« Boys playing Leapfrog »

Norman Rockwell

«?Boys playing Leapfrog?»


This is a painting by Norman Rockwell in 1919 intituled «?Boys Playing Leapfrog?». We can see two boys and one dog. I think they are happy because one of the boy is jumping over the other boy. The dog is running and he is open his mouth, with his thongue outside. So we can think he is happy too.

This two guys, are enjoy with a little thing. And we mustn’t have a lot and a lot toys.

So, for me, Norman Rockwell want say, « If, you haven’t a lot toys, you can nevertheless enjoy your life with nothing ».

For me, the painting is a message for everybody to show the reality, and show to every children, we need not 36 000 toys, and play with other child outside is very more funny than play in his/her bedroom lonely.


Chloé Wastiaux

Une réflexion sur « « Boys playing Leapfrog » »

  1. Good analysis. You could nevertheless have been more precise in the depiction of the boys: clothes? social class? where are they coming from?

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