Home » Ecoliers » Homemade Video : Special Fun for Cycles 1 & 2 : A Song

Homemade Video : Special Fun for Cycles 1 & 2 : A Song

Come and Sing the famous TEDDY BEAR Rhyme

Find out the lyrics and mimes for the Teddy Bear Song

just click here to get OUR HOMEMADE VIDEO  (first provided & posted during lockdown period on May, 5th) :



The Rhyme Corner :


turn around / touch the ground

show your shoe / that will do

go upstairs / say your prayers

switch off the light / say good night


The Tune Corner

sol sol do – sol sol do – fa mi ré

sol sol si – sol sol si – mi ré do



do ré mi – do ré mi – ré mi fa

si do ré – si do ré – do ré mi


sol sol do – sol sol do – fa mi ré

sol sol si – sol sol si – mi ré do


The Real Tune here (with different lyrics)



See also the very beginning of the Karaoke video (former article) with a much longer version of the Teddy Bear Song

(same lyrics as ours here but much longer song).




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