Thanksgiving by Norman Rockwell

This document is an oil painting by Norman Rockwell entitled « Freedom for want » it was painted in 1943. Today this painting is exposed in Norman Rockwell Museum, in Massachussets.

Norman Rockwell was born in New York city in 1894 and he is dead in november 1978. Its an American illustrator. He’s famous to have illustrated

the covers of « Saturday Evening post » magazine.

The scene takes place in a dining room. We can see a family sitting around a table. A grandmother brings a big turkey in the middle of the table.

A beautiful table is laden with a white tablecloth and beautiful dishes.

Salt and pepper shakers are put in the center of the table. Fruits are also put. Our gaze is drawn towards the turkey that lies in a middle of this painting. The turkey of a bright colour ( golden ) brings out on the whiteness of the tablecloth. We can assume that this family is rather wealthy.

All ages are represented in this painting. An elderly couple invites probably to dinner his children and grandchidren for thanksgiving .

They look happy because they smile. Members of this family look very agree among themselves. The painting shows a happy and a close-knit family and seems to be a model family in the United States who celebrates thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is a christian festive day celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States . Its the day where we thank god by prayers. Today, americans celebrate this day during a family meal where they eat traditionally turkey.

Une réflexion sur « Thanksgiving by Norman Rockwell »

  1. Very good and precise depiction of the painting. But you could have said a little more about the context in which he painted this painting. (The 4 freedoms: what are the other 3 ones then? why does it represent freedom from want?)

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