Présentation Lili

Hi! Let me introduce myself. My name is Lili Ruelle and I am 4eA. I was born on 15/12/02 to Villeneuve-d’Ascq. I LOVE animals, the art and music, moreover, I play piano. On the other hand, I like less the history. This year, I am going to learn a new language: the Spaniard! I also joined the section Euro Englishman to perfect my Englishman! I have a brother who is called Alix and who is 6th, to the college of Comines. I live in Quesnoy-sur-Deûle, a very flowery and very attractive city where passes a river: the Deûle. I have a cat which is called Pimprenelle and who was 4 years old this year. My parents work everything them two in the same communication agency, my father is Web project manager, and my mother is a manager of studio. Later, I shall like making a work for taking care and working with dolphins as in water parks! Goodbye !

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