English in Quinet

English in room 204

Archive for janvier 23rd, 2024

Tuesday, January 23rd (the twenty-third)

Aujourd’hui nous avons revu les mois et les nombres ordinaux ICI. Ensuite nous avons écrit une leçon.


  • Savoir dire et écrire la leçon
  • Savoir dire et écrire les nombres ordinaux 21st to 31st, exercices ICI
posted by Miss in Year 7G and have No Comments

Tuesday, January 23rd (the twenty-third

Today we started with a test. Then you did a vocabulary exercise.

To finish we looked at questions.


  • Write 5 questions about food and places
  • Answer the questions
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Tuesday, January 23rd (the twenty-third)

Today we revised the superlatif and we corrected your sentences.

Then we revised the past simple and did an exercise HERE

To finish we worked on numbers:


  • Ecrire les nombres en toutes lettres
  • Savoir dire et écrire les grands nombres
posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

Tuesday, January 23rd (the twenty-third)

Aujourd’hui nous avons vu les Spelling Bee Champions.

Vous pouvez voir les vidéos ICI.

Ensuite nous avons revu les New Year’s Resolutions ICI .


  • Savoir dire et écrire le vocabulaire
posted by Miss in Year 7DE and have No Comments

Tuesday, January 23rd (the twenty-third)

Today we corrected your homework:

Ensuite nous avons fait un exercice


  • Mettre les verbes à la 3ème personne du singulier et les écrire dans le cahier
posted by Miss in Year9FGH and have No Comments

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