An otaku presentation.

Heeeeeeey :3

My name is Alice (but you can call me Tomato-chan, or Panda-sama.)

I have 12 years old, because I was born on December ;-;

I love : mangas, anime (japanese cartoons), video games, sushis, Japan, mangas again…

I HAAAAATE : Nothing. Or not.

I’m an otaku, it’s a… Mangas, animes, video games fan, idols (japanese stars)…

I have a cat, her name is Sybil.

My parents divorced and the two remade all their lives. So now, I have a (almost) half sister.

I speak French (very well. Why ? I’m french ^^), english (a little) and I learn Japanese (under my own steam :3)

So, in Japanese : « Hello, my name is Alice. » is « Kon’nichiwa, watashi wa Arisu desu. » O.O


(a clue about my next article : I speak you about a manga :3)

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