Game#1 from BE to FIGHT  

game#2 de be à fight

Game#3 from BE to FIGHT

game#4 de be à fight

Game#5 from BE to FIGHT   spelling

Game#6 from FIND to MEET

game#7 de find à meet

Game#5 from FIND to MEET

game#6 de find à meet

Game#7 from FIND to MEET  spelling

GAME #8 from BE to MEET, in context

game#9 verbes en contexte: Prince Philip

game#10 verbes en contexte : questions


James Bond game


PLAY here

and HERE

Fill in with the right  verbs :

1 Did you …any money in your pockets ? 2 I …$10 this morning. 3 Did you …your bed ?4 I didn’t …my bed 5 Did you… the table ?

6 Did you … your verbs ? 7 Did you …to school by tramway ?8 Did you … a postcard for me ? 9 Did you …happy yesterday ?          10 … it rain yesterday ? 11 …. you in Angers yesterday ? 12 Did you…breakfast this morning ? 13 Did you … home last weekend?

14 Did you …a lamp yesterday at 6:00 p.m. ? 15 Did you …anywhere ?

VERBS : find,found/make,made/lay,laid/forget,forgot/come,came/draw,drew/feel,felt/do,did /be, was,were/have,had/leave,left/light,lit/ go,went


1 find / 2 found /3 make/ 4 make / 5 lay /6 forget / 7 come / 8 draw / 9 feel / 10 Did / 11 Were / 12 have / 13 go /14 light /15 go


TIME vocabulary

Practise here

Make sure you can use : Afternoon, ago, the first, half past, hour, January, midday, midnight, minute, noon, quarter past, quarter to, season, tenth, ten to, weekday, weekend.





1 ASSOCIEZ LES NOMS DE MAGASINS ET LEURS DEFINITIONS : (les noms de magasins sont écrits dans le désordre après les phrases)

Vocabulaire : buy : acheter / sell : vendre

1 You can buy bread, croissants and cookies there.

2 There are fruit and vegetables in this shop.

3 You can get a haircut there.

4 You can buy meat there : pork, mutton, beef, chicken

5 There are photos of houses, buildings in this shop-window.

6 There are newspapers, sweets,  and cigarettes in this place.

7 a shop that sells many different items (=articles) in different departments. Harrods is probably the world’s best known department store.

8 a large shop that sells mostly food and household items.

9 a shop where there is food, and shampoo and detergent.

10 They sell fresh fish.

11 They sell medicines and toiletries.

12  They sell glasses.

13 This shop sells things for home improvement.

14 You can buy books there .


department store /hairdresser’s /supermarket /grocer’s  /greengrocer’s /butcher’s /baker’s  /fishmonger’s /chemist’s /    newsagent’s /optician /DIY store /bookshop/ estate agent’s


key :

1 you can buy bread, croissants and cookies there : baker’s

2 There are fruit and vegetables in this shop : greengrocer’s

3 You can get a haircut there :  hairdresser’s

4 You can buy meat there : pork, mutton, beef, chicken : butcher’s 

5 There are photos of houses, buildings in this shop-window : estate agent’s

6 There are newspapers, sweets,  and cigarettes in this place : newsagent’s

7 a shop that sells many different items (=articles) in different departments. Harrods ( it is situated in London) is probably the world’s best known department store.

8 a large shop that sells mostly food and household items : supermarket

9 a shop where there is food, and shampoo and detergent : grocer’s

10 They sell fresh fish : fishmonger’s

11 They sell medicines and toiletries : chemist’s

12  They sell glasses : optician’s

13 This shop sells things for home improvement : DIY store

14 You can buy books there : bookshop