater in 1996. This novel is of the kind of the psychology for child and dystopia (narrative of fiction). This novel has inspired many writers, writers and artists (to varying degrees).
The plane of these children from the same school but who do not really know each other spits in the middle of a forest and there are no adults left. They will quickly elect a leader and then make tribes. Many adventures will happen to them including a surprising hallucination … They will change and become the opposite of what they are.
This book is poignant because we want to know more and more. Some children are endearing and others are unbearable especially Jack. This teaches us many values ??about education. I recommend this book because I think it makes us grow. I have not had the opportunity to watch the film but I think about it.

Everything everything

 Everything Everything is a novel published September 1, 2015 in the United States and April 6, 2016 in France by Nicola Yoon (American-Jamaican author). It’s genre romance and youth literature. This book is a New York Times bestseller. This novel has been adapted into film, directed by Stella Meghie and published in 2017. The film lasts 97min. It’s genre drama and romance. 

    The heroine is Maddy, an 18-year-old girl with a serious illness that prevents her from getting out of her home. With her everything is sterilized so as not to contaminate her. His mother is a doctor and Maddy is constantly under surveillance. Her house is made so that she sees the outside world as many times as possible. One day, she meets her new neighbor Olly who has her room right in front of hers. They get to know each other and fall in love with each other. But because of Maddy’s pathology they can not be in touch. An upheaval will happen and change the course of life of the girl and Olly. 

     This novel is poignant. We always want to know what’s next. The film is extremely upsetting. The love story is unique and adorable. We can not miss this novel.


Hello everyone !

Today I’m going to introduce you to Delirium.

Deliriumis a  trilogy novel for teenagers written by Lauren Oliver, an American author. She writes fantasy and science fiction novels.

Lena, the protagonist of the novel, lives in a world where love is thought as the worst disease. In this world, when teenagers turn 18, they are subject to the “Protocol” and surgeons perform brain surgery on them to prevent them to fall in love and not letting their feelings control them. Lena is ready for her surgery when an unexpected meeting changes her fate for good.

I enjoyed this book because the author perfectly describs the society and the environment where the characters are living in. And the love disease, here called the “Amor Deliria Nervosa” is really surprising and also well described. I suspect the author for having ever felt this disease before.

I recommend this book because we easily attach to the characters, the author makes us travel through an universe where love has no place. Moreover, this trilogy is very easy to read, we have no time to get tired of it because the author keeps us on our toes the whole story long.

Life Or Death

Life or Death is a thriller novel written by Michael Robotham, an Australian author.

The story is about, Audie Palmer, who has spent ten years in a Texan prison for an armed payroll robbery in which four people were killed and seven million dollars went missing. In prison, Audie is beaten up and got abused because of the money that nobody could find.

Before he broke away from prison ( that he actually broke away one day prior release ) everyone were looking for him.
We learn that he did run from the prison to save someone else
But as if he was searching for the million dollar money I think to save somebody

I love the several different perspective, the flashbacks the book had. It was made for a fresh and interesting experience.
And most of the characters who are looking for Audie Palmer are really interesting to follow. They all have different reasons to search for him, sometimes personal, sometimes heavily motivated.

Finally I loved the ending of the book which left me speechless.

I would easily recommend this book because the book is well written, and has a really deep story. I really think everybody can appreciate this book for what it’s worth and find himself in one of the many characters, I was told about this book by one of my friend who doesn’t usually read these kind of book, or at all, but he did appreciate it and so did I.

I guess this book can attract casual and really passionate reader of any age.

The Hound Of Baskervilles- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle



+même question …



The Hound Of Baskervilles

   The Hound Of Baskervilles is a british police novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, it was published for the first time in Strand Magazine in 1901.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born in May 1859 in Edimbourg in Scotland. He was a doctor and a writer. He was famous for his novel and his short stories which stage the detective Sherlock Holmes. He has written books of science-fiction, historical novels, plays and poetries. He bacame a knight in October 1902 by the King Edouard II.

According toa legend a hound kills the members of Baskerville’s Family. The Doctor Mortimer informs Sherlock Holmes and Watsonof the death of Sir Charles Baskerville.They must protect Sir Henry Baskerville who comes from Canada to lives in family domain. Holmes stays septic about the surnaturel aspect of the investigation but the facts interest him. Holmes says that he must stay in London so he send Watson to watch over Sir Henry Baskerville. Watson go in the lande and investigate on the death of Sir Charles Baskerville. The detective and Watson are persuadate that the murderer is a man and not a hund. Thanks to their deductions, they are going to find the author of the murder.

I really liked this story, it’s an investigation but with fantastic what is not common. This book is funny and fascinating.



Before You

I saw Before You from Thea Sharrock with Emilia Clarke and Sam Clafin. It’s an adaptation of the novel Before you from Jojo Moyes.

Jojo Moyes was born on 4 august 1969 in London.She is a journalist and a novelist since 2002. She get award twice fo her romantic novel. Her first novel is Sheltering rain.

Louisa Clark (Emilia Clark) was unemployed, she had never leave her city. To help her family she aggred to take a job for 6 months. She must take care of Will Trainor (Sam Clafin) who is a handicapped person. Before his accident Will loved his life: he had girlfriend, he made extrem sports but now he is unpleasant. Will doesn’t welcome her but Louisa persist. Will decided to end his life because his disease don’t change. Louisa decided to help him becoming happier. They are travelling but Will doesn’t return to his decision. And he died in Swiss, he gave money to Louisa to help her to realize her dream.

The message of this novel is that we must live with daring, we must overcomeour limits and make more than the minimal. The two main characters are totally different but they complet each other. It’s upsetting love story. At the end we can think that Will decide to not died. The end is suprissing. This story talks about love, the important of other people’s opinion and the right to choose to die when we have a important disease. Before You goes away of clasical love story

A Court of Thorns and Roses


A Court of Thorns and Roses is a fantasy book writing by Sarah J. Maas in 2015. This writer wrote also the fantasy book set of Keleana a professional killer who obey to a King she hates (I love also this book because here the main character is a strong-minded woman)

It’s the story of Feyre a young woman who is 19 years old and who muss help her family to survive. In this world, there are immortal creatures who hate mortal like Feyre and her family. The story is after a war between mortal and immortal who the mortal won their freedom because there were the slave of immortal like the civil war in the USA between 1861 and 1865. And ever like after this event that the mortal and immortal are separated. The story begin when Feyre kill accidentally an immortal and when she muss go live with an immortal. She will discover problems of immoral world and become friend with them.

I enjoy this book because all along this book Feyre protect her family even if it created issues for her. It’s also a good book because Feyre overcome her bias about the immortal to help and love them. She is courageous and strong in a world she don’t know and where she risks her life at every moment because in this world she is weak.

I enjoy also the historical reference to the civil war, it’s subtitle but really present in the story weaving with two opposite side, people in slaving and a war for the freedom, laws after this war this war to separate the both side. And indeed a lot of magic! It’s not a secret I love a lot stories with a lot of magic! I wait the second book because, like Keleana, A Court of Thorns and Roses is an other fantasy series of books of Sarah J. Maas. She had a really talent to create an other world even if in this both set it’s almost the same world.

It’s not unbiased but I think it’s really a book to read!

New Girl

Today I want to talk about a series I have discovered recently. It’s New Girl an american show creating by Elizabeth Meriwether in 2011 and arrived in France in 2016. In the Netfilx synopsis we can read “After a break up withher old boy-friend, Jessica Day move in a loft with tree men who want to explain her how function the world and its secrets”. So it’s the story of every day of Jessica, a young woman played by Zooey Deschanel. We discovered her life and the life of her roommate with a lot of humour. Her flatmates, Nick, Schmidt and Winston, are played by Jake Johnson, Max Greenfield and Lamorne Morris. Each other have a particularly personality and it’s really funny!

I have discovered this series by chance and I don’t regret because I love it so much: there are ever a happy end, a moral and funny moment! This set is perfect to decompress and fit of the giggles guaranteed! It’s also a beautiful story with love, friendship, issues and solutions ! This show looks like a sitcom but not totally. Usually I don’t really like this sort of show but now I have discover New Girl I enjoy wast my time to laugh with the character of Jess and her funny friends!

It’s not unbiased but I think it’s really a serie to see !







John Lennon in own write

Hello dear readers!

Today I am going to introduce you to British humor with a poetry, drawing sketch and text collection called John Lennon in his own write by John Lennon. This collection was published in 1964, when he was 24, so John Lennon was a member ( singer ) of a British band from Liverpool.
The heading should have been written like this: « in his own right » but the author chose to write « write » instead to make a play on words.
In this book there are are a lot of play on words.
The introduction of the book was written by Sir Paul McCartney and the outroduction is a weird drawing.

My favorite poem in this book is « I remember Arnold ». It was the first poem that I have ever read and understand in english even if I had to read it more than one hundred times to be able to get it.
In this poem, the author talks about two « tyke »( means boys ) that he remembers « as if’twer yesterday ». One used to be « always dead on time for his destination now he’s dead on line ».
I found this expression funny because next, the author said between bracket: meaning he’s been got by a train or something. Here, he did a play on words.

I recommend this collection to you all because it’s easy to read and to understand even though you can not comprehend his textes because this collection is considered as none sense. And I also advice you to read it in english because I don’t think you will find the same humor and puns in a translated version as like the original one

Hope you will read it.

The Silence of the Lambs

My regards to all!!!

Now I am going to talk about The Silence of the Lambs, a thriller book written by Thomas Harris. This book is the second of the Hannibal Lecter’s tetralogy, where the main character is a psychiatrist and a cannibalist.  I think, this book is the best, it is by far my favorite one from this tetralogy. This one and all the other books have been adapted as a movie.

This book is focusing on the investigation led by Clarice Sterling. Her main goal is to put behind bars a woman killer who skins his victims to death, his name is Buffalo Bill. So to get more information about this murderer, she has to question Hannibal Lecter, a serial killer who is already convicted and who the new woman killer tries to copy. So the film is all about the cooperation between the FBI agent and the famous serial killer.
Hannibal Lecter represents everything the young Clarice hates and fear.

I chose to talk about this book because I have seen the movie before reading it and I wasn’t disappointed because both are great. I love the suspense. And also in the movie, the  scenario is well written and captivating and, I love the actor Anthony Hopkins as the character of Hannibal.

Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde is a short novel (the novel has 141 pages) published in january 1886 by Robert Louis Stevenson in London and edited by Longmans and Green & co. It is a rewrite, the first manuscript having been destroyed by Fanny Van de Grift, the wife of the author, who considered it a « notebook full of hogwash ». Duality is at the center of this story.
This is the story of Mr. Utterson (lawyer) who is very worried about his friend Dr. Jekyll. His testament says that all his possessions will be for Mr. Edward Hyde if he disappears for more than a month. Mr. Hyde is a violent man, not handsome, tall, bald, scary and above all, he is capable of killing. Despite the attempts of his friends, Dr. Jekyll refuses to change his will. Every passing day brings new strange facts about Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll. The doctor is getting closer to Sarah who already has a man in his life. His father hates Dr.Jekyll because he says he killed his daughter. They fall in love and live together except one night MR.Hyde hits. He physically hurts her and she is very shocked. By the way Hyde to an apartment not far from his lab. We have a rebound in the end…
I really liked this story. I found it beautiful and at the same time scary because during the transformation it’s scary. I do not necessarily like the horror fantasy genre but it was a discovery for me. It is a story that is touching but at the same time surprising. I really recommend this book.

Charlie and the chocolate factory

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a children’s novel by Roald Dahl (Norwegian author Welsh) published twice: first in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf in 1964 and then in the United Kingdom by Allen & Unwin in 1967. This book was adapted into two very important films: Willy Wonka & the chocolate factory by Mel Stuart’s (with Gene Wilder) and Charlie and chocolate factory by Tim burton’s (with Johnny Depp). There is a continuation of this story which is the Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator by the same author and published in 1972.

This is the story of a little boy named Charlie who lives poorly in a strange house … His dad works in a toothpaste factory. He lives with his grandparents and his parents. Little Charlie is a happy child. He is very lucky but does not know it yet. Willy Wonka decides to close his factory overnight by dismissing all his staff. But one day, the factory starts to smoke. People are asking questions. For them, nobody comes in or out so it must be a mistake. Except that Willy Wonka offers children to find one of the five gold tickets that are in five classic chocolate bars in any corner of the world. After three tablets bought Charlie finds the golden ticket in one of the chocolate bars … his dream is finally realized. He is going to be closer and closer with someone from his family when visiting the chocolate factory. In this factory will spend a lot of things … you will discover new continents .. new people ..

I read the book and saw the movie. I think it’s a beautiful story. Willy Wonka is completely « crazy » and it’s very funny. Besides, you will discover why he is like that. It’s a story without any headaches. The relationship between Charlie and his grandfather is just sublime. I really advise you to read the book and then watch the Tim Burton movie which is my favorite.


The Last Days Of Rabbit Hayes-Anna Mc Partlin

The Last Days of Rabbit Hayes 

     The Last Days of Rabbit Hayes was wrote in 2 015 by Anna Mc Partlin.

Anna Mc Partlin was born in Dublin, in Ireland in 1972. She grew up with her aunt und her uncle. She studied marketing before working as comedian. She is married and she lives in Dubkin in Ireland

This stories speaks about the last days of Rabbit. Rabbit is Mia’s nickname, she is sick of breast cancer. Her parent,Jack and Molly, try to find solutions to save her. Mia’s family encourage her in her last days.

Davey and Grace, her brother and her sister, Juliet her daughter, and Marjorie her best friends and her parents ask themselves  on their life. There are many of flashbacks, all the characters speak about their memories, about their past. We see how the family prepar the death of her member.

Last years, my uncle died because he was sick of a cancer of lungs. This books help me to overcome this event. Thanks to this story I made a part of my mourning.

This stories is touching. The books makes feel many feeling. It’s funny and verry sad. This stories makes see the death differently.






After by Anna Todd

Recently, I read After. The serie was publied in 5 tomes. These books were wrote by Anna Todd at first on Wattpad. This serie was publied in 2014 in U.S.A and in 2015 in France.

The story talhs about a romance between Hardi and Tessa. They are student in same Unervisity. They are really different. They will learn to love and hateeach other. They are going to come acrosse many events

I like this story because it is  contemporary. It’s a romance that many teens can understand. These books show me that life is not easy but you must continue to listen to your heart.

Dorine B

Gone Girl

Hello my dear readers !

today it’s my pleasure to talk to you or even introduce you to one of my all time favorite book called Gone Girl. Gone Girl is a book written by Gilian Flynn, a up and coming writer from the United States of America. This book quickly became a best seller thanks to the word of mouth and got the attention of Hollywood who was real quick to adapt it into a Hollywood blockbuster with an international cast of famous actors like Ben Affleck. And while the movie is very good in it’s own right, I have always thought it dell short against the original material. And it hurts that as always with those books adapted into movies only few are those who even know about the original book that is much more interesting.

So what is Gone Girl ?

The plot is about a young couple, Nick Dunne and his wife Amy who moved to Missouri, the city where Nick grew up when he was a child. On the surface, Nick and Amy look like the average american couple but they don’t. One day, Amy went missing…

I chose to speak about Gone Girl because the book is much better than the film. The author managed to wrote it as  like an epistolary book so thanks to that we have each point of view of the main characters ( Nick and Amy ), and this make a lot of suspense.The plot is really captivating and machiavellian. And to finish, I love the man character Amy !

I hope you all will read and enjoy this book !

The Black Cat

Hello readers!

Today I am going to talk about a short fantasy story: The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe, an american author who lived in the nineteenth century.

The story takes place in a disconcerting atmosphere. The narrator (the main character) is an alcoholic who has always loved animals since his childhood. He and his wife get a black cat called Pluto, he love him so much. But one day, when he was under the influence of alcohol, he killed Pluto. Then one day, he discovers a black cat, which looks like Pluto, was stalking him…

I choose to talk about it because I did appreciate it to study this short story in french class last year. it is the darkest short story I have ever red. I love how the author makes cats being unfathomable animals like in the real life: it makes the story interesting. The way the narrator is turning and ending up insane is captiving pls, the end of this short made me speechless…
I think Edgar Allan Poe wrote this short story, The Black Cat, in order to warn people about alcohol’s perils.

I Hope you all will read it.

Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe

Hi everyone!

Today I am going to talk about Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz, an american author. This book is about family secrets and identity, and it relates the friendship between Aristotle and Dante.

So in this book, we follow two characters: Aristotle (or Ary) and Dante.
Ary is a 15 years old boy who lives in El Paso Texas in the 1980’s. He is struggling with being a teenager. And Dante, the boy Ary met, will be his best friend. All long the story, their friendship develops.

I choose this book because it is really about how to be nice to other people. Ary has a lot of conflicts in his life so this makes the book interesting. The fact that he is a teenager allows all of us to ourselves Ary, plus Ary and Dante’s parents understand their sons. The friendship between our two protagonists is the best friendship I have ever seen!
I think this book can inspire people be kinder thanks to the way the author treats his characters.

I hope and advice you all to read it.

The Book of Ivy

I want to talk about this book entitled The Book of Ivy. It’s a post-apocalyptic book written by Amy Engel.

The book of Ivy is a story in which two families – the Lattimers and the Westfalls – oppose each other. Ivy is a Westfall and to keep the appearance of peace she must marry Bishop Lattimer. But she hates him and she has the mission to kill him after their wedding but the tag line says “ born to betray and made to kill … will be she have the strength?” . Isn’t it like a premonition ?

I love the first book but the sequel ( the Revolution of Ivy ) is a little too long. But it’s a interesting book with suspense and reversals of situation. The heroine is not perfect, it’s very appealing. The two main characters are really different and it creates strange situations but despite the number of dead I find it’s a beautiful story. Ivy is a warrior, she faces her family and society alone but she never gives up and when she feels alone she can count on Bishop and it’s a beautiful sign of confidence even if she is supposed to kill him. It shows that a relation can evolve from hate to love. It’s a symbol of hope and for me it’s very important because without hope we can’t do anything and Ivy never loses hope.

It’s not unbiased but I think it’s really a book to read!

Lady Helen and the Dark Days Club

I want to talk about a recent book entitled Lady Helen and the Dark Days Club. It’s a fantasy, historic and love story written by Alison Goodman ( She has written other books I enjoy : Eon and Eona ).

The story takes place in London in April 1812. Lady Helen Wrexhall who is the heroine of this story, becomes a lady and discovers a world of worldliness but she meets a dark character who will make her discover a world with “monsters” and magic. The events lead her to become as strong as the man with who she is associated to help him to save many people threatened by the “monsters”.

I-LOVE-THIS-BOOK because Helen is a heroine even if she is a woman and in a patriarchal society it’s very impressive. For me it’s very important for a woman to be a strong character because most of the time the woman is a “delicate little thing” and it’s not the reality. I think that is a feminist novel.The sequel ( it’s a trilogy) has just come out and I want to read it as quickly as possible because it is really a catchy story with a lot of characters, very different from one another but with each of them a little thing which makes him or her appealing!

It’s not unbiased but I think it’s really a book to read!


After is a novel for a teenagers published in 21 October 2014 in USA and in France in 2 January 2015 by Anna TODD (novelist) in collection » New romance », edited by « Hugo Roman » and translated by Marie-Christine TRICOTTET. The book is of the genre of fiction and romance. Anna TODD wanted to make a film but it’s still under-heard. There are five books.
At eighteen year, Theresa or Tessa YOUNG is an ambitious student, serious in her work and reserved. Her boyfriend Noah the ideal son-in-law. Everything was outlined : a happy wedding, a beautiful child simply a perfect life but that was before Tessa met Hardin SCOTT, the beautiful, muscular, tattooed, vulgar and with a beautiful English accent. He is the kind of guy Tessa hates but yet he will be attracted to each other. It creates in her a passion without limit, she does not think again and loses the control of herself. Tessa will leave her family for him. She will change him and will live strange and bubbling things.
I loved reading these books. They are touching and captiving. I really recommended it as it is a lovely story with lots of bouncing and feelings.

The fault in our stars

The fault in our stars is a novel for teenagers in January 2012 by Jonh GREEN (American writen), edited by Dutton books and in France in 2013 by Nathan jeunesse. It is a kind of literature of childhood and youth. Josh BOONE directed the film released in 2014, it’s dramatic romance.

This is the story of two teenagers (Hazel grace LANCASTER aged 16 years and Augustus WATERS) suffering from cancer. Hazel’s parents forced her to go to a support group where she met Augustus who had an osteosarcoma and was in remission. Augustus and Hazel fall « in love » with a novel by Peter VAN HOUTEN, this one ends abruptly in the middle of a sentence. Augustus decides to take Hazel with his mother to Amsterdam to meet the author and then the two teenagers fall in love and a love story born between them filled with twists and emotions.

I had a huge heart for this book and this movie. It is a true story that can happen to everyone. Anyway, I cried every time while reading and watching this story.

The Sorrows of Young Werther, Goethe

“Sometimes I don’t understand how another can love her, is allowed to love her, since I love her so completely myself, so intensely, so fully, grasp nothing, know nothing, have nothing but her!”

 The Sorrows of Young Werther (Die Leiden des jungen Werthers) is an epistolary novel written by Johann Wolfang von Goethe, simply known as Goethe. It is Goethe’s first novel and it was published anonymously in 1774. The reader discovers the story through Werther’s letters to his friend Wilhem. It tells the story of Werther and more precisely his torments. He indeed fully loves a woman whose name is Charlotte but she is already engaged with another man named Albert. Consequently, Charlotte only sees Werther as a friend and it makes him suffer. Finally, Werther decides to commit suicide.

You have to know that this story is partly inspired by real facts. Goethe was (at one time of his life) in love with a woman named Charlotte but she was promised to another man, Kestner. Her mother was dead and that’s why she had to look after her twelve little brothers and sisters. This is also the case of Charlotte in the book. Moreover the suicide in the end of The Sorrows of Young Werther was inspired by the act of a friend of the author who killed himself because of an unhappy love affair.

In addition this novel caused many reactions. It has been judged immoral by the authorities because it was supposed to “promote” suicide so sales of this book were forbidden. But it has probably on the contrary push people to read it. It indeed has had a huge success. We called this “movement” of reactions the “Werther Fever”: some designers realised the clothes which were described in this novel; perfumes, crockery and varied objects were created because of it.  A lot of books inspired by The Sorrows of Young Werther were published: sequels, imitations or even parodies. But the most important to memorize is that it also provoked a “wave” of suicides. What is called the “Werther effect” in sociology is the fact that some people killed themselves afterward someone else did.

The Dark Fields – Alan Glynn

« And if you had the possibility of becoming a perfect version of yourself ? »

Hi ! Today I would like to speak about The Dark Fields which is the first novel written by Alan Glynn and published in 2001. This book also inspired Neil Burger to realize his movie Limitless in 2011.  Oh, and it is again a thriller (maybe that one day I will choose an another kind of movie or book…! 😉 )

In this novel, we meet Eddy Spinola who was a man with many difficulties to succeed in his professionnal and love life. One day, he saw again his brother-in-law, Vernon Gant, who was also a former dealer. This meeting changed his life ; indeed, Vernon decided to give him an experimental drug called « MDT-48 » which guarantees huge intellectual and creative abilities. His perceptions, memory and thinking skills were unbelievable ! The effects of the MDT on the young man exceeded his expectations and led him to a new life ! But obviously, things are short course… Eddy’s dreams will not be still easy to realize.

« I learnt piano in three days, math became useful… and funny. I knew everything about everything. »

According to me, this novel is really fascinating and we want to discover what happen after every chapter. I saw the movie with Bradley Cooper and I liked it well, too. These two works are nice to read or to watch and I deeply advise them. 🙂

 » Colonia « 

Hi, Everybody,

Today I’m going to speak about a film entitled  » Colonia  » and realised by Florian Gallenberger. The story takes place in 1973 in Chilli; and was inspired by true event; the camp « colonia dignidad » has really exist just like the characters.


So this story talked about a young woman named Lena and her german boyfriend Daniel, one day Daniel and Lena was arrested by Pinochet’s military like many other people. They released Lena and bring Daniel in a secret camp named « Colonia Dignidad ». Once in the camp Nobody comes out. So Lena decided to join Daniel and risk her life to find him, so she secretly enters in the camp. She was willing to do anything to find Daniel. Life conditions was hard, womens who disobeyed were beaten or worth. To survive they have to do horrible and hard things, Lena wants to find Daniel and escape. Will they get there? Or will they die?

To know what happened you have to watch this amazing film.

He is really touching and throught him we can have an idea of the life in the camp, and see the horror and the terror present there.


I recommend it for everybody, This film gave me a new vision of this period. Wa can feel the intensity of all feeling in this film. It’s different than a documentary. So if you want to have a good time, you can watch « Colonia ».

 » Cyrano De Bergerac  » – Edmond Rostand

HI everybody,

Today I’m going to speak about a drama entitled « Cyrano De Bergerac » written by Edmond Rostand. She was played in december 28th 1897 for the first time in Paris. I think you probably know this story and maybe you read it but I wanted to speak about this drama because she is probably my favourite.

First you have to know that my mother obliged me to read this drama so I wasn’t really determined to read it but I was really surprise and finally I was pretty happy.

Cyrano is known for is intelligence and his face (more specially for his nose.) He fall in love of his cousin: Roxane, however he doesn’t want to tell her because he’s afraid about her reaction. Roxane sees Cyrano just like a cousin and she is attrated to Christian. Cyrano wants before all the hapiness of Roxane, so he decided to help Chrisian to seduce Roxane. However he discover that Christian is « stupid » and knows nothing about poetry. Nevertheless he helped him: Cyrano writte numerous letter and Christian sign them. Finally Roxane fall in love of Christian (more precisely of Christian’s physical and Cyrano’s spirit). Then Roxane and Christian get married just before he goes to war with Cyrano.
And even during the war Cyrano continues to pretend to be Christian in his letter. Christian realised that Roxane loved only Cyrano’s spirit and that Cyrano loved her, so he would like to reveal the truth to roxane but he died.
Out of respect for him, Cyrano is revealed never the truth to roxane except on the day of his death.

I’m not a big fan of romantic novel or romantic drama but this one makes me cry at the end and I was sad to have already finished it, that’s why I recommend this drama.  

The Dunwich horror, H.P.Lovecraft

« It is always a relief to get clear of the place […]. Afterward one sometimes learn that one has been through Dunwich. Outsiders visit Dunwich as seldom as possible, and since a certain season of horror all the signboards pointing toward it have been taken down »

These few lines allow you to discover the atmosphere in the short story The Dunwich horror written by the famous american author Howard Phillips Lovecraft. The story unfolds in a fictive place -Dunwich- which is supposed to be located in Massachusetts (USA). The reader attends Wilbur Whateley’s birth and childhood. He lives in an isolated farm with his mother and his grandfather who both have a bad reputation: they are suspected of witchcraft. Wilbur grows up abnormally fast: with only 1 year, he can speak and with 4 years he seems to be 10. Other strange things happen concerning this family : the grandfather buy many cows and they die one after the other ; there is a terrible odor around the farm and at night we can hear some rumblings… as if the Whateleys breed a mysterious beast… Moreover Wilbur wants to borrow a  strange book: the Necronomicon. (nekros=death, corpse)

I liked this book -it would have been great to read during Halloween- but I have to advise you that it is quite uneasy for a novice to enter Lovecraft’s universe ! The writer invented a complet myth (whose name is Cthulhu Mythos) with its gods (which are in fact extraterrestrial entities), cults and its reference book: the Necronomicon. Lovecraft belonged to a philosophy/movement that he created: the cosmicism whose main theme is the insignificance of man. To show you an example ; Lovecraft said: « the human race will disapear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn ».

To summarize, the story is pleasant though a little bit weird and obviously horrific but when we want to know more about its author and his works, it’s quite complex (it’s a bit similar to a rich universe like the Lord of the Rings for instance).

Thirteen Reasons Why – Jay Asher ( 2007 )

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Thirteen Reasons Why is a novel written by Jay Asher and published in 2007.

The story begins as a teenage boy named Clay Jensen comes back home after school and finds a package, in this box are 7 cassette tapes and 13 stories recorded by Hannah Baker, a classmate but also someone close to Clay, who recently committed suicide. Hannah was bullied at school because various people would start rumours about her and they would end up being known by everyone, all these various people are on the tapes. Each cassette contains a recording of Hannah’s voice exposing one of the person who made her end her life. On the first tape, Hannah tells her listeners that she holds each of them responsible for her death, and that the tapes will explain why. After listening, each person must give the tapes to the next person on the list, that next person was now Clay.

This book it truly amazing and I think that nowadays it’s really important to raise awareness about the people who are bullied because, even though this book is fictional, some teenagers did commit suicide because they were bullied in real life.

La La Land – Damien Chazelle

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La La Land is an American musical comedy written and directed by Damien Chazelle ( a French American director and screen writter ). It’s the story of a young woman called Mia ( played by Emma Stone ),  a waitress, who, in between her shifts, auditions for small roles in movies because becoming an actress in her dream. On the other hand, we follow a jazz fan, Sebastian ( played by Ryan Gosling ) who plays in small bars to make a living out of his passion for piano. Destiny will bring these two dreamers together but will their love for each other make it through the hard life of Hollywood ?

The jazz music is a big part of this movie and all the songs were written and composed by Justin Hurwirtz, he also worked with Damien Chazelle on Whiplash and Guy and Medeline on a Park Bench. 

I loved this movie because I love music and even though jazz is not my favorite type of music, I still enjoyed all the singing and dancing parts of this film.

The Dreamers


The Dreamers

Image associée

The movie :

The Dreamers is an romantic drama film drama film directed by Bernardo Bertolucci and released in 2003. It is a co-production by cinematographic compagnies from France, United Kingdom and Italy. This movie was inspired by Gilbert Adair‘s novel called The Holy Innoncents (1988) which was inspired itself by Jean Cocteau‘s book named Les Enfants Terribles (1929).

Synopsis :

The story occured against the backdrop of the May 1968 riots. Matthew, a newcomer student from America arrives in Paris and stumble upon twins during a manifestation : Isabelle and Theo. They quickly become friends especially thanks to their enthusiasm in film. The French brother and sister decide to welcome Matthew during their parents’ holidays. Three all alone in the appartment, they lay down rules of a game which will promptly take an unhealthy and oppressive shape. They will play with fire and this joke will led them to discover and understand their own identity like a kind of initiatory journey.

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I appreciated this movie for several reasons :

First, the numerous cinematographic references : the three heroes talk about cinema and often reproduce cult scenes of different films in their own way such as Bande à Part, À Bout de Souffle, Scarface, Top Hat or Freaks and that makes me want to see some of it. Their imitations are pretty funny and in a way, The Dreamers is a tribute to the cinema.

Then, an another important point is the music. The film is immerged in a musical universe that I love : psychedelic rock, hard-rock with various artists and groups such as Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors…

May 68 is an interesting background that I have never seen in others movies. There is even stock footage of this time in the picture.

There are also many striking shots thanks to the lighting, the picture composition etc.

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This movie is constituted by a significant number of cultural references that makes it a truly interesting film even if I thought that it went round in circles. May 68 is here but not really operated… The story is not totally captivating even if the characters are relevant. Besides, sometimes the viewer doesn’t feel comfortable especially because of the almost perverse relation between the siblings and it becomes a kind of love triangle. This movie represents excess and the decadent youth of the 60’s, although it is not my favorite film, you should watch it !


Bill Manbo’s Colors of Confinement

December 7, 1941- 7:48 a.m
« A date in which we live in infamy« , says President Roosevelt.
The well-known military strike on Pearl Harbor was intended by the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters as a preventive attack to keep the U.S away from interfering with military attacks Japan planned in South Asia, against overseas counties. 2,403 Americans were killed and 1,178 others were wounded. The attack left American people in a profound shock, since it happened on their territory, without any explicit warning nor any declaration of war. Contrary to expectations, it led to the superpower’s entry into World War II. From the end
If we know how much that particular event disrupted the course of history in an international standpoint, we know a lot less about the repercussion it had from within.

Feb. 19, 1942
The trap slowly closes in around 120,000 people from Japanese origins who live on the West Coast of the country. From the end of the 19th century, they were numerous to leave Japan in order to settle in to the United States. The law prohibits them to have the American citizenship, however their children, who were born there, are Americans. Suddenly, they all became suspects, potential betrayers, inside ennemies. President Roosevelt signes the executive order n°9066 to remove every person of Japanese ancestry from the West Coast. They are placed in confinement camps as hysteria spreads across the country. American citizens fear another attack, as they are accused to be in cahoots with Japan to plan another strike or to poison water resources. Every descendant of Japanese immigrants have to bring back their radios and cameras to the authorities. Among 120,000 people gathered, two thirds of them are authentic American citizens

Form March to June, 1942
District after district, the army proceeds to the evacuation of these people, whose sight is now unwanted. One of them is Bill Manbo, an auto mechanic who dabbles in photography and model airplanes. He and his wife, Mary, as well as their baby son Billy, and his wife’s mother and younger siblings are transferred to one of 10 « relocation centers » in Heart Mountain, in the isolated Nothwestern Wyoming. Such as thousands of others, the family of seven -and soon eight again, since Mary’s father has been interned as « enemy alien » right after Pearl Harbor since he was teaching Japanese, before being determined not to be a threat- has to live its home, all of its belongings such as Bill’s garage and has to leave everything they know with a single suitcase. They are assigned to a small room in one of the shacks. The air is cold and dusty. All they an see is the desert that surrounds them. That’s where they are going to live, no one knows for how long.
Bill managed to bring his camera hidden in his suitcase with him and takes pictures of the camp sneakily at nightfall, as soldiers around the camp mustn’t know.

Fall, 1942
The West Coast is completely cleared of anyone Japanese. From now on, they are all living one of the 10 camps built in a hurry throughout the desert. More than 10,000 came by bus or by train to Heart Mountain, displaced without ever being judged. Two third of them are children and young adults with American citizenship. The head of the camp agrees with Bill taking pictures, but the instructions are clear: not any picture of the barbed wire nor of the soldiers around the camp. Bill wants to take pictures to keep memories of his son Billy as he grows older. But he had never envisioned that he would take pictures of him in a camp. There is no othe word to describe it; they are living in a camp. Everything is communal: laundry, food, toilets… Billy wears the American army’s costume his mother offered him before their arrival in the camp all the time. America is the country he was born in. In this place, nothing scares the children. They see it as a gigantic playground.

Winter, 1942
Nothing seems to be able to stop the American army in the Pacific Ocean. Hostility towards Japanese people increases always more. In the camps, life goes on. Everything is still to build and take care of: schools, meals… The inmates try to forget the barbeled wire all around them, as well as the soldiers who received the order to shoot anyone trying to escape. Bill repares cars who belong to the American army and earns a few dollars. Mary still doesn’t accept to be there. A few months ago, she was creating outfits for a successful theater company. Now, the temperatures are sub- zero temperatures and the cold wind infiltrates their room. It’s freezing cold. Sumo games are organized to encourage spring to come. Bill has never seen before, he grew up playing baseball.

Japan isn’t invincible anymore. Still at the head of an Empire, they are defeated once by the American army and go through heavy casualties. It will soon be one year since Bill and his family came to this camp. All together, the prisonners celebrate the Independance Day on the 4th of July. But this year, surrounded by barbed wire, they are uneasy.


« Why is this country, our country that we are celebrating, emprisonning us? »

They are also allowed to celebrate the Buddhist calendar’s celebration of the middle of Summer. Women are dancing during a long time, colourful in their yukatas, light kimonos. Bill takes a picture of his son behind the barbed wire, so that he doesn’t forget where he spent the fist years of his life. Since Pearl Harbor, Japanese immigrants were perceived as potential ennemies. But it slowly changes. The state allows Japanese men to fight in the colours of the US in European fronts. Beforehand, they have to make sure of their loyalty and each of them have to write a loyalty test, which hatches the inmates’ anger. One of the questions asks them who they respect between the President of the US and the Emperor of Japan. The authorities want to know if they are willing to swear allegiance to The US. Bill answers yes, but only if they get their rights back, as citizens of America. Because of that, he and his wife have to submit to an interrogation, that ends well for them. However, some of their neighbors are judged « disloyal », merely as they asked the end of the camps and displaced again to a « high surveillance » camp, far away.

25,000 young Japanese American young men enlist in the American Army. A new regiment n°442 was created, only composed of American citizens from Japanese ancestry. Its devise is « Go For Broke » (Tente le tout pour le tout)
?(This picture wasn’t taken by Manbo.)

Fall, 1944
The 442nd regiment is sent to the Eastern French front in the Vosges, where German soldiers are resisting. The Japanese American soldiers set the town of Bruyères free on the 19th and 20th of October. But as they release a Texan regiment surrounded by Germans, many of them die. According to Bill, they fought for the world to be free. But he is still locked up in this camp. He doesn »t even enjoy taking photographs anymore, since he knows each nook of it. He can’t stand waiting for the war to end and leaves to camp to find work. For a few weeks some of them are allowed to do so. But it’s not that easy: where to go? What welcoming will they find?
The West Coast is still prohibited to them.

May, 1945
Germany surrenders but Japan refuses to give in. The US decide to take drastic steps and use two atomic bombs that destroy both Hiromisha and Nagasaki. Japan finally yields and the war officially ends. The 442th becolmes the most decorated regiment of the American army but also the one with the heaviest number of deads. They changed the vision the American citizens had of Japanese immigrants. Each internee is given 25$ and a train ticket to the destination they choose. Bill and his family found the lights of Los Angeles back, their house and Bill’s garage with his tools, still as he left them. But many others didn’t anything left when they returned. Bill puts his camera away, his pictures in boxes and moves on to something else…

The congress apologies for the camps.

All grown up, Billy works for Boeing and envisions planes’ engines.
He doesn’t have any memory of his life in Heart Mountain. When his parents die, he gives all of the pictures his father took as a gift to the Japanese American National Museum. Sixty-five of them where published in a book intitled ‘Colors of Confinement: Rare Kodachrome photographs of Japanese-American incarceration camps in World War II’. You can see some of them here.

The Girl on the train, Paula Hawkins

This is the story of Rachel, 32, divorced, depressed and who has troubles with alcohol. Everyday when she is taking the train to London to work she can see her former house now inhabited by Tom her ex and his new lover Anna. When she lost her job she continued to do the return to London because she doesn’t know what to do of her days and because she doesn’t want her roommate to know that she is jobless.

Rachel imagines a life to Tom’s neighbors: she calls them Jess and Jason, imagine their job, their conversations. Former it’s an happy couple with no troubles between them. But one day she sees Jess with another man and a few day after she learns that Jess (her real name is Megan) is missing. Rachel, sure to have seen clues, has now a goal: finding Megan. For that, she has to talk with Jason (his real name is Scott), and for that she has to see Tom and Anna again.

This psychological novel is very interesting because of the different points of view: the reader can see through Rachel’s, Megan’s and Anna’s eyes. There is a lot of suspens and I was very impatient to know the truth. Paula Hawkins’s writing is very beautiful, sensitive and captivating.

I know that there is a movie adaptation but I don’t want to see it because I heard that the movie is not as good as the novel.

Split, M. Night Shyamalan

Recently I watched Split, the new Shyamalan’s movie and I would like to talk about it.

This movie is generally depicted as an « horror movie » but I don’t think it really fits to this category. Indeed I found it very interesting because of the reflexion it sparks.

Kevin is a young man who has developed a psychological illness, a trouble of the personality. Kevin has got 23 personalities who cohabit in his consciousness. All these personalities are different: Hedwig is a nine years old boy, Jade is a woman who has diabetes, Barry is an eccentric artist, Denis is fussy etc…

A 24th identity is emerging, she is very more powerful than the others and its « creation » or « apparition » makes Kevin kidnap three teenagers who will become the « sacred food ».

But except this plot, the very interesting part of this movie is all the reflexion about people who suffered from this pathology, how their consciousness can divide itself in all these identities. In that way, we can assist to several dialogues between Kevin and his psychiatrist the Doctor Fletcher. For her, her patients may be those who can explore all their brain’s capacities. She has to adapt her speech and her reaction according to the personality she has in front of her: it will not be the same if she is with Barry or Denis.

She also wants to know how it is possible for one person to have several personalities that are each different from the other, why Jade is the only one to suffer from diabetes, how one body can be modified according the personality that is « put in the light ».

During this movie we can assist to a real mental fight between all these identities to win the right to take the control of Kevin’s body. Also, we understand that each personality was born because of a traumatic event and that each personality was created by Kevin to protect himself.

This movie is inspired from a true story, the one of Billy Milligan, an American man arrested for the kidnapping and the rape of three students. Milligan is the first who claimed his innocence because of troubles of personality. Indeed it was not really him who kidnaped and raped these girls but Ragen and Adalana, two of his twenty-four personalities. It is also with his case that schizophrenia and trouble of personality are distinguished.

So I liked this film  because of all the questions it raises and also because I have always been interested for the stories that treats of the consciousness, the brain and its capacities. Even if it can be a little « scary » I am like « fascinated » by the fact that a human can divide itself in different personalities who can have a different age, sex, language, habits etc… There was also suspense and tenseness in this film with a end that makes me think there will be a Split 2!

Seasons Of Heaven by Nico Augusto


“We, as humankind are always looking for a new frontier to explore, and there it was lying right in front of me. We have explored the world and the depths of the oceans. We know a lot about it, but we don’t know everything. We spend immeasurable time and resources to learn about space, and to dive deeper into our own chemical make up. But for some reason, science ignores the call of the afterlife. It’s the next frontier. We are inexplicably drawn to it. Why then, is it so stigmatized that we don’t dare study it seriously ?”                                                                                           — Grant Wilson, Preface of Seasons of Heaven

Seasons of Heaven is a novel written by Nicolas Augusto and published in 2016. Since his early childhood, Augusto has been fascinated by paranormal stuff and all the mysteries what surrounds us, our origins and our future : what we become after death. He investigated a lot for years in order to answer these questions and still continues now. In 2012 after Ani’s death, his dear canine friend, he decides to put down on paper all his thoughts and feelings about the world we live in, humankind and human beings. All of that will soon become a novel entitled Season of Heavens : his debut novel in fact.

The story unfolds in 2047, after civilization has completely collapsed. A small group of people now struggle to survive on a doomed version of the planet Earth. Among these survivors remains a family. Once a night around a campfire, the father begins to tell his children, named Nina and Ana, “how everything changed, and why”. The story told by the father quickly brings us back two years earlier with Yann, a young boy with Asperger’s syndrome and his faithful companion, Ani, a French bulldog who Yann is able to communicate with through telepathy. These two http://cdn2us.denofgeek.com/sites/denofgeekus/files/2016/12/seasons_of_heaven.jpgcharacters must journey on a mysterious and beautiful realm called Heaven in order to complete a quest. Meanwhile, we’ll follow plenty of other stories with characters between space and time which do not seem to be related at first, but revealed after as having a link between them. That’s the magic of novels, I assume…

https://image.jimcdn.com/app/cms/image/transf/dimension=1920x400:format=jpg/path/s1150a3a189ce1120/image/ie5b89093a73663b1/version/1478710408/image.jpgBeautiful. Well written. Moving. Exciting. Even, exceptional. But let’s say it once and for all, Seasons of Heaven’s tale is really complex : lots of characters, loads of different stories, tons of things to remind for a poor reader like me. Despite that, this novel is a good surprise. Quite pessimistic (about human nature and our future) as I’m enjoying them, it still delivers a strong message of hope. There are also some interesting theories about life and death as well. In this universe, there is no place for the Bible theories of the Man’s creation and that’s good to read !

The plot is smart as it could happen in a near future : indeed, we understand in the novel that humans allowed themselves the end of the world, as a result of their careless actions (pollution, environmental destruction, power and money). Consequently, these survivors always have to remind that the very little things that gave their fellow humans a sense ofhttps://image.jimcdn.com/app/cms/image/transf/dimension=1920x400:format=jpg/path/s1150a3a189ce1120/image/i3d771eb986ba5128/version/1478710408/image.jpg superiority and even power and omnipotence, were what had killed them in the end. The narrator’s description is abundant, allowing our mind to travel in breathtaking landscapes. It will take you from deep inside a mystical forest at the beginning of times through to the twenty-first century and the fall of civilization.

When we start reading Seasons of Heaven, we enter in a dream with unclear contours but details that guide us in our own travel. We can feel oppressed or delighted to the point of being a prisoner of his dream or on the contrary, having the wish to stay there for a long time… I remember that I finished reading the book with a strange feeling and I had to wait for several days in order to finally get to think straight about my impressions.

Nevertheless, Seasons of Heaven surely will awaken your imagination and open your mind to possibilities you may never have considered. As long as you will read the novel, you’ll question everything you thought you knew about humanity and begin to realize that the possibility of things existing, that can’t be seen with our eyes but only felt within our hearts and souls, really do exist.https://image.jimcdn.com/app/cms/image/transf/dimension=1920x400:format=jpg/path/s1150a3a189ce1120/image/i31b31dc6cf803450/version/1478710408/image.jpg

« Le soleil pointe au-dessus des montagnes, illuminant le ciel de rose et de violet. L’hiver est à la porte, l’été refuse de le laisser entrer, une bataille de couleurs vibrantes résonne à travers la campagne. »



« I know that I am young but I am ready for the great responsibility that lies before me. »

Image associée

Alright my dear people,

As it is the last article we are writing on this blog, I’ve decided to talk about a very british work. Oh no, not the most famous book ever, but another TV show I have discovered a few weeks ago.

Yes indeed, first of all let me tell you that, it’s not an action-packed and bloody one.

Ladies and gentlemen here comes the famous Queen Victoria of Great Britain. And as you can guess, this show deals with her life, but not only about her duty…

Indeed in this period drama, you’ll follow her from the beginning of her reign, whenRésultat de recherche d'images pour "victoria tv show" one day, people annonced that she was the Queen. Not as a direct heir, because some are dead, some can’t, so yeah everything now lie on Victoria’s shoulders, a 18-years-old young woman. As you can imagine, that’s far from being easy tu rule a country when you are a young, energetic and capricious person.
That’s pretty easy however to identify yourself as her : you can easily fancy what it takes to be the ruler of an organisation like the United Kingdom ! She had to be brave to support it all. We may not agree with the ruler’s ideas and actions, but here you can’t deny that it was a hard position for her : an aspect that the show shows pretty well.
And of course, when you’re young what are you thinking about most 
of th and so (and you know they were close since they had 9 children !! No time to chill heh).

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Thus with everything that happened they had matters to make a good show and they did. Nice scenes, well-filmed and pretty funny with a touch of History : a good result to sum it up.

What’s pretty interesting too is the fact that they used Victoria’s personal diary so theyRésultat de recherche d'images pour "victoria tv show dash" could make the show closer to reality, and to show some scenes of her intimacy with her mother, her prince… And her dog, Dash : the cute aspect of the show. A good story is rarely good without a dog you know. Just kidding but dogs are always a positive point in storys. Hahaha that’s only my point of view though !

In a nutshell, Victoria is a worth-watching TV show if you want to know a little more about an important personality in Great Britain. There’s only 1 season now, but they are working for the second-one as I am talking to you. This was for me a great discovery, with very skilled actors moreover. Have no regrets and am waiting eagerly for the next season !

Over. 🙂

The Man in the High Castle

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Seeing that you may be as intrigued as I was when I first saw this poster. What the heck happened to NY city ? Let’s discover that together !

“The future belongs to those who change it”

Hello dear people,

Today’s an important day since it’s the first time ever I’m going to write about a TV show. The first-one I succeeded in finishing, that’s a red-letter achievement in my little life.

But let’s stop talking nonsense and focus about the amazing thing I’m going to deal with. As you read it in the title, this is called “The Man in the High Castle”. Did you know it was based on a sci-fi book written by Philip K. Dick ? No ? now, you know at least.

Well, summarizing the story won’t be easy but I’ll try to make something spoiler-free and a lit’ entertaining.

Right, imagine that something in our history drastically changed, I mean an important event.

What if the Allies didn’t win WWII ? And if the Axis (aka Germany, and Japan mainly) did ? Well you’ve got the context of The Man in the High Castle. That’s what you call “alternate history”.

Now in these dark times, where the world is ruled by the german “Reich” (=Empire in Résultat de recherche d'images pour "the man in the high castle"german), the story that interests us is set in the USA. No, not the usual USA you know, rather the USA that is split in 3 parts :



In this TV show, you’ll follow the story of several characters, and besides what makes also the strength of it, is the fact that you don’t follow only one type of person. Clearly, you’ll face the story of a Nazi man, a Japanese inspector, resistance‘s activists, parents and so on.

I assure you won’t get lost and that is really interesting to have different opinions about what’s going on, and sometimes you know things that others ignore… That is really well done & convincing since all the stories have a link ya see, it adds a great dramatic intensity to the show, sometimes the suspense kills you ! It’s freaking well made, you’ll shiver I guarantee !

« Each one of these films shows a reality like our, but not ours ». Here the link, the Man in the High Castle produces films. But not ordinary films, it shows something different, that is considered as a threat for Hitler (he’s still alive in this world since the story is set in the 60s)… You’ll discover why.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "the man in the high castle"

Last but not least my dears, the actors in this show are AWESOME, but really. They’re playing their role and it’s great. It’s not the average TV show with shitty (sorry) actors. They may be no famous like DiCaprio, Will Smith (I don’t say they’re bad actors 😉 just an
example ! I’m talking about the fame) but really Rufus Sewell, Joel de la Fuente, Alexa Davalos, Luke Kleintank and the others are just simply amazing. The same for the filming, the shots, the set, the props, the visual effects, the story : everything will blow your mind. Ahaha but don’t expect it to be funny, it’s not.

In a nutshell, even if you don’t like history, you may like this TV Serie since it has many, many qualities. What could be even better than a show, in which you can hear english, german & japanese ? 3 in 1, that’s a good deal, I say 😉


If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.”

A moveable feast is an autobiography written by Ernest Hemingway and dating back to 1964. During his old age in the fifties, Hemingway decided think back to what happened when he was young by writing this book.
He depicts his life in the 1920s when he arrived in Paris. He was then 22 and began to live a bohemian life in France. When he arrived in Paris, he was a journalist but soon gave up to be devoted only to literature.
He tells us how he managed to live for next to nothing, wishing being known for his writing. In Paris, he met some famous authors, who were also expatriates, such as Fitzgerald, Ezra Poung and James Joices to name a few. Hemingway made his own way through literature world by earring advices of these writers who became his friends.
The readers discover a new Paris, so far away from the one we know nowadays. A Paris where everything is possible, a cheap and a friendly one, with parties and cosy clubs everywhere. In brief, he depicts a city full of culture and artists. As the author said :

“this is how Paris was in the early days when we were very poor and very happy”.

This is what I loved about it: it is a hymn to life. What’s more, it had a special resonance after the terrorist attacks of 13th November given that this book symbolizing the French art of living.


A Farewell to arms is the third novel written by Ernest Hemingway which dates back to 1929. Hemingway, well-known for his famous writings such as for whom the bell tolls, a moveable feast, the old man and the sea, is also a nobel prize laureate in literature.

The novel depicts the twentieth years of Frederic Henry during the First World War. Frederic is a young American who volunteers to work for Italian ambulances. One of his comrade (friend during this war), Rinaldi, introduces him to a young British woman, Catherine Berkley. He starts to seduce her, and gradually falls in love with her. After he gets hurt at the front, he is sent to an hospital where Catherine is also assigned. Here, their relationship begins and they both fall in love with each other. Afterwards, he tells their life where they try to survive with Catherine’s pregnancy and their urge to escape from this war. They will try to reach Switzerland where, they think, they can be free and happy… I think it is also worth noting that the tittle has a double meaning. First, there is the question of the war, then arms can also imply Catherine’s arms, that he will have to leave… This book is quite a moving one: during the war, love is not an easy thing.

A farewell to arms can be considered as an autobiographical novel. Indeed, Frederic’s characters is quite similar to Hemingway. Like him, Hemingway was also volunteer for the Italian Red Cross, he also gets hurt and also met a British nurse during his convalescence.

« Water for Elephants », Francis Lawrence, 2011.

« Water for Elephants » is a american romantic drama movie directed by Francis Lawrence in 2011. It’s an adaptation from the historical romance novel « Water for Elephants » written by Sara Gruen in 2006.

Sara Gruen is a Canadian author and also an American citizen. She stands up for the animal’s protection and takes part in some organizations to protect animals and wildlife. We can suppose that she wanted to refer to her implication with her tittle, while keeping an historical aspect.

This story refers to the great Depression during the 30’s, in the USA.

The plot begins with the apparition of an old man in a small travelling circus. He is separated from his nursing home group. He meets Charlie O’Brien, the proprietor of the circus. Both characters strike up a conversation and Charlie learns finaly that the old man is Jacob Jankowski (Robert Patinson), who was a veterenary student and a member of the most spectacular Circus’ show on the Earth : The Benzini Brothers.

He begins to tell his journey. He begins with the fact that it was a fabulous and giant show, which was never seen during all the Circus’ history. But, quieckly, he keeps going with the bad side of the Circus’ wings. He tells us about the sordid aspect of the wings and of his boss. Quieckly, we understand that the conditions in this environment were intolerabled, mostly after the arrival of Rosy, a magnificent elephant, sentenced to make the show in horrible conditions.

The story redraws the life of Jacob in the Benzini Brother Circus, and also his fight against the ill-treatment and abuse with animals, like Sara’s implications, and also humans beings’ conditions.

I was in love with this movie because I find that it’s a very importante problem in our society today. The animal’s consideration is very important for me, and this movie touched me very much. The story isn’t only a romance with Jacob and Marlena (Reese Witherspoon), it’s also a very animal’s attachment, and a good lesson to learn. I love it.

Bye !

« The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry », Rachel Joyce, 2012.

« The unlikely pilgrimage of Harold Fry » is a novel, which was written by Rachel Joyce, and it was published in 2012.

This beautiful story refers to a part of Rachel’s Life. Rachel Joyce is a English novelist. She decided to write this adventure of Mr. Fry during the time where her father was very sick and in terminal stage of disease..

In this fabulous story, the main character, Harold Fry, a old man, received a letter from a former friend, Queenie Hennessy, who is very sick and in end-stage too (like Rachel’s father)…

In his boring life, Harold and his wife lose all interest to each other… When he read the Queenie’s letter, he wants to make his life better and aims to save Queenie. So, Harold decides to write at his friend, and go to post his answer. He was just gone to mail a letter, and finally, he will travel thousand kilometers. When he arrives to the post office, he says him that he can go to the next town. When he arrives to the next town, he says him that he could go to the next town again, and so on …

Finally, he goes to live a wonderful adventure (87 days) during his travel. He will meet a lot a new people and events. Harold has only one objective « I will walk and you will live Queenie ».

I find this book very beautiful and good, because the character of Harold is so engaging, brave, with a lot of will to save his friend and maybe his couple. He might refer to Rachel, who wanted to save her father too… Really, it’s a very simple reading, but it gives us a good lesson of life … Beautiful !

If I Stay


If I Stay is written by Gayle Forman, a American journalist, she is known for her articles. If I Stay is a novel, which it was adapted to a film in 2014. There is a second novel entitled Where She Went.


I am going to talk about the first roman If I Stay. It is about a young girl Mia. She is happy, a simple life, with her parents, her little brother : Teddy and her boyfriend : Adam Wilde who is in a rock band and she has a promising career as a violinist. But one day, Mia and her parents want to go to her grand-parents, despite there is snow. Then they have an accident.

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-KjlxZhyu3Mw/VChTHwBK4CI/AAAAAAAAB-E/LQV6KX9qFrM/s1600/tumblr_n85ug38AMF1r8gfe4o1_500.gifHer life is destroyed. She enters into a coma. But she becomes a phantom and she attends the visit of her family at her bedside. She learns that her parents are died in the accident.This story takes place in 24 hours. And in this day she must choose if live or dead. She sees her memories again and again and we discover her ordinary life with music, family and her boyfriend. Her memories are simple like everyone, we can identify with her live. She confronts with a horrible situation. Her life breaks under our eyes.

This story is beautiful, and with a great sensibility. I was affected until the end. But I don’t understand very well the end.

La Passe-miroir : Les Fiancés de l’hiver

La Passe-miroir is written by Christelle Dabos, a not very well-know French writer. This novel is a French fantasy novels who is in four volumes. In my article, I am going to talk about the first volume Les Fiancés de l’hiver. It won the first edition of the contest of the first novel youth organized by Gallimard Jeunesse.

La Passe-miroir is about a fantasy world, because the world is destroyed and there are only small islands called “arches”. In ark reigns a « family spirit », they are immortal beings who are the common ancestor of the inhabitants of the arches to whom they have transmitted powers. And the main character of this story is a young woman, her name is Ophelie, she lives in “Anima ark” and she is a “reader”, this means that she can read into objects, and thanks to that, she can know the past of these objects and to whom the objects belonged. She feels emotions and feelings. This power is rare but she has got another power that is rarer; she can cross into the mirrors. She works in a museum, where she loves work, because she likes use her “reader” power. She is an awkward, lonely and reserved character, and she lives only for her work.

But one day, her life changes, because she must marry a man whom her family has chosen for her, his name is Thorne, he comes from “The ark of the pole”. He is a cold, gruff and wicked man like his “ark”.And Ophélie must live in “ark of the pole”. She will have to adapt in a country where betrayal, wickedness and assassination attempts reigns, she must follow and obey without necessarily accepting it. And she has no family to help and no one she trusted. She can count on her powers to help herself.

I loved this novel, because it is a fantasy world that the author presents us. This is a world that is truly innovative, and there are many characters with different behaviors (whether you like them or not). It is a rich world! And the characters of Thorne and Ophelie are endearing!

Bad girls throughout history

   This book, written by Ann Shen, is about, as the subheading says, 100 remarkable women who changed the world, such as Josephine Baker, Marie Curie, etc… You can read about how these powerful women, from multiple eras and places changed history to make the world a better place. One page is dedicated to each of them, explaining what they did next to a beautiful watercolour portrait illustration.

   What I really liked about this book were the facts that it is very pleasant to read and it changes from a typical history book. The format is quite nice with the text and picture for each woman. It is very informative but also inspiring and fascinating. It allows us to know more about some women we’ve already heard about and to discover new ones at the same time. This book is very human, it is a great celebration for women and gives hope to an even better place for them in the world today.


Moonlight is an american drama that was directed by Barry Jenkins and came out in 2016, it was adapted from a play. The movie received 3 oscars including best picture.

   It is about the story of Chiron, a black man living in a rough neighbourhood in Miami. The movie is divided in three parts. The first one is when he was a child, he was excluded from the other people in his school who were mean and chased him. The second part is when he was a teenager, still bullied by the students in his class. The last one is when he is an adult. Between his tough school environment and his drug addict mother, he tries to accept his homosexuality and find his place in the world.

   I absolutely loved this movie for many reasons. First, the story is really touching and shows a lot of poetry and sensibility in a harsh environment. The cast is amazing and all of the actors’ performances are breahtaking, no matter their age. The music is very well used to make the scenes captivating and the images and colors are striking. Although I really liked it, I think the third part could have been a little more exploited.

I am Legend

                I am legend -Richard Burton Matheson 


Biography :

Richard Burton Matheson was born in the 20 Februar 1926 in Allenda in New Jersey and he was dead in 23 June 2013 in California. It was a writter and american scenarist. Richard Matheson like the style of science fiction and horror.                                                 Richard Matheson going in the school in Missouri of Journalism . Then have his diplom of journalism he going in California in 1949 and begin the writing. His first success with the first novel, is « Borns of Mar and woman » in 1950. And his secondly success is « I am Legend » writting in 1954 . Thoses book was suitable at the movie.                                         Richard Matheson will also in the cinema and television. He was writte too the text of the series sciences-fiction the « Star Trek » . Richard Matheson inspired lot of artist of sciences-fiction.


This story tells, that a doctor to find a cancer vaccine. But this remedy is effective. But this vaccine quits the laboratory and he go circulate all over the world. Many peolpe going to die. Nobody peolpe find the remedy for to stop this infection of virus.                                     However, there is a one survivor in the city of New York since 3 Years ago. This is a one Doctor, and he is immune against the virus. He has on house with laboratory and with this he would like to find an vaccine with his blood for the virus. Against 3 Years ago this man hunting of animals in New York, make a different experiments, and to find a foods in different appartment abandoned and he circulate an message in the radio in case there were someone else in the same case as him.                                                                         But one days, he falls in the trap make by the humain mutant, and his dog is contaminate. The Doctor try to save a dog. Sadly his dog is dead and the Doctor can’t respect the laws and will kill many mutants to avenge his dog. However in action a one woman survivor save a life and doctot. But will they succed in find the andidote ?

The adventures of Huckleberry finn – Mark Twai

 ( I really like this film, and after seen it in the classe, i wanted very much to                present it to here !! )

   The adventures of Huckleberry finn – Mark Twain :

biography of Mark Twain:

The real name of Mark Twain is Samuel langhorne Clemens. He was born in 30 November 1985 in Florida and he was dead in 21 April 1910 in Redding. It was a writerand also a humorist.

At first time he was in the army, and Then he was a printer and journalist. He will start by becommung famous with the roman The adventures of Tom Sauyer. This book was published in 1876. and this is a story of a little boys in United States and he has a lot of adventures. There is a element autobiographic because the sotry passed to the same place of life of Mark Twain. However he has a secondly sucess, this are the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn , at first this book was published in 1884 in London, and then in New York. In 2007 this book is the fifth best book of the time.

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          This is a story of little boys. He’s name is Huck. He lived in a widow, Douglas  because his father is dangerous. He is alcoholic and he is violent with his son. Huck find a little friend and withh them going in the forest to game with other friends. When he go home Mm Douglas is worry for him because he is dirty and he did’nt eat . One day after this same scene huck going at his bedroom and he discover his father. He is effrayed ! And his father resquet money because he see than Huck  has a lot of money, for this beautiful clothes. And now, the little bo was kidnapped by his father, the horrible man. There are many spat because the father is strict , but Huck succeed in escaping that this badly home. And he make believ in his father, he was dead with a blood in the wall.

He has an another friend, he is Jim, what he discovered when he made a walk in this island. With him, Huck to going with raft in the Mississipi River. And his friend he’s black and he would like find a state free because he is research. Huck would like away from his father. There is a eventful life in the Mississipi. River, isn’t rest. In the Mississipi they two friend meet a lot of peolpe, or boat… The goal of Jim is to going as far as Cairo but on the way he would like to sell the raft for them to take a steamboat. Jim wants to be free and he wants earn money fo his family. But Huck want to denouce Jim, because he is black and a slave. Huck hasn’t allowed, to have a slave with him. However Huck doesn’t do that because he is friend.

One day they two friends gather two gangster, LouisXVII and the other Duc of Bridgewater. The two gangster this make pass for brother and wants to take money of all peolpe.( it was the first of their adventures) . Then, Huck want again accused Jim, because he is a slace free. Huck go to writte one letter and he will send it to Miss Watson. After this Jim is stopped. But HUck isn’t better with him. Huck trie to save his friend from slavery.

When they two friens are free,what we can see them to other adventures? (for know this, watch the film ! )

Culottées, Pénélope Bagieu

Apache warrior or Hollywood mermaid, lighthouse keeper or bearded woman, gynecologist or empress, these women have shattered the prejudices. Culottées is a comic written and drawn by the French Pénélope BAGIEU. She depicts with humor and finesse fifteen women portraits : exceptional fighters who braved the social pressure of their time to lead the life of their choices. »Culottées » Volume 1 allows the author to bring (or bring back) to light the women who, against all odds, have become in very different fields, great flag bearers for equality between men and women.

Since there is still a lot of work, the artist will decline these portraits in several volumes. The tone is deliberately light and humorous even when these women have paid a high price for their rashness against the most elementary prejudices and rights. These biographies quickly told (this is the regret that can be emitted) makes us want to go further on their stories and document us a little more about these remarkable women.

The drawings are joyful, colorful and funny , as well as the texts. Extraordinary female lives are presented to us. What strength of character, what pugnacity, in these
women. I especially liked Christine Jorgensen the first transsexual woman in history, Josephine Baker, the « so » generous, or Leymah Gbowee, a social worker, who used to experience war and domestic violence.

I also loved the double pages ending each biography, revealing a magnificent drawing, often poetic, perfectly summarizing the life of these women.

A beautiful discovery, and a useful album, to remind (it’s always necessary to do it) that women have a role to play everywhere, on all levels!

A comic to read and watch with pleasure.

Indiana Jones

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Raiders of the Lost Ark, also known as Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark is an American action and adventure film directed by Steven Spieldberg and who went of in 1981.

Starring: Harrison Ford, an archaeology professor who lives perilous adventures to get rare artifacts.

Paul Freeman as Doctor René Belloq, the villian of the story. In the film, he is also an archaeologist but he is working for the nazis.

Karen Allen as Marion Ravenwood. She is the daugther of Abner Ravenwood the mentor of Indiana and she is also in love of Indiana.

The story takes place during the year 1936. As the Third Reich continues its reign of terror, Nazis are on a quest for the Ark of the Convenant, resting place of the Ten Commandments, who supernatural powers (like the legend says) can wipe out an entire army. The government of the United States call Indiana Jones to find, before Nazis, this legendary Ark.

It’s one of my favourite film because it mix history, adventure and action. The cast is really good and the film as many humorous scenes which bring some dynamism. It’s also a journey through different countries like Amazonia, Africa and aslo Nepal.


Gotham the good the evil the beginningGotham is an action American TV show based on characters published by DC Comics. The show began on Fox on September 22, 2014 and in March 2016 the series was renewed for a third season. It originally tells the story of Gordon’s early days on the Gotham City Police Department but the show include the childhood of Bruce Wayne and several of Batman’s villains: The Penguin, Catwoman, Poison-Ivy, Two-Face or also Hugo Strange.

The cast is:

  • Ben McKenzie as James Gordon
  • David Mazouz as Bruce Wayne
  • Sean Pertwee as Alfred Pennyworth
  • Robin Lord Taylor as Oswald Cobblepot/ The Penguin
  • Carmen Bicondova as Selina Kyle/ Cat
  • Cory Michael Smith as Edward Nygma

There are many others but I chose to put only the main teachers.

I like this TV show because it’s the universe of DC Comics Batman but we are on the origins of the hero. We can see how the murder of Bruce’s parents act on his mind ans how he becomes a regular kid again. We also can see that Gotham is a city full of danger and criminality and also the childhood of many villains. I appreciate the fact that the main character is not Batman but the police captain James Gordon at his beginning. The show mix criminal investigations and events wich allow us to understand better some of Batman’s state of mind.

Les Belles Vies by Benoît Minville.

« Mr. Minville, I do not congratulate you. I do not find it very fairplay to make cry the sensitive boys … I do not congratulate you but thank you! » -Simon Roguet.



     Today, I’m going to speak about Les Belles Vies by Benoît Minville, a French author that I appreciate a lot. I discovered him in Le Géant who had been a real favorite and then I found him in Je suis ta fille, a good novel also. In the book of today, Vasco and Djib are two inseparable boys from the suburbs, are sent for a summer pension in the heart of the Nièvre … A shock of cultures, with flamboyant characters.


     This is the beginning of « holidays » that have totally changed their lives ! Youth people from the stuborn who annoy old ladies on buses, Vasco, of Portuguese origin, and Djib, of African origin, find themselves in a hole lost at the bottom of the Nièvre, with sausage and cows. And some racists. They landed in the house of « Tonton and Tata », respectively 80 and 60 years, who welcomed more than fifty children in their life. Among those present that summer, there are Dylan, an apprentice to a butcher, who has great difficulty in containing a violent temperament, and Jessica, a bimbo who spins a bad cotton. They are brother and sister abandoned by a mother unable to look after them. There is also Chloé, a hippie, pationnated by theater, her past remains a mystery for us. And many other small children, some broken by life, others from former residents of Tonton and Tata. All this little world will spend the summer together, they will learn to cohabit, to discover themselves by spending a maximum of time together. They will do what the children do in holiday camps, bathing, cooking, tinkering, cycling, spending evenings together around a good DVD, like simple children gathered in a holiday home. Vasco and Djib will then discover another form of life and fulfillment in this lost village while encountering quite a lot of difficulties, between the racists of the village, the Dylan’s hot boiling temperament, the conflicts with some other young people of the village not really happy to see these younth of suburbs and the nascent attraction for the girls. Our two boys will have to learn to grow and begin gradually to behave differently than they were before they came. We quickly admire the characters of Tonton and Tata, this couple who is retirement age but who decided to give his love and energy to his children treating like theirs.

     The story is simple as life on this farm in the Nièvre where you spend your days preparing meals, gather mushrooms, walk the paths by bike or plunge into the waters of the lake a few kilometers away. What is striking is the sound of the book. the accuracy, the pulsation, the emotion it releases. The text runs, he burns, laughs and the tears come to the eyes, the words are simple, sensitive and generous. To tell you the truth, what initially caught my attention was the fact that this story is happen in the Nièvre. Yes, it should speak to me, since I know rather well the place to live there. I was curious to see how Benoît Minville perceived the region. I have in the book, a familiar atmosphere of rural life. Each member of this « heart » family has its past, its history. The reader attends, silent, the first emotions, the doubts, the evolution of the characters on the road to maturity.Benoît Minville gives us a story full of tenderness and sincerity, with the help of all these destinies struck by life, without, however, embellishing the difficulties that sometimes exist at a very early age. He talks about the social fractures and testimony of a certain talent to tell the jolts of the adolescence. He draws portraits of attracting characters without ever falling into the caricature. This novel, it is a parenthesis out of time, a privileged moment. A summer where wounds begin to heal, even if the path a long. A summer of first time. Little moments of happiness that make everything. It is a novel of tolerance, of life, of humanity, born by true words, in which one senses all the passion, the hope, the tenderness, all the emotions of these children in boiling. A novel of which it would have been desirable that it never end, somewhat like when comes the end of the summer.


     To conclude, I can say Les belles vies is the story of broken children who try to rebuild themselves in contact with each other. Many obstacles will stand in their way because, yes, life is far from being a quiet river. And it’s hard to get up after being pierced right in the heart. So imagine the pleasure of seeing them evolve ! They are so touching that I only can only be encourage them.This summer will be memorable for our characters and I find that it is a perfect novel, although it deals with serious topics.