We spent two days in Normandy with our class. We did a lot of visits. The first day, we saw the bay of Mont Saint Michel with its mussels breeding and its salt marsh (pré salé), this zone of meadow covered by the tide (marée) .

On the afternoon, we went to an organic farm with goats, « la Ferme des Chèvres dans le Vent », and we saw the goat cheese making process.

In the evening we discovered the self-catering cottage where we had to sleep. On the second day , to begin, we visited  a caramel fudge factory at Isigny.

After that, we went to the « Mémorial de Caen ». This museum presents the story of the World War II, the world before and after this war and especially the 6th June 1944 landing of the Allies (English, Americans). This museum is very interesting and complete but, unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time to visit it.

(from the Memorial website : www.memorial-caen.fr)

Then we went to Arromanches, one of the landing beaches. The beach is very big and we could see the remains of the artificial harbour built for the landing.

To finish, we stopped at Colleville-sur-Mer to see the American Cemetary. It was impressing. On the whole, this trip was interesting and enriching but a little too short for us.

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