
Macbeth is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. It was written in 1587. It deals with contradictions, perils and ambitions. This drama is one of the most famous dramas written by William Shakespeare who is also one of the most famous playwrights in the world. He wrote Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet etc.

The scene takes place in the medieval Scotland. The main characters are Macbeth and Lady Macbeth his wife. Macbeth is a general. One day three witches say to Macbeth that he will become the king. Macbeth has got ambition. His wife encouraged him to kill the king to make the prophecy come true. So Macbeth kills King Duncan and take the throne. But the problem is that he becomes paranoiac. His fear make him completely crazy. To save his power he commites a lot of murders like in a vicious circle. At the same times Lady Macbeth became also mad, she sees ghosts and she feels so guilty and trapped by their lies. The obcession of power and the ambition brought Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to the lie and to the despair. The play shows this slowly evolution of Macbeth into the evil.

I loved this tragedy because it’s very opprisive and we see the guilt grow up inside the characters. When we read or see the play we are, like characters, despaired and stressed.

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