Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies is a novel by William Golding (British author) published in 1954 and edited by Faber and Faber. It is published in France in 1956 by the edition Gallimard in the collection of the whole world and translated by Lola Tranec. This book is about 261 pages long. There were two adaptations to the cinema (1963 and 1990) and an adaptation to the theater in 1996. This novel is of the kind of the psychology for child and dystopia (narrative of fiction). This novel has inspired many writers, writers and artists (to varying degrees).
The plane of these children from the same school but who do not really know each other spits in the middle of a forest and there are no adults left. They will quickly elect a leader and then make tribes. Many adventures will happen to them including a surprising hallucination … They will change and become the opposite of what they are.
This book is poignant because we want to know more and more. Some children are endearing and others are unbearable especially Jack. This teaches us many values ??about education. I recommend this book because I think it makes us grow. I have not had the opportunity to watch the film but I think about it.

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