English in Quinet

English in room 204

Archive for the 'Year 10G' Category

Monday, January 8th (the eighth)

Today we started with a oral work HERE and then we worked on « How to describe a picture with exe’rcises HERE, HERE, HERE and filled in the document.


  • Learn the vocabulary and the expressions do the exercises here here here
  • Learn the IV
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

See you in 2024!

posted by Miss in Year 10 LCE,Year 10F,Year 10G,Year 7DE,Year 7G,Year 9E,Year9FGH and have No Comments

Friday, December 22nd (the twenty-second)

Today we did an IV test and then we worked on the traditions of Christmas with a Kahoot.


  • None
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Tuesday, December 19th (the nineteenth)

Today we opened your advent calendar and you worked in groups to practice your oral.


  • Prepare your oral
  • IV
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Monday, December 18th (the eighteenth)

Today we corrected the homework

and continued the work on questions;

Click to enlarge


  • Learn the IV (61-70)
  • Learn the vocabulary
  • Prepare the questions for the oral
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Friday, November 15th (the fifteenth)

Today you did an IV test. Then we corrected your homework on questions and we did some other exercises.

You can see your dialogues HERE (password in pronote)


  • Do exercise 3
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Tuesday, December 12th (the twelfth)

Today we started with an IV test. Then we corrected your homework.


  • IV
  • Do ex.1

posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Monday, December 11th (the eleventh)

Today we started with an IV test. Then we finished your dialogues. You can see them HERE.


  • Terminer les fiches
  • VI 41-51
  • Manon et Amandine will do their oral
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Friday, December 8th (the eighth)

Today we started with an IV test and then you practiced your dialogues.


  • Dialogues
  • IV
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

Tuesday, December 5th (the fifth)

Today you worked on your dialogues.


  • Learn your dialogues
posted by Miss in Year 10G and have No Comments

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