English in Quinet

English in room 204

Archive for février 9th, 2024

Friday, February 9th (the ninth)

Today we looked at the test ev@lang. Then we spoke about your test and corrected your homework.


posted by Miss in Year 10F and have No Comments

Friday, November 9th (the ninth)

Today we corrected the paragraph.

Then we started a new chapter with a brainstorming.


  • Revoir la rédaction pour un contrôle le 16/02 (3éme personne, because, so, but, or)
  • Apprendre le vocabulaire et compléter le document
posted by Miss in Year9FGH and have No Comments

Friday, February 9th (the ninth)

Aujourd’hui nous avons revu la leçon ICI et nous avons continué le livret.

Ensuite nous avons regardé une vidéo ICI et nous avons écrit une leçon.


  • Savoir dire et écrire la leçon
  • Colorier le mini book et apprendre les informations (Ireland and Wales)
  • Faire des exercices jusqu’au prochain contrôle ICI (mot de passe dans pronote)
posted by Miss in Year 7G and have No Comments

Friday, February 9th

Today we corrected your homework HERE

and we worked on the front page HERE.

Then we looked at your final task:


  • IV 21 to 30
  • Prepare the final task (choose 2 events from last year and loo up the information 5Ws
posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

Friday, February 9th (the ninth)

Aujourd’hui nous avons commencé par un contrôle leçon.

Et nous avons revu les saisons.

Avec une compréhension orale.


  • Savoir dire et écrire de 21st – 30th
  • Faire les exercices ICI (entraînement)
  • Revoir la leçon: What day is it today?
posted by Miss in Year 7DE and have No Comments

Friday, February 9th (the ninth)

Today we quickly looked at some examples of ev@lang HERE. Then corrected your homework.

Then we did an exercise HERE and you worked on some questions.


  • Répondre aux questions
  • ev@lang HERE
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

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