Presentation Of Miss TicTac (Lisa)


I’m Lisa and I love TicTac and I’m very little.

So you can call me the little girl of tictacs.

I have got 1 little brother Martin he’s 8 and it’s a monster.

I also have got a little Claire my sister she’s 10 and she loves doll but me I fear doll!

I play trombone this is my 3th year and with the trombone I take Ochestre.

My favorite song is Fancy of Iggy Azalea I love this song.

I was born 28th, December , 2002

I have got a dog or not. No I hasn’t got dog but I WANT A DOG !!!

I like Cyprien, Squeezie, Norman, Mathieu Sommet, Natoo…

I have got the book of Natoo  »Icône » and I love this book.

Before I had a guinea pig but he’s dead in the most tragic way possible : a flu.

So to sum it all up I like YouTube, my friends, Iggy Azalea, animals, music and eat.

By Lisa

PS : I play trombone not saxophone it’s Lisa Simpson who plays saxophone.

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