English in Quinet

English in room 204

Archive for the 'Year 9E' Category

Monday, November 20th (the twentieth)

Today we revised the vocabulary and the description. Then we started to work on Thanksgiving food

and an exercise HERE and HERE.


  • Learn the voacabulary
posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

Friday, November 17th (the seventeenth)

Today we continued the description of the painting: The first Thanksgiving.

And then we did a vocabulary exercise.

  • Learn the vocabulary
  • Be able to describe the picture
posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

Tuesday, November 14th (the fourteenth)

Today we revised the vocabulary of a picture, then we corrected your homework.

Then you described a painting.


  • Recopier la leçon
  • Faire la 3ème partie (analyser)
posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

Monday, November 13th (the thirteenth)

Today, we worked on how to describe a picture with an exercise HERE. The we described this picture.

  • Faire l’exercice HERE.
  • Compléter la fiche
posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

Friday, November 10th (the tenth)

Today we corrected your homework and wrote some vocabulary.

Click on the picture to enlarge

Then we did a reading comprehension on Thanksgiving.

To finish we wrote a lesson.


  • Learn the lesson
  • Be capable of explaining Thanksgiving (lesson)
posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

Tuesday, Nobvember 7th (the seventh)

Today we brainstormed festivals and matched the names, pictures and descriptions and we wrote some vocabulary.

Then you wrote some expressions.


  • Describe the pictures using the sentences

Click on the picture

posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

Monday, November 6th (the sixth)

Today we corrected the test. Then we started an new chapter and you brainstormed the festivals and celebrations.


  • Correct test in green
  • Parents sign test
posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

Have a very good holiday!

posted by Miss in Year 10 LCE,Year 10F,Year 10G,Year 7DE,Year 7G,Year 9E,Year9FGH and have Commentaires fermés sur Have a very good holiday!

Friday, October 20th (the twentieth)

Aujourd’hui nous avons fait un contrôle.


  • None
posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

Tuesday, October 17th (the seventeenth)

Today we revised the information on English speaking countries with a game HERE. Then you finished completing the exercise.

Et nous avons écrit une leçon


-Revise for a test

posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

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