Axe Lieux et formes de pouvoir




THEME: Produits locaux, produits bio, agriculture raisonnée, appellations : rapports de pouvoir entre acteurs du marché.

Comprehension orale

Doc 1: Why food reformers have mixed feelings about eco-labels,

By Rachel Martin, June 12, 2019, The Salt



Expression écrite: Are you for or against GMO food? (120 words)

Articles on the topic


DOC 2: People’s Republic Of Uber: Making Friends, Chauffeuring People In China

Frank Langfitt,May 4, 2015,Heard on All Things Considered


Expresssion écrite: Imagine Cici’s conversation with a visitor in Shanghai? (120 words)


DOC 3: Staying At a Hotel Or An Airbnb? The Lines Are Blurring

May 1, 2019, Heard on All Things Considered, S.Nogushi


Expression écrite: Will you prefer to get accommodated in a hotel or an Airbnb house when you travel ? Give your opinion.(120 words)


DOC 4: Waste and sharing



DOC 5: Why One Startup Is Offering Meals Made By Home Cooks And Middle-Schoolers, May 19, 2016, Heard on All Things Considered
