The fault in our stars

The fault in our stars is a novel for teenagers in January 2012 by Jonh GREEN (American writen), edited by Dutton books and in France in 2013 by Nathan jeunesse. It is a kind of literature of childhood and youth. Josh BOONE directed the film released in 2014, it’s dramatic romance.

This is the story of two teenagers (Hazel grace LANCASTER aged 16 years and Augustus WATERS) suffering from cancer. Hazel’s parents forced her to go to a support group where she met Augustus who had an osteosarcoma and was in remission. Augustus and Hazel fall « in love » with a novel by Peter VAN HOUTEN, this one ends abruptly in the middle of a sentence. Augustus decides to take Hazel with his mother to Amsterdam to meet the author and then the two teenagers fall in love and a love story born between them filled with twists and emotions.

I had a huge heart for this book and this movie. It is a true story that can happen to everyone. Anyway, I cried every time while reading and watching this story.

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