English in Quinet

English in room 204

Archive for the 'Year 9E' Category

Monday, September 18th (the eighteenth)

Today we corrected your homework and we revised questions.

And we wrote a lesson:

Then we looked at your cover page competition


  • Revise for a quick test (questions, classroom supplies, classroom English
  • Do the cover page for the 25/09 and be ready to present it (document I.Beaubreuil)
posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

Friday, September 15th (the fifteenth)

Today we revised school supplies and Classroom English. Then we worked on questions HERE.


  • Learn the questions
  • Compléter do the burger dance and be the hotdog man
  • Revoir pour un contrôle mardi
posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

Tuesday, September 12th (the twelfth)

Today we revised the vocabulary of supplies.

Then we worked on Classroom English and wrote a lesson.

And to finish we looked at participation with « Ilots ».


  • Do the exercises here, here
  • Learn the lesson + supplies vocabulary
  • Parents sign the « Autorisation d’image »
posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

Monday, September 11th (the eleventh)

Today we revised questions.


  • Write 5 questions
posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

Friday, September 8th (the eighth)

Today we got to know each other and we revised school supplies and looked at what makes a good pupil.


  • Be able to give the information about me
  • Learn the school supplies
posted by Miss in Year 9E and have No Comments

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