English in Quinet

English in room 204

Archive for the 'Year 10G' Category

Monday, April 29th (the twenty-ninth)

Today we corrected your homework and we wrote a lesson.


  • Do exercise 3
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Friday, April 12th (the twelfth)

posted by Miss in Year 10 LCE,Year 10F,Year 10G,Year 7DE,Year 7G,Year 9E,Year9FGH and have No Comments

Friday, April 5th (the fifth)

Today we corrected your homework

Then we practiced talking abour experience and we wrote a lesson.


  • Do the exercise ( copy the sentences in your exercise book and correct them)

Write the sentences in your exercise books with the correct verb form

  • Prepare your language oral.
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Tuesday, April 2nd (the second)

Today we corrected your homework;

Then we continued working on the present perfect and the past simple with an exercise.

Et nous avons réfléchi sur la langue


  • Faire l’exercice
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Tuesday, March 25th (the twenty-fifth)

Today we corrected your sentences and

we worked on the present perfect:

Et vous avez fait des exercices d’entrainement.


  • Correct the test
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Monday, March 25th (the twenty-fifth)

Today we started by watching a video HERE, then we did some exercises.


  • Etre capable de faire les phrases sur son binôme
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Friday, March 22nd (the twenty-second)

Today we did a test.

posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Tuesday, March 19th (the nineteenth)

Today we finished the exercise on the history of Saint Patrick’s Day.

And then you did a vocabulary exercise:

Then and we worked on the passive HERE and HERE:

Et vous avez fait des exercices d’entrainement.


  • Revise for a test from the 4th March (US elections HERE, Washington HERE, vocabulary, passive HERE and HERE present perfect HERE
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Monday, March 18th (the eighteenth)

Today we started with a quiz on St Patrick’s Day.

And we wrote some vocabulary:

Saint Patrick’s Day


  • Finish the exercise
  • Write the vocabulary
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Tuesday, March 12th (the twelfth)

Today you spoke about the survey and we answered the question :

Then you interviewd your partner and we worked on the present perfect.

Active and passive sentences


  • Write the sentences in your exercise books about your partner
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

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