The Facts of Life-Norman Rockwell-Enzo Deschamps


The Facts Of Life

The Facts of Life is a Norman Rockwell’s oil painting.

 On this paintIng we can see two characters: probably a father and his son. There are 3 cats too. The boy seems be 12 or 13 years old. He(wearsa light blue jeans, sneakers and colored T-shirts. He’s sit on a white armchair.  He put his face in his hands, and seems vague, even lost. Behind the 2 characters, a wall covered with an wallpaper with hens, cocks and chicks.

In the face of him, his father sat on another white armchair. He wears a white pants, a white shirt and brown shoes, glasses too. They speak in Face to face and the father is explaining something to his son .

In effect, the age of the boy, demonstrates that she is begening a teenager, and is coming in  the puberty. His father seems to explain him a what is the real  life, and the future changes which he is going to know. The boy is leaving gradually the childhood and look very innocent. The cats which are playing represents the childhood and the wallpaper’motives rpresent  the cycle of the life. If I chose this painting, it is because me too,  like many other boys,  I knew this  kind of scene with my father. When a boy is beggening a teenager, the discussion between a father and his son or a discussion between a mother and his daughter  is a real rite.

Enzo Deschamps 3eme A

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