Louis’ presentation

My name is Louis Marchand. I’m born the 20.04.2002 in Champigny sur Marne near Paris and I live with my parents and my two sisters : Lionel,41 years old, Hélène, 39 years old, Valentine, 11 years old and Adèle, 8 years old. I have a cat too who’s name is grisou (he’s grey!). My hobbies are swimming and riding bike with my father (I have a race bike). I want to become pilot of plane later. I’m lucky because I leave near an aerodrome and I’ll can pass my patent next year. I’m singing in a french boy’s choir (la maitrise des hauts de France) and I travel a lot with it. I was in south Canada and north USA this summer and I’ll go to Rome for the new year’s day. It’s amazing!

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