Russian schoolroom by Norman Rockwell


.This painting is an oil on convas painting by Norman Rockwell in 1967.
The title is Russian Schoolroom.

.Russian Schoolroom depicts a group of Soviet pupils in their classroom.
They’re probably looking at their teacher who’s not in the painting.
We can see a bust of Lenin, with flowers around, who’s partially visible there,

.This painting is divided into two parts :

Fist, in the foreground, we can see children who’re probably listening to their teacher, and who’re really quiet, with their hand on the desk.
The boy on the left is wearing a blue uniform and a red scarf around his neck.
Next to him, there ‘s a girl.
She’s wearing a black uniform and a red scarf too.
There ‘re really serious.
In the background, we can see children who’re listening to the teacher…And a pupil who is looking outside.
In fact, it depicts students seated at their desks, looking in the direction of a bust of Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin, except for one student gazing out a window.

It’s like the boy doesn’t care of the autority, he’s not like his classmates.


Une réflexion sur « Russian schoolroom by Norman Rockwell »

  1. Good depiction but you could have gone further in the analysis: why can’t you see the teacher? who are they listening to? the teacher or Lenine? What does the the boy stand for?

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