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Monthly Archives: September 2009


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Association Cyber-Langues

Senator Ted Kennedy to the President


Office of the Press Secretary



September 9, 2009

Below is the text of the letter from Senator Edward M. Kennedy referenced by the President in tonight’s address to a Joint Session of Congress.

May 12, 2009

Dear Mr. President,

I wanted to write a few final words to you to express my gratitude for your repeated personal kindnesses to me – and one last time, to salute your leadership in giving our country back its future and its truth.

On a personal level, you and Michelle reached out to Vicki, to our family and me in so many different ways. You helped to make these difficult months a happy time in my life.

You also made it a time of hope for me and for our country.

When I thought of all the years, all the battles, and all the memories of my long public life, I felt confident in these closing days that while I will not be there when it happens, you will be the President who at long last signs into law the health care reform that is the great unfinished business of our society. For me, this cause stretched across decades; it has been disappointed, but never finally defeated. It was the cause of my life. And in the past year, the prospect of victory sustained me-and the work of achieving it summoned my energy and determination.

There will be struggles – there always have been – and they are already underway again. But as we moved forward in these months, I learned that you will not yield to calls to retreat – that you will stay with the cause until it is won. I saw your conviction that the time is now and witnessed your unwavering commitment and understanding that health care is a decisive issue for our future prosperity. But you have also reminded all of us that it concerns more than material things; that what we face is above all a moral issue; that at stake are not just the details of policy, but fundamental principles of social justice and the character of our country.

And so because of your vision and resolve, I came to believe that soon, very soon, affordable health coverage will be available to all, in an America where the state of a family’s health will never again depend on the amount of a family’s wealth. And while I will not see the victory, I was able to look forward and know that we will – yes, we will – fulfill the promise of health care in America as a right and not a privilege.

In closing, let me say again how proud I was to be part of your campaign- and proud as well to play a part in the early months of a new era of high purpose and achievement. I entered public life with a young President who inspired a generation and the world. It gives me great hope that as I leave, another young President inspires another generation and once more on America’s behalf inspires the entire world.

So, I wrote this to thank you one last time as a friend- and to stand with you one last time for change and the America we can become.

At the Denver Convention where you were nominated, I said the dream lives on.

And I finished this letter with unshakable faith that the dream will be fulfilled for this generation, and preserved and enlarged for generations to come.

With deep respect and abiding affection,


colors by Kira Willey


Europe, languages, literature and art


[…]L’Europe comme fédération d’étrangetés respectées : tel est mon rêve.

[…] j’aimerais insister sur le multilinguisme comme signe distinctif de la culture européenne, et sur le sens que ce fait revêt dans les tensions internationales actuelles.

[…]Une nouvelle espèce émerge peu à peu : un sujet polyphonique, citoyen polyglotte d’une Europe plurinationale. Le futur Européen sera-t-il un sujet singulier, au psychisme intrinsèquement pluriel parce que trilingue, quadrilingue, multilingue ? Ou se réduira-t-il au globish ? Un exemple : le département de langue et littérature de Georgetown University a fêté son cinquantième anniversaire en 2000. A la question « Comment répondre à la Shoah ? », le doyen jésuite a répondu : « En enseignant les langues et les littératures ». […]

L’Europe est un pari sur la traduction possible des diversités, et pour commencer linguistiques. Pour ma part, c’est dans le multilinguisme que je chercherais le fondement d’une nouvelle laïcité qui saura faire face aux heurts des religions.

JULIA KRISTEVA,16 septembre 2008

Victor Hugo’s drawing


September 2009

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