English in Quinet

English in room 204

Archive for septembre, 2023

Friday, September 8th (the eighth)

Aujourd’hui nous avons corrigé le travail sur le blog.

Ensuite nous avons vu comment donner des informations sur soi.

posted by Miss in Year 7G and have No Comments

Friday, September 8th (the eighth)

Today we got to know each other and we revised school supplies and looked at what makes a good pupil.


  • Be able to give the information about me
  • Learn the school supplies
posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

Friday, September 8th (the eighth)

Aujourd’hui nous avons revu rapidement le vocabulaire et les informations me concernant à l’oral avec un exercice ICI.


  • Savoir dire et écrire le vocabulaire
  • Faire l’exercice ICI
posted by Miss in Year9FGH and have No Comments

Wednesday, September 6th (the sixth)

Aujourd’hui nous avons vu le fonctionnement de la classe de remédiation et vous avez fait des phrases sue moi.


  • Etre capable de donner les phrases à l’oral

posted by Miss in Year9FGH and have No Comments

Wednesday, September 6th (the sixth)

Aujourd’hui nous avons vu le fonctionnement de la classe d’anglais.


  1. Do the exercise HERE

2. Listen and write

3. This flag is the « Union Jack »

  • Faire signer compléter la fiche « Autorisation d’image »
  • Signer et faire signer la fiche: Welcome to English
posted by Miss in Year 7G and have No Comments

Wednesday, September 6th (the sixth)

Today we worked on the classroom rules and getting to know each other.


  • Make sentences about me

posted by Miss in Year 10F and have Commentaires fermés sur Wednesday, September 6th (the sixth)

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