Expressions with two words or more

A boo boo/hush hush /on-off/flip-flops/ hot shot/easy peasy/ to zig zag/chop chop/

Match the pairs

Chop chop ! Put on your flip flops ! We are going to the beach !

lovey dovey / flip flops/zig zag/ topsy turvy/see saw

Match these pairs


Humdrum /shipshape/wishy washy/fuddy duddy/night night/okey dokey/pitter patter/wheeler dealer/chitchat/riff raff

Match the pairs 

Play with idioms (A2)

Play with IDIOMS


The British Isles, the United Kingdom, Great-Britain

 1/ What is the highest mountain in the United Kingdom and where is it situated  ?

 2/ What is the largest British Isle ?

 3/ What is the most populated city in Scotland ?

 4/ Which is the longest river in the United Kingdom ?

 5/ Where is the smallest house in the U.K. situated ?

 6/ Who was the first Queen in the British history ? Tip : she lived in the 16th century !Queen is reine in French)

 7/ Name the current British prime Minister and find out her address.

 8/What is the second biggest town in  England and where is it situated?

9/ Name 5 famous monuments in London

11/Make the difference between the British Isles and  the United Kingdom.

12/Differentiate between the United Kingdom and Great-Britain .


Get to know Ireland

Visit Ireland. Click here to see beautiful pictures of Ireland.

1/ What are the two parts of Ireland ?

      Where is it situated ?

      Name the different people who invaded Ireland. Here

2/Look at the page and write what the symbols of Ireland are :

3/What was the name the Romans gave Ireland ? Click here

4/ Find the other 2 names of Ireland.

5/Here : Why did Saint Patrick use the shamrock ?

Traditionally, shamrock is said to have been used by Saint Patrick to illustrate the Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity when Christianising Ireland in the 5th century.

    What is a shamrock in French ?

6/ What is a celtic cross like ? Look at the photos on the page

 Is it a cross in a triangle ?

Is it a cross in  a square ?

Is it a cross in a circle ?

7/Read about the snakes in Ireland.

9/Saint Patrick. Look here.

When is Saint Patrick celebrated ?

Where are there any parades ?

How many Americans have Irish ancestors ?

10/ What is a Leprechaun ? Play this game

11/ Draw a timeline for Ireland, with the following events :

– when the Celts arrived on the island.

– when Ireland became Christian.

– when the British King sent Protestant farmers who took the land of Catholic farmers.

– when it became impossible for Catholics to vote or to own land or to practice their religion.

– the time of the Great Potato Famine that caused the immigration of a million of people.

– when the country was divided into two parts.

– when peace started to exist seriously.

 12/Find the names of 3 typical Irish dishes, with their main ingredients.