BRITISH ICONS : oral work preparation


Here are a few examples of British icons. Read the paragraphs and match with a picture. Write every definition in your English book. Circle the category, underline the expressions for IL Y A in blue, underline the expressions for possibility in red.

Voici quelques exemples d’icônes britanniques. Lisez-les et associez chaque paragraphe à son image. Copiez chaque définition dans votre cahier. Entourez la catégorie, soulignez les expressions pour il y a en bleu, et soulignez les expressions de la possibilité en rouge.



the London Eye / Westminster Abbey/a London cab / James Bond

a- It’s an everyday object. It is large and black. You can ride it and you can see it in London. You have to pay for it, but you don’t have to buy a ticket. It can take you from place to place. There is a driver in it.

b- It’s a monument. It is large. It is related to religion, history and kings and queens. You can see it in London, and you can visit it. There is the Coronation Chair in it. Queen Elizabeth II sat there for the Coronation ceremony.

c- It’s a man, it is a famous fiction character. You can read books about this hero, or watch films about him. He has got a gun and gadgets. He wears a suit. Women love him.

d- It’s not a monument, but it is a sort of public place. you can pay for a ticket and you can ride it, but you can’t visit it. You can see London from it. There are 32 passengers capsules on it.





a- Category : It’s an everyday object. It is large and black. You can ride it and you can see it in London. You have to pay for it, but you don’t have to buy a ticket. It can take you from place to place. There is a driver in it : a London cab

b- Category : It’s a monument. It is large. It is related to religion, history and kings and queens. You can see it in London, and you can visit it. There is the Coronation Chair in it. Queen Elizabeth II sat there for the Coronation ceremony :    Westminster Abbey

c- Category : It’s a man, and it is a famous fiction character. You can read books about this hero, or watch films about him. He has got a gun and gadgets. He wears a suit. Women love him : James Bond

d- Category : It’s not a monument, but it is a sort of public place. You can pay for a ticket and you can ride it, but you can’t visit it. You can see London from it. There are 32 passengers capsules on it : the London Eye


Down below, there is a list of British icons. Pick two, look for information and write about them, answering the questions below :

Voici une liste d’icônes britanniques (sous ce texte). Choisissez-en 2, cherchez des informations et écrivez les réponses à ces questions, à leur sujet :

1 What category  is it ? IT IS ….a person  ( a man, a woman, a celebrity, a fiction character)

                                                        an everyday object  ( a symbol, a means of transport…)

                                                       a place (a monument, a public place, a village, a city, a natural element)

                                                      an animal

Quelle est sa catégorie ? une personne (homme, femme, célébrité, personnage de fiction)

                                            un objet de tous les jours ( un symbole, un moyen de transport…)

                                            un endroit ( un monument, un endroit public, un village, une ville, un élément naturel)

                                            un animal

2 What is there ? (specific or typical  elements) What has it got ? What does he/she wear (for a person ?)

It/he/she has….. He/she wears…...

Qu’est-ce qu’il y a ? (des éléments spécifiques ou typiques) Qu’est-ce qu’il/elle a ? Qu’est-ce qu’il/elle porte comme vêtement?

3 What can you do with it ? Can you visit it ? Can you ride it ? Where can you see it ? Can you eat /drink it ?

You can.…..

Que peut-on faire avec ? Peut-on le visiter , monter dedans ? Où peut-on le voir? Peut-on le boire ? le manger?

4 What do you have to do ? Do you have to buy a ticket  ? Do you have to pay for it ?

You have to pay for a ticket (on doit payer un billet)...  You have to queue up (on doit faire la queue)…You have to boil water (on doit faire bouillir de l’eau)

Que faut-il faire ? Faut-il acheter un billet ? Faut-il payer pour le voir/consommer/visiter ?

Game #1

Game#2 and Game#3 

Game#4 and Game#5

Game#6 and Game #7



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HOW TO Tell an anecdote

Listen to this 


1 Use past tense

2 Ask rhetoric questions such as : can you believe this ? / you know what ?

3 Use chronology : first/then/after that / finally

4 Action verbs are key : came in/ ran into/ heard / saw

5 Talk to your audience : listen to this / listen to my story

6 Comment : it was so awful that…. I was so scared that …. I had so much fun…. I ‘ll never forget that day…


1 Phrase d’introduction : I’m going to talk about…./I’ll tell you about…(je vais vous raconter..)

2 Circonstances, situation : There was / There were (il y avait…)

I was …. ( where, when/ où, quand …)

I was + Verb-ing ex : I was sitting in class/ I was sleeping

My mother was + Verb-ing ex : My mother was singing next to me

My friends were +V-ing ex : They were playing soccer (ce qui se passait autour au moment de l’anecdote)

3 L’incident, les actions : Something happened, simple past (ce qui s’est produit)

I heard/ I saw/ I fell / The phone rang….

On peut ajouter des mots de chronologie ou des adverbes de temps. First, then, after that, finally… All of a sudden/Suddenly…

4 Les conséquences : au simple past.  I fell ill/ I went to hospital…/ I got a present

5 Les commentaires : It was so incredible/ amazing / I couldn’t believe it/ I was so scared/ We had so much fun/ I’lll never forget that moment…. (l’effet que ça vous a fait, l’importance que cela a eu pour vous)

Les élèves absents :        Rédigez l’anecdote que vous m’enverrez à mon adresse professionnelle :              Quand je vous la renverrai corrigée, vous pourrez l’enregistrer sur et m’envoyer le lien. On vous écoutera en classe !

Bon courage à vous, on pense à vous fort !


Homework  « I’m a superhero » :

Dire 5 choses que l’on sait faire, et se vanter : I’m ……amazing/incredible/extraordinary because I can….. Le texte sera tapé dans le message. Ne pas oublier l’illustration. Les meilleurs travaux seront publiés sur le blog.

Hello ! I’m WonderChauveau and I’m amazing ! I can speak English, and with my magic finger, I can use my video projector ! I can read my students’ exercises with my incredible glasses. I can draw bizarre animals on the board with my magic markers. And I can read your messages on Pronote ! Bye for now !

I’m Antoman and I’m incredible because I can press a button and the TV turns on. I can run faster than a snail. I can do my homework very quickly. I can use my pen and writing appears and I’m amazing because I CAN WALK (oh my god you are too strong).

I’m a superhero : I’m amazing because I  can jump 60 cm with a horse. I’m extraordinary because I do fencing. I am incredible because I do my homework. I am amazing because I can help my dad with the cooking. I am amazing because I can answer a question in the English class. Mao
Hello ! I’m Wonder M.K I’m tall,I can speak very good French !! I can catch things high up, I cook very well and I can draw well  !!!
I am Powermax and I’m amazing because I can light my pen ! I can run behind my cat and eat a sweet!!!! I can jump in my bed to sleep!Woaw!!
I can protect myself from the coronavirus with my mask. I can steal Pokemon cards from my little sister. I can see through ice walls. I can be invisible when noone looks at me. I can make stacks of leaves with all the work I have. I AM AMAZING ! Emil’s mask
I’m incredible because I can fly like a bird, I can take a picture and everyone is paralyzed, I’m amazing. I can paint everything and it becomes real. I can read minds and finally I’m extraordinary because I can teleport where I want to have great holidays and to discover the world.  Luna
I’m amazing because I can draw. I’m extraordinary because I know how to find dance steps corresponding to a music when I do not know it.
I’m incredible because I know how to listen to people and understand them. I’m amazing because I can do several things at the same time. Sara
I am a super hero because I can cook pancakes, I can swim , I can watch TV for hours , I can read… I am amazing… I can sleep ! Sarra
I’m extraordinary because I can swim faster than a dolphin.  I’m amazing because I can jump higher than a kangaroo.

I’m incredible because i can turn into animals. I’m important because I can save the planet from dangers. i am the shield of the planet because I am Animal-Man.

Hi ! This is Simon. I’m extraordinary because I can play piano and i can improvise on the piano.I’m incredible because I can bodyboard. I’m amazing because I’m good at drawing.
I am a superhero because I can heal the sick, I’m incredibly strong because I can lift a house. I can fly and every morning I will say hello to Thomas Pesquet. I’m very smart because I can solve an equation in two seconds. Maxime M
I am a superhero because I can do contortions, I can bake a cake, I can tidy my bedroom, I can speak to the cat and I can do origami. Antonin
I am a super hero ! I am amazing because I can ice skate and I can swim fast. I am incredible because I can play violin and I can make things alone. I am extraordinary because I can eat chocolate without being sick. Berthille

 Clotilde :  I can wear a mask all day long !!! WOW I can sleep until 10a.m. Magnificent ! I can speak French. « APPLAUSE » I can hold a pen! WOW I can eat. Yum Yum !  I’m amazing! 

 I can go to pee before I go to bed.I can unlock the door before I go to school. I can fit my pen to do my homework. I can get up to go to school  Théo B.

  This is AWESOME APOLLINE  : « I’m extraordinary because I can run very fast, I can finish a rubix cube, I can imitate fireworks .I’m incredible because I can play guitar and I can play floorball. »


   I am a super hero : I can eat broccoli, I can tie laces, I know how to set the table, I can carry a pen and I can turn on the light. Lucie 

This is Super Manol

« Hello I’m SuperBenjamin and I’m incredible ! I can watch TV while I eat popcorn ! I can even carry a pen ! I can lift my finger in class ! I can use water at the table and I can sleep now ! Yes, yes I’m wonderful ! »

 I am extraordinary, I can set the table. I can do my homework beautifully .I’m amazing when I make my bed . I am incredible because I can wash the dishes  and I am superb because I can tidy my bedroom . Ketsia

How to tell about your week-end…

Now is the time (AGAIN !) to tell me about your week-end.Please write the questions in your English book, and answer them. Remember to use the simple past.

1 Did you go anywhere last week-end ? LOL Well, I, Mrs Chauveau, went grocery shopping on Saturday and to the baker’s on Sunday. Big adventures !

2 Did you speak to *anybody ?

3 Did you play any games ?

4 Did you help your family ?

5 Did you watch *anything interesting ?

6 Did you walk the dog ?

7 Were you happy or sad or bored ?

8 Did you do anything interesting/nice/spectacular/ *useful ?

9 What did you do exactly ? Write about two actions you did, and one that you didn’t do.

10 Do you have to *share a family computer or do you have your *own computer ?

11 What time do you *have to get up on week days when there is no school ?

12 Did you get up *early on Sunday ?

13 What *are you going to do today ?What are your parents going to do/ What is your sister going to do ?

14 Are you and your family OK ? Is everybody fine ?

15 Write about your favourite moment in the week-end (in the simple past)

Vocabulary : anybody=quelqu’un (dans une question ou une phrase négative)/anything=quelque chose ( dans une question ou une phrase négative)/ useful= utile/share= partager/ own=propre, à soi/ have to= devoir/early=tôt/be(au présent) going to=exprime le futur proche

  • Write this vocabulary list in your English book.


1 I went + Verb-ing (activity) / to + destination

2 I spoke to…./ I didn’t speak to anybody.

3 I played…/ I didn’t play.

4 I helped by Verb-ing….ex : I helped by setting the table/ I helped by cooking/…

I didn’t play.

5 I watched… I didn’t watch anything.

6 I walked the dog / I didn’t walk the dog, because I don’t have a dog.

7 I was…

8 I + Verb-ed / irregular verb in the simple past. It was interesting…./ fun/…

9 I + Verb-ed / irregular verb in the simple past. I didn’t + Verb

10 I share a computer with my… I have my own computer.

11 I have to get up at 8 on week  during *lockdown.

12 I got up aton Sunday

13 Today I’m Verb-ing. My parents are going to + Verb… My sister is going to+ Verb…

14 We are OK… We are bored… X is sick (I hope not)

15 Last week-end/During the week-end… I had fun because I Verb in the simple past


  • Please write every sentence that was not correct in your English book.