English in Quinet

English in room 204

Archive for septembre, 2023

Tuesday, September 12th (the twelfth)

Aujourd’hui nous avons révisé le vocabulaire pour les fournitures et nous avons travaillé le « Classroom English ».


posted by Miss in Year9FGH and have No Comments

Tuesday, September 12th (the twelfth)

Today we revised the vocabulary of supplies.

Then we worked on Classroom English and wrote a lesson.

And to finish we looked at participation with « Ilots ».


  • Do the exercises here, here
  • Learn the lesson + supplies vocabulary
  • Parents sign the « Autorisation d’image »
posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

Tuesday, September 12th (the twelfth)

Today we revised and corrected the classroom English

and wrote a lesson

  • Learn the Classroom English, do the exercises HERE , HERE , HERE
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Monday, September 11th (the eleventh)

Today we revised questions.


  • Write 5 questions
posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

Monday, September 11th (the eleventh)

Aujourd’hui nous avons vu comment donner des informations personnelles sur soi et collé la page de garde.


  • Savoir dire et écrire les phrases de la page de garde
  • Faire les exercices ICI
posted by Miss in Year 7G and have No Comments

Monday, September 11th (the eleventh)

Today you worked in pairs and did some revision of the basics.


  • Faire les exercices mot de passe Year10@ ICI
  • Faire la fiche de Classroom English
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Monday, September 11th (the eleventh)

Today we corrected the classroom English

and you did an exercise on questions


  • Learn the Classroom English, do the exercises HERE and HERE
posted by Miss in Year 10F and have No Comments

Friday, September 8th (the eighth)

Aujourd’hui nous avons vu le fonctionnement de la classe d’anglais.


  1. Do the exercise HERE

2. Listen and write

3. This flag is the « Union Jack »

  • Faire signer compléter la fiche « Autorisation d’image »
  • Signer et faire signer la fiche: Welcome to English
posted by Miss in Year 7DE and have No Comments

Friday, September 8th (the eighth)

Today we worked on the classroom rules and getting to know each other.


  • Make sentences about me
  • Do the cover page
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Friday, September 8th (the eighth)

Today you worked in pairs and did some revision of the basics.


  • Faire les exercices mot de passe Year10@ ICI
  • Faire la fiche de Classroom English
posted by Miss in Year 10F and have No Comments

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