Axe 2: Espace privé, espace public



I.Why care about Internet privacy?

1.Watch the following video.

2.Fill in the blanks with words from the video.

a-Alan Henry is working for a company called…………………………………..

b-He agrees that we should care about internet privacy because when you click on a website, they ……………………. information about…………..

c-With these information, the companies make tons of …………………..

d-To prevent (empêcher) companies to do whet they want with my data, I can use browser ………………………….. like …………………………. and Ghostery.

3.Opinion: What do you think about this video (useful, useless)? What is the aim (goal) of the video producer?

II. Edward Snowden

1.Watch the video.

2.Write about Edward Snowden (origin, job, activities) and say why he is so important when you talk about privacy and surveillance. (80-100 words)


III)Etude de texte:

Ohio Man Charged With Putting Spyware On Thousands of Computers


What does this picture represent? Can you imagine what the text is about?

TextOhio man charged with putting spyware in thousands of computers

2) Practice reading with the audio file. Record the text with vocaroo ( and send it to the teacher.


3. Make a resume of the text in French (Compte rendu du texte en Français de 80-100 mots).Correction

IV ) GRAMMAR (Préterit or Present perfect)

1-Make a summary of the lesson about the past in English (structure, types of verbs, pronunciation, etc…)

the Past (le Preterit)

Pour aller plus loin dans la prononciation du -ed, clique ICI

Le Present perfect (Be+V-en)



3.Simple past or present perfect 1

4.Simple past or presentperfect 2

5.Simple past or present perfect 3

Contrôle des connaissances

C1Past Tenses Exercise1

C2 Simple Past vs. Present Perfect2

V) Production écrite

1- Linking-words (mots de liaison).

Visionner la vidéo et noter bien sur vos cahiers la signification de chacun de ces mots de liaison.

2.Exercice d’application auto-correctif.

Click on  Linking-word exo  to do the exercice.

3. Written work.

You are the writer of a popular  »Agony Aunt » column in Martinique-Antilles (where people write in with problems and the Agony Aunt provides solutions. Please write an 80 word response for the following letter.


Dear Agony Aunt,

I spy on my daugther’s Facebook and text messages because I love her and want to protect her. But, sometimes I feel ashamed. Do you think I should continue?
