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T2 – The 9/11 Attack

Video “What happened on 9/11?”





al-Qaeda: This international Islamist extremist terrorist network is responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Al-Qaeda is responsible for multiple terrorist attacks since its founding in the 1980s by Osama bin Laden and others who were involved in the war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Their aim has been to overthrow governments in the Middle East, and elsewhere in the Muslim world, which do not strictly enforce a narrow, fundamentalist version of Islam.

Hijack: This means to take control by force.

Advocacy: This is when a person or group of people pushes for the support of a specific cause or policy.

Change of tours: This is the time of day when one group of firefighters finishes a shift at the firehouse and prepares to go home, while a new group of firefighters arrives to begin working. Firefighters sometimes refer to their work shifts as tours.

Equities trader: This is someone who buys and sells stocks through one of the major stock exchanges.

Ground Zero: The World Trade Center site and surrounding area were called this after the collapse of the Twin Towers. The area was filled with 1.8 million tons of debris.

Sky Lobby: This was a transfer area located on the 44th and 78th floors in the North and South Towers. It allowed workers in the building to switch between express and local elevators.

Dean Witter Reynolds: This large financial firm had offices at the World Trade Center.

StuyHealth: This advocacy group and health program represents young adults who were affected by 9/11 and the clean-up at the site.

Stuyvesant High School: This high school is located a few blocks away from the World Trade Center.

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