2009-2010 – Quiz : Are You a Good Learner ?

Voici un questionnaire réalisé par la classe de 5e2 qui te permettra de  savoir si ta méthode d’apprentissage en classe et à la maison est efficace. Pour cela, entoure la réponse choisie puis calcule ton score en ajoutant les points obtenus pour chaque réponse. Lis ensuite ton profil.

Quiz : Are You a Good Student ?

1. How often are you attentive in class ?

never rarely sometimes often always

2. How often do you ask questions ?

never rarely sometimes often always

3. How often do you try your hardest ?

never rarely sometimes often always

4. How often do you organize your work ?

never rarely sometimes often always

5. How often do you ask for help when you

don’t understand something ?

never rarely sometimes often always

6. How often do you learn your lessons ?

never rarely sometimes often always

Score : valeur des réponses :

never = 0,  rarely = 1,  sometimes = 2

OFTEN = 3,  always = 4

from 0 to 6 points

You probably don’t like school but this can

change if you make the right decision.

Keep your chin up !

from 6 to 12 points

You sometimes have difficulties but you want to have better marks .

Just see what you can change to make your dreams come true.

from 12 to 18 points

School is not a problem for you . You are doing well.

Keep up the good work until you are an expert.

from 18 to 24 points

Congratulations !

You are an expert learner because you are very consciencious.

Your parents can be proud of you ! Isabelle

pour la classe de 5e2

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