My presentation !!!!

Hellooo ! 


My name is Lou , and I am 13 years old . I am in 4ème b . I am tall ! I am 1m72 tall . I live in Mouvaux . I have got 2 brothers , Théo and Gabin . They are 11 and 3 years old . I have got a cat , called Régliss . It is so cute ! I love it <3 . My passion is violon , and I began 4 years ago . I am happy everyday ! And crazy too ^^ ! I am awkward , very awkward … My favorite color is Green . I loooove Wolves , this is a beautiful animal <3 … I am almost always hungry , but , it is normal , finally , I think ^^ . My 2 brothers are very silly , I am deseperate … But well 😉 . I like mangas , those about fiction . I am funny haha ! And … I am the best 😉 . It is a joke , of course ! 

I think that all ^^

Byyyyyye <3 ! 

Une réflexion sur « My presentation !!!! »

  1. I like Regliss for a cat it is cute???? and you play violon very well Lou????And yes, I’m agree with you : you are funny… and very crazy too????????

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