English in Quinet

English in room 204

Archive for septembre, 2023

Tuesday, September 19th (the nineteenth)

Aujourd’hui nous avons vu comment demander la traduction d’un mot.

Ensuite nous avons travaillé les salutations.


  • Savoir dire et écrire la leçon: What’s the English …?
  • Faire les exercices ICI
posted by Miss in Year 7DE and have No Comments

Tuesday, September 19th (the nineteenth)

Today we spoke about Nelson Mandela

and Martin Luther King


  • Revise for a test (Classroom English, questions, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King English speaking flags, countries and capitals
  • Beaucoup d’exercices ICI à choisir selon ses besoins
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Tuesday, September 19th (the nineteenth)

Today we did a test and we corrected it.


  • None
posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

Monday, September 18th (the eighteenth)

Aujourd’hui nous avons revu les salutations et nous avons travaillé la prononciation ICI

et ensuite nous avons travaillé « feelings ».


  • Faire les exercices ICI.
posted by Miss in Year 7G and have No Comments

Monday, September 18th (the eighteenth)

Today we corrected your homework and we revised questions.

And we wrote a lesson:

Then we looked at your cover page competition


  • Revise for a quick test (questions, classroom supplies, classroom English
  • Do the cover page for the 25/09 and be ready to present it (document I.Beaubreuil)
posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

Monday, September 18th (the eighteenth)

Today we continued to work on questions and we corrected your homework and we did another exercise.


  • Write 5 questions
  • Revise for a test on Friday
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Monday, September 18th (the eighteenth)

Today we did a test.


  • Parents sign the authorisation
  • Complete the cover page for Friday
posted by Miss in Year 10F and have No Comments

Friday, September 15th (the fifteenth)

Aujourd’hui nous avons revu la présentation. Ensuite nous avons vu le fonctionnement des ilots et pour terminer nous avons écrit une leçon.


  • Savoir dire et écrire la leçon
posted by Miss in Year 7DE and have No Comments

Friday, September 15th (the fifteenth)

Today we revised with a Kahoot. Then we worked on questions.


  • Faire la première exercice de la fiche
  • Terminer la page de garde
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Friday, September 15th (the fifteenth)

Today we revised the lesson. Then we worked on questions.


  • Revise for a test on Monday since the beginning of the year (Classroom English, questions, vocabulary …)
posted by Miss in Year 10F and have No Comments

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