Chain of Gossip

Chain of Gossip

This document is a cover paint by Norman Rockwell and it is entitled « Chain of Gossip ». The document comes from the magazine « Saturday evening post » of the march 6, 1948. This painting shows the distribution of a gossip by our-self, by all people, so we can see a chain of people, of 15 persons represent two time. The chain start in the top left-hand corner and follow the writing direction.

We can easily imagine that the first apparition of the character is for listen and the second apparition is for talk about the gossip except for the first character because she says the gossips then at the end she has abused by the man.

At the start, a woman say to an other woman something that she shouldn’t repeat but she repeat this and from gossip to gossip this thing arrive to Norman (the 14th person) who turn around the first women who is shocked because maybe she didn’t wait at this.

The morality that the painter would to do show is that we mustn’t say things which can hurt somebody and we mustn’t repeat this things!

I like this painting because it is funny but it shows a real problem

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