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Unit 01: Welcome to Middle School !

Cultural facts: British Schools

Learn more about…. British schools Children’s education in England is normally divided into two separate parts: primary education from five years old to eleven years old ; secondary school from eleven years old to sixteen, seventeen or eighteen years old. As in France, British children have school holidays: end of October: 1 week Christmas: 2 weeks … Continuer la lecture »

Catégories: Unit 01: Welcome to Middle School ! | Laisser un commentaire

Unit 01 Welcome to Middle School !

Objectif: connaître et savoir utiliser les expressions propres à la classe d’anglais Vocabulary 1- Les consignes (instructions) 2- Le matériel (school supplies) 3- Dire et écrire la date (saying and writing the date) Jours de la semaine (days of the week) Mois et ordinaux (months and ordinal numbers) Grammar 1- Donner un ordre: l’impératif 2- L’ordre des adjectifs Les … Continuer la lecture »

Catégories: Unit 01: Welcome to Middle School ! | 3 Commentaires