English in Quinet

English in room 204

Archive for juin, 2024

Monday, June 25th ((the twenty-fifth)

Aujourd’hui nous avons revu le vocabulaire de la description. Ensuite nous avons travaillé sur la place de l’adjectif:

posted by Miss in Year 7G and have No Comments

Friday, June 21st (the twenty-first)

Today you worked on question words and questions.

Then you watched a video on The Statue Of Liberty.

posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Friday, June 21st (the twenty-first)

Aujourd’hui nous avons travaillé la description physique (lecture et recherche de vocabulaire).


  • Savoir dire et écrire le vocabulaire
  • Faire les exercices ICI, ICI
posted by Miss in Year 7G and have No Comments

Friday, June 21st (the twenty-first)

Aujourd’hui nous avons revu le vocabulaire de la famille et les déterminants. Ensuite nous avons vu comment parler de la possession.

You can see your videos HERE


  • Finir la fiche
  • Faire l’exercice ICI
posted by Miss in Year 7DE and have No Comments

Friday, June 21st (the twenty-first)

Today we corrected the homework..

Then we worked on the preterit an be + v + ing


posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

Friday, June 21st (the twenty-first)

Aujourd’hui nous avons commencé par un contrôle leçon. Ensuite nous avons parlé d’un crime. What were they doing when the lights went out?

posted by Miss in Year9FGH and have No Comments

Friday, June 21st (the twenty-first)

Today we corrected and revised questions HERE and then we did a quiz HERE. Then you did a Pair Work.


  • None
posted by Miss in Year 10F and have No Comments

Wednesday, June 19th (the nineteenth)

Today we worked on questions.

posted by Miss in Year 10F and have No Comments

Wednesday, June 19th (the nineteenth)

Aujourd’hui nous avons corrigé le « homework ».

Ensuite nous avons vu les déterminants avec une vidéo ICI et un exercice:


  • Savoir dire et écrire la description de la family Addams et les déterminants possessifs
posted by Miss in Year 7DE and have No Comments

Wednesday, June 19th (the nineteenth)

Aujourd’hui nous avons revu la leçon. Ensuite nous avons fait des devinettes HERE . Ensuite nous avons commencé la description physique.


  • Refaire les devinettes ICI et écrire les réponses dans le cahier
  • Savoir dire et écrire le vocabulaire de la famille
posted by Miss in Year 7G and have No Comments

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