I hope you will enjoy perfect summer holidays. I’m going to change the organisation of the blog during the summer. The coronavirus posts are going to disappear after July 15th.

Je vous souhaite à tous de bonnes vacances d’été. Je vais changer l’organisation du blog pendant l’été. Les articles du coronavirus disparaîtront après le 15 juillet.

Look at Joaquim’s board game :


Week 13 Day 34

And work on a timeline for slavery here.

Before the abolition of slavery, anybody could arrest a black person and sell them as a slave. The black community of Boston was trying to protest its population.

Learn about the Civil Rights Movement here

Segregation was in many places and separated people in public places.


Document 1

  author : Ted Littleford.

See what inspired  the picture  on my other blog :  lewebpedagogique/howartyou

Document 2:

Trayvon Martin was fatally shot on Feb. 26, 2012. The unarmed teen’s death gave birth to the Black Lives Matter movement. Martin was not killed by a policeman, but by George Zimmerman, a member of the local neighborhood watch who claimed he shot the black 17-year-old in self-defense. A jury acquitted Zimmerman of murder  in July 2013. The verdict was very unpopular . Three women, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi — all black, all friends — reacted by posting #BlackLivesMatter on social media.

#BlackLivesMatter Takes Hold

The phrase “black lives matter” took root in August 2014, when Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson killed Michael Brown. On some days, there were almost 2 million tweets using one or more of the dozens of keywords researchers analyzed.  This is how people reacted to seeing tanks and armored vehicles in response to the protests in the small town of Ferguson. A  lot of people  said ‘Wow, this is really a problem.’”

With daily confrontations between protesters and law enforcement in Ferguson, this was the moment the movement hit its stride.

Read the article about the origin of this sign 


Document 3 : Artwork by @nikkolas_smith, instagram post by Michelle Obama.

Document 4 

Michael de Adder cartoon, published in The Star, May 29, 2020

Document 5

Colin Kaepernick’s protest first occurred in 2016.  At that point, he simply sat on the benches during the US national anthem during a game.

But he later chose  to take a knee in protest — saying he was doing so to show more respect for military veterans. Several other players joined his protest, even though they received criticism from football fans who said that it was disrespectful to the United States.

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of colour,” Kaepernick said in a press conference.  “To me, this is bigger than football, and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

Document 6


HERE IS YOUR  MISSION : voici votre mission (votre devoir)

1 Pick 2 documents on this page

2 Write the INTRODUCTION :

a/  What is the meaning of FIGHT (look for it in a dictionary)

b/ Say what the documents are (genre, author, source if possible)

3 DESCRIBE each document precisely, give its CONTEXT, and say how it is related to the word FIGHT


  • write how each document relates to the other one : do they complement each other ? are they opposed ?
  • how are they related to other concepts such as violence, justice, equality, responsibility, democracy, freedom, respect …( pick the relevant words)?
  • add something personal about your perception, or your experience, your country, people’s situations….

Ce devoir est à m’envoyer sur ma messagerie professionnelle, pour la fin de la semaine. Comme il est complexe et long, je posterai un autre travail dans la semaine, qui sera lié à la grammaire et au vocabulaire.



W11 DAY 30

J’attends vos suppositions avant de donner les réponses  aux énigmes du jour précédent….


Answer these questions :

1 Find two things Kristen Bell can do.

2 The first class she takes is about :

3 Vocabulary : match the words and their meanings :

a/dogs  b/ that’s tight c/that’s hard d/dope e/lit f/ trippin’ g/ weak  h/ trash

1-nice and cool 2- when you lose in a game   3- friends   4- when you lose in a game  5- something cool that you’re doing 4 -cool  5 – wrong    6- nice

4 What has she learnt by the end of the video ? (4 things)

5 What has she taught the boy to do ?

W 11 day 29

Key for Day 28


Watch this video and they whether these are RIGHT or WRONG : regardez la vidéo et dites si ces affirmations sont vraies ou fausses.

Paul Bettany is the blond man on the left. Johnny Depp is the man in the middle, Gwyneth paltrow is the woman with long blond hair on the right and Ellen de Generes is the TV host on the right.

1 Gwyneth Paltrow has never been to a nude beach. R
2 Johnny Depp has been arrested. R

3 Nobody has ever had a tattoo that they regret.R

4 Paul Bettany has joined the Mile High Club.R

5 Gwyneth Paltrow has lied to get a job.W

6 Johnny Depp has never taken advantage of his celebrity to avoid a speeding ticket.R

7 Nobody has ever forgotten the name of a date.R

8 They have all seen their co-stars naked.R

9 J. Depp has lied on a talk show.W

10 Paul Bettany has said a baby was cute when it was ugly.R

DAY 29


One of the men has sung opera in public.

A maths teacher used to live in Nantes.

The deep-sea diver always has medicine in her bag.

The dancer is quite short and very thin.

The person who has ridden a turtle is not good at maths at all.

The book writer does not wear glasses all the time.

The person who has lived in Africa is a tall blonde woman.

The handball player is quite good at maths, and she can help students with  their maths homework.

Now match the names and the experiences : Mrs Troadec/ Mrs Rebeyrotte/Mr Priou/Mr Portalis/Mrs Merceron/Mrs Bressy/Mrs Bernard/Mrs Chauveau. Be logical !


WEEK 11 day 28



WATCH THIS VIDEO (click on the link)

ANSWER THE QUESTIONS  (from the start up to 3:25):

1 It’s about a TV shows that is on Friday nights

2 This is a show about  stars from all over the world

3 There is also European music

4 The TV channel is BBC 1

5 The man  has been on TV for 20 years.

6 He is appreciated for :

a/his wit, moistness, warmth and talent

7 The stars say he is quick, kind, funny, crazy, magnificent, …naughty

8 Nicole Kidman, Ben Affleck, Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise say « welcome to the Graham Norton show »

9 People from Hollywood enjoy the sense of mirth and freedom on the show.(1:41)

10 He makes people feel relaxed, even when they are exhausted.(1:51)

11 Matt Damon says  » it’s the best time I have ever had on a talk show ».

12 Judy Dench says « I have never ever been to a club in my life« 2:16

13 It is  false. 2:22

14 Will Smith compares this talk show to ….. a tennis match.

15 Will Smith says Graham Norton sets the table for you to … win

16 Will Smith sings a chorus that goes :

how I became Prince of a town called Bel Air

17 Ed Sheeran says Graham Norton  is…..   b/ a nice guy


1 Utilisez le present perfect, avec for et since, comme dans l’exemple :

ex: Your English teacher still lives in Angers. She moved here 28 years ago.
Your English teacher has lived in Angers for 28 years, since 1992.

1 You are still a student at David d’Angers. You started there 4 years ago.

I’ve been a student at D d’A for 4 years, since 2016.

2 President Macron is the President of France. He was elected in 2017. He’s been the President for 3 years, since 2017.

3 Friends is still on T.V. It was first broadcast in  1994. Friends has been on TV for 26 years, since 1994.

4 Collège David d’Angers is still a school. Male students studied there  in 1806. D d’A has been a school for 214 years, since 1906/ Students have attendes D d’A for 214 years.

5  Your Maths teacher works at David d’Angers. They arrived a few years ago. He/She has taught at D d’A for a few years. ( we can’t say how long ago exactly, so we can’t use since)


a/ How long have you known your best friend ? I have known my best friend for 28 years and she is actually an English teacher !

b/ How long have you lived in your current house/flat? I’ve lived in my house for 26 years.

c/ How long have your parents lived in Angers / their current place ? My parents have lives in Angers for (+durée), since (+ date)

d/ When did you last cook something ? I last cooked for the last meal. (simple past, avec last)

Day 28


Watch this video and say whether these are RIGHT or WRONG : regardez la vidéo et dites si ces affirmations sont vraies ou fausses.

Paul Bettany is the blond man on the left. Johnny Depp is the man in the middle, Gwyneth paltrow is the woman with long blond hair on the right and Ellen de Generes is the TV host on the right.

1 Gwyneth Paltrow has never been to a nude beach
2 Johnny Depp has been arrested.

3 Nobody has ever had a tattoo that they regret.

4 Paul Bettany has joined the Mile High Club.

5 Gwyneth Paltrow has lied to get a job

6 Johnny Depp has never taken advantage of his celebrity to avoid a speeding ticket.

7 Nobody has ever forgotten the name of a date.

8 They have all seen their co-stars naked.

9 J. Depp has lied on a talk show

10 Paul Bettany has said a baby was cute when it was ugly

Vocabulary :

1 aller sur une plage nudiste /2 se faire arrêter par la police /3 avoir  un tatouage qu’il/elle regrette /4 faire partie du Mile High Club/ 5 mentir pour obtenir un job/ 6 profiter de sa notoriété pour échapper à une amende pour vitesse/ 7 oublier le nom de la personne avec qui on sort /8 voir les acteurs avec qui l’on tourne nus /9 mentir lors d’ un show/ 10 dire qu’un bébé est mignon alors qu’il est moche.

2 PLAY NEVER HAVE I EVER : jouez à ce jeu, et écrivez les 10 choses qui ne vous sont pas arrivées à vous. Trouvez  5 choses qui  me sont arrivées à moi  (Mrs Chauveau) et envoyez-moi vos réponses.  ex : you have…

    1. Never have I ever been chased by a cat.
    2. Never have I ever done something I thought I would never do.
    3. Never have I ever given someone a black eye.
    4. Never have I ever woken up someone with my snoring.
    5. Never have I ever pranked my parents.
    6. Never have I ever been trapped in an elevator.
    7. Never have I ever sang at karaoke.
    8. Never have I ever dropped my phone in the toilet.
    9. Never have I ever dyed my hair the wrong color!
    10. Never have I ever kissed a stranger.
    11. Never have I ever spilled pen ink in my pocket
    12. Never have I ever peed in a pool.
    13. Never have I ever challenged an animal to a fight.
    14. Never have I ever tried guessing someone’s password.
    15. Never have I ever lost someone and followed the wrong person in a crowd.
    16. Never have I ever sang out loud in a friends shower.
    17. Never have I ever worn Crocs.
    18. Never have I ever been chased by a dog.
    19. Never have I ever pulled a push door.
    20. Never have I ever kissed an animal.


Week 10 Day 27


 vocabulary in the text :
Paragraph 1
articles on social media : posts
for ten years : for a decade
Paragraph 2
He was very good : he excelled in school
He got financial aid for his education : he earned a scholarship
to help : to support
he managed to go / he could attend : he made it to Brasenose College
he preferred : he most loved to
to make more money : to earn a better living
dead : the late professor Murray
very eccentric : powerfully eccentric
Paragraph 3
she learnt to do something by herself : she taught herself to
intelligent : clever
he could not tell the end of his story : he could barely wheeze out a punch line
Paragraph 4
before he lost his mind : before Alzheimer’s could take it away from him
to write with a typewriter : to type
a story : an account
Paragraph 5
I could continue writing for a long time : I could write on and on
more humour than I could ever have : far drier wit than I could ever muster
they showed me what a loving couple was  : they modelled love for me


DAY 27


WATCH THIS VIDEO (click on the link)

ANSWER THE QUESTIONS  (from the start up to 3:25):

1 It’s about a TV shows that is on Fridays / Thursdays /Friday nights

2 This is a show about astronomy / national stars/ stars from all over the world/ astrology.

3 There is also European lights/ European music/ American music

4 The TV channel is BBC 1/ Canal +/Arte/Gulli

5 The man is on TV now / has been on TV for 20 years/ is dead.

6 He is appreciated for :

a/his wit, moistness, warmth and talent

b/his mitts, voiceless, dwarves and talent

c/his feet, voice, arms and his talent

7 The stars say he is quick, kind, ________, _________, magnificent, …naughty

8 Nicole Kidman, Ben Affleck, Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise say « _____to the Graham Norton _____ »

9 People from Hollywood __________the sense of mirth and freedom on the show.(1:41)

10 He makes people feel __________, even when they are __________.(1:51)

11 Matt Damon says  » it’s the ________________ I_______ever _________on a talk show ».

12 Judy Dench says « I__________never_________ to a club in __________ »2:16

13 It is : a/ true  b/ false. 2:22

14 Will Smith compares this talk show to …..a/torture b/ a dance c/ a tennis match.

15 Will Smith says Graham Norton sets the table for you to …a/lose   b/deliver    c/ win

16 Will Smith sings a chorus that goes :

…..a/  how I became the Prince of L.A.

…. b/ how I became Prince of a town called Sydney

….c/  how I became Prince of a town called Bel Air

17 Ed Sheeran says Graham Norton  is….. a/ off     b/ a nice guy  c/dependable


1 Utilisez le present perfect, avec for et since, comme dans l’exemple :

ex: Your English teacher still lives in Angers. She moved here 28 years ago.
Your English teacher has lived in Angers for 28 years, since 1992.

1 You are still a student at David d’Angers. You started there 4 years ago.

2 President Macron is the President of France. He was elected in 2017.

3 Friends is still on T.V. It was first broadcast in  1994.

4 Collège David d’Angers is still a school. Male students studied there  in 1806.

5  Your Maths teacher works at David d’Angers. They arrived a few years ago.


a/ How long have you known your best friend ?

b/ How long have you lived in your current house/flat?

c/ How long have your parents lived in Angers / their current place ?

d/ When did you last cook something ?


Bye for now… I’m not giving you any work to do before next Monday. Time for some of you to catch up…

Au revoir pour quelques jours…. Je ne vous donne plus de travail jusqu’à lundi, ce temps permettra à certains de combler leur retard. Vous pouvez donc continuer à m’envoyer des travaux.






WEEK 9 Day 23


EXERCISE 1 FOR or SINCE ? (for + durée ou since + date de début jusqu’au moment où je parle)

a- I’ve lived in Angers………. I was born. since

b- I’ve lived in the same flat …. 5 years. for

c- My family has known my best friend’s family …. we were in primary school. since

d- I haven’t gotten a present ….. my birthday.since

e- We haven’t been able to go to the seaside … a few weeks now.for

f-You usually work… one or two hours everyday, don’t you ? for

a- I will definitely go ……where far when this quarantine is finished. somewhere

b- Did you see …one yesterday ?anyone

c- No, I didn’t see …one.anyone I saw….one. noone

d- Have you ever done …thing special for your birthday ?anything

e- Have you done…thing really interesting lately ?anything

f- We will try to organise ..thing special when we meet again.something


1 La liste des façons de s’adresser aux différents groupes de personnes de cet article.

Dear Sir/Madam


Hello, Greetings, Attention + Name

Valued + name

2 Cherchez dans la liste les groupes ou personnes suivants :

  • les utilisateurs des services postaux : recipient of letters and packages
  • un homme politique Américain : Mr McConnell (Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. (born February 20, 1942) is an American politician serving as Kentucky’s senior United States senator and as Senate Majority Leader.)
  • les consommateurs de nourriture bio ou de bonne qualité : Customer (= client)
  • les soignants : Hospital staff
  • un citoyen ordinaire : Citizen
  • un ou une client(e) classique : Customer
  • la nature : Environment
  • les USA : America
  • un employé au rôle  social essentiel : Essential worker
  • un être humain : Human deserving of Basic Rights ( être humain qui mérite des droits de base)
  • un parent : Parent

3 Associez les produits ou services manquants aux différents groupes, ou personnes de la question 2 :

  • rouleaux de papier toilette :rolls of toilet paper
  • la démocratie : democracy
  • l’accès aux soins pour tous : universal health care
  • la poste : United States Postal Service
  • un message clair : UNmixed messages
  • blancs de poulet bio, élevés en plein air : organically fed, hundred-per-cent pasture-raised chicken breasts
  • humanité et empathie : humanity and empathy
  • des gants de protection : protective gloves
  • un fauteuil de bureau ergonomique (= adapté au corps et à ses mouvements) : ergonomic desk chair
  • la distraction et la garde : entertainment and child care
  • un responsable compétent : competent leader

4 Quelles sont les solutions de remplacement proposées à chaque fois ?

Instead of eating organically fed chicken, customers could have heavily processed, fifty-per-cent meat, fifty-per-cent miscellaneous chicken-nugget-like product. (like KFC chicken)

Instead of using one single ergonomic desk chair , customers can use three.

Instead of finding  regular sources of entertainment and child care, parents will drink wine in a large glass.

Instead of protecting their hands with gloves, Hospital Staff will take oven mitts covered in garbage bags.

Instead of being treated with humanity and empathy, essential workers will wear a bandana while Jared Kushner (Donald Trump’s son-in-law, who is in charge of the response to coronavirus) has plenty of masks. y

Instead of getting letters and packages, recipients will not get anything.

Instead of getting clear messages about pollution, the Environment is getting mixed messages.

Instead of wiping his bottom with rolls of toilet paper, McConnell could use the Constitution.

Instead of getting universal health care, American Humans could move to Canada.

Instead of having a competent leader  in the White House, citizens have an impatient, uninformed, delusional ratings-chaser. (Donald Trump est décrit comme impatient, non-informé, chasseur de sondages fallacieux)

Instead of enjoying democracy now, people will vote next November to get democracy in 2021.

DAY 23

1 WRITE ABOUT YOURSELF : use instead of + Verb-ing, and pay attention to the auxiliary and the verb. Ecrivez à propos de vous-même : utilisez instead of + Verb-ing. Attention à la suite de la phrase.

a- Instead of practising sports, what have you done to keep fit ?

b- Instead of going to a fast food restaurant with your friends, where will you meet ?

c-Instead of giving a hug or a kiss to friends, what can you do to greet them ?

d- Instead of meeting face to face, how should you communicate ?

e- Instead of buying tons of unnecessary things, what can you  give a friend as a present ?


USED TO + Base verbale exprime une habitude passée, une action que l’on faisait souvent autrefois, et que l’on ne fait plus désormais.

a- When he was 8 years old,____________________________ a lot

b- When he was 10 years old,___________________________ a lot

c- When he was 12 years old,_____________________________ a lot

d-When he was 14 years old,______________________________ a lot

e- When he was 18 years old,______________________________ all day.

f- Finally, ____________________________ a scientist

3 WHAT ABOUT YOU ? You CAN send me a small paragraph about you as a child.

a- What did you use to wear when you were little ?

b- What did you use to look like ?

c- What games did you use to play ?

d- Where did you use to live ?

e- Did you use to have a favourite fluffy toy or a favourite toy you had all the time ? What was it ?

As for me, I used to wear flip-flops on my feet all day (except for school) because at one point I lived in a tropical country. I used to have long blond (or light brown) hair. I used to climb trees and build huts with my friends, and my father used to take us to the the beach every other day. We used to live in Tahiti then. And then we moved back to Angers when I was 7.
I used to sleep with and carry around my doll. For some strange reason, her name is Tintin.

W8 DAY 22



a- Have you logged on Pronote recently ? I HAVE LOGGED IN…


c- Have you had any trouble (=problems) with apps / your computer/any website ? I’VE HAD TROUBLE WITH….

d- Have you asked any help from your family lately ?I’VE ASKED…. TO HELP ME WITH…

e- How long have we been in quarantine now ? WE’VE BEEN IN QUARANTINE FOR… WEEKS (DURÉE)/SINCE MARCH 14TH (DATE)

f- Have you seen any people besides your parents ? (besides= à part) I HAVEN’T SEEN ANYONE/I HAVE SEEN NOONE/ I HAVE SEEN MY GRANDMOTHER

g- Have you enjoyed any specific elements in the quarantine ? I HAVE ENJOYED ….GETTING UP LATE

h- Have you learned to do anything new in this situation ? I’VE LEARNED TO…

i- How long haven’t you seen your friends ? I HAVEN’T SEEN MY FRIENDS FOR (+ DURÉE)/ SINCE (THE BEGINNING, DATE)

j- Have you been in touch with any friends, any teachers ? (to be in touch = être en contact) I’VE BEEN IN TOUCH WITH…SOME

k- Have you learnt how to send an email in English ? I’VE LEARNT HOW TO…

l- Do you think you will meet your friends eventually ? I’M SURE WE WILL (ONE DAY)


3 PRESENT PERFECT : quelles sont les règles : quand l’utilise-t-on ? comment est-il formé ?

Comme on le voit grâce aux indicateurs de temps : how long (depuis combien de temps)

recently, lately, now ( dernièrement, maintenant)

le PRESENT PERFECT est un temps du présent. Il indique que quelque chose vient juste de se passer (cela touche le présent, parce que c’est proche en temps), quelque chose bouge, change ou influence le présent.
I’ve learnt how to = donc maintenant je sais

I’ve been in touch with= donc j’ai des nouvelles maintenant

I’ve enjoyed = telle chose m’a plu et continue à me plaire, je trouve cela agréable

We’ve been in quarantine for…8 weeks/ since 14th March…cette situation toujours vraie dure depuis…. tant de temps (FOR)

…  telle date (SINCE)

FORMATION : AUXILIAIRE have au présent/ I , you, we, they HAVE +past participle

He, she HAS

DAY 22

EXERCISE 1 FOR or SINCE ? (complétez avec for ou since, voir règles plus haut)

a- I’ve lived in Angers………. I was born.

b- I’ve lived in the same flat …. 5 years

c- My family has known my best friend’s family …. we were in primary school.

d- I haven’t gotten a present ….. my birthday.

e- We haven’t been able to go to the seaside … a few weeks now.

f-You usually work… one or two hours everyday, don’t you ?

EXERCISE 2 ANY/SOME/NO…. AND CO : transformez les phrases en utilisant la bonne forme du mot. RAPPEL : les mots en any -sont utilisés dans les phrases négatives ou interrogatives. Les mots en some- sont utilisés dans les phrases affirmatives.
Exception : on utilise some dans une question polie, pour offrir quelque chose. No- est utilisé quand le sens est négatif, mais le verbe ne porte pas la forme négative.

Les mots avec some/any/no peuvent être composés avec – thing (quelque chose)/-one ou -body (quelqu’un)/-where (quelque part).
a- I will definitely go ……where far when this quarantine is finished.

b- Did you see …one yesterday ?

c- No, I didn’t see …one. I saw….one.

d- Have you ever done …thing special for your birthday ?

e- Have you done…thing really interesting lately ?

f- We will try to organise ..thing special when we meet again.


Valued Customer: Sincerest apologies, but our organically fed, hundred-per-cent pasture-raised chicken breasts are no longer available. As a substitute, please accept this bag of heavily processed, fifty-per-cent meat, fifty-per-cent miscellaneous chicken-nugget-like product.

Dear Sir or Madam: We wanted to let you know that, though you ordered a single ergonomic desk chair for your two-hundred-square-foot apartment, we have inexplicably sent you three. Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns at this time.

Dear Parent: Sadly, the regular sources of entertainment and child care required for you to maintain your sanity are unavailable. Instead, we will be sending you a wine glass that will never seem big enough. Note: it is as fragile as your rare moments of peace.

Attention, Hospital Staff: We’re so sorry, but we no longer have protective gloves in stock. Please take these oven mitts covered in garbage bags.

Dear Essential Worker: We regret to inform you that the sense of humanity and empathy you have requested from Jared Kushner is currently on back order. While he rolls around in his national stockpile of masks, why not try a bandanna?

Greetings, Once-Enthusiastic Recipient of Letters and Packages: We are sorry to say that the United States Postal Service is no longer functioning, owing to underfunding. As such, we cannot deliver that birthday check from your grandma.

Dear Environment: We sincerely apologize for the mixed messages. We know that your air has been uncharacteristically light on pollution lately, but, please, don’t get used to it.

Hello, Mr. McConnell: Regrettably, the two hundred and fifty-six rolls of toilet paper you ordered are temporarily out of stock. Please be assured that we plan to replenish our supply soon so that you do not resort to wiping your ass with the Constitution.

Dear Human Deserving of Basic Rights: Much to our dismay, we remain unable to fulfill your order for universal health care. Might we kindly suggest that you turn back time and move to Canada?

Valued Citizen: The competent leader you requested is no longer in the White House. Please accept this impatient, uninformed, delusional ratings-chaser as an inadequate replacement. Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns at this time.

Deepest Apologies, America: Your democracy has been discontinued. With enough November preorders, however, we hope to offer this product to you again in 2021.


1 Etablissez la liste des façons de s’adresser aux différents groupes de personnes de cet article.

2 Cherchez dans la liste les groupes ou personnes suivants :

  • les utilisateurs des services postaux
  • un homme politique Américain
  • les consommateurs de nourriture bio ou de bonne qualité
  • les soignants
  • un citoyen ordinaire
  • un ou une client(e) classique
  • la nature
  • les USA
  • un employé au rôle  social essentiel
  • un être humain
  • un parent

3 Associez les produits ou services manquants aux différents groupes, ou personnes de la question 2 :

  • rouleaux de papier toilette
  • la démocratie
  • l’accès aux soins pour tous
  • la poste
  • un message clair
  • blancs de poulet bio, élevés en plein air
  • humanité et empathie
  • des gants de protection
  • un fauteuil de bureau ergonomique (= adapté au corps et à ses mouvements)
  • la distraction et la garde
  • un responsable compétent

4 Quelles sont les solutions de remplacement proposées à chaque fois ?

Vous emploierez instead of+ V-ing pour donner ces solutions. Exemple : Instead of going to the seaside, we will spend next weekend in Angers (= au lieu d’aller au bord de la mer, nous passerons le weekend à Angers).



W8 DAY 21

correction for day 20

Day 20

1 Listen to this song  : écoutez la chanson

2 The right answers : 

a- The boy would like to : get in touch with someone to get some help with remote work

b- He has tried  6 times to get some help.

c- His father is baffled because :  he doesn’t understand the situation (baffled means he is surprised and doesn’t understand)

d- The boy wants to : participate in zoom class meetings

e- They have spent : 3 weeks on  quarantine

f- The boy has only seen  his parents.

g- He has not enjoyed the situation

h- He has not even brushed : his hair

i- He hasn’t seen his friends in a long time, which means : he misses them

j- He has sent   photos of his screen to the administrators.

k- His dad is a true computer nerd, which means he is an expert in IT (information technology)

l- Zoom has kept the boy excluded for a long time/ Zoom is keeping the boy out now (both)

m- The boy has finally called his friends on the phone

n- The boy is confident he will see his class eventually.

DAY 21 Vous devez m’envoyer vos réponses par mail.

1 ANSWER THESES QUESTIONS IN THE PRESENT PERFECT : Répondez à ces questions au present perfect.

a- Have you logged on Pronote recently ?

b- Have you tried to get any help for technology?

c- Have you had any trouble (=problems) with apps / your computer/any website ?

d- Have you asked any help from your family lately ?

e- How long have we been in quarantine now ?

f- Have you seen any people besides your parents ? (besides= à part)

g- Have you enjoyed any specific elements in the quarantine ?

h- Have you learned to do anything new in this situation ?

i- How long haven’t you seen your friends ?

j- Have you been in touch with any friends, any teachers ? (to be in touch = être en contact)

k- Have you learnt how to send an email in English ?

l- Do you think you will meet your friends eventually ?

2 LIST THE WORDS OR EXPRESSIONS ABOUT TIME. Relevez les mots qui sont des indicateurs de temps dans les questions ci-dessus.
3 PRESENT PERFECT : quelles sont les règles : quand l’utilise-t-on ? comment est-il formé ?