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You’re not parents of mine

Notre professeur d’anglais a demandé à ses classes de premiére d’écrire une chanson nommée « You’re not parents of mine », pour faire écho à la chanson du groupe Génesis « No son of mine », étudiée en cours. Certaines d’entres elles sont assez réussies, en voici d’ailleurs une :


Into the shadow,

a boy cry.

Why ?

This sorrow ?

Into the light

His dad drunk

he feel might

but the boy is just hurt.

His prayed fly from the sky,

but his ears listened nothing

there tears are eat by the night

but one day, he will cry to him :

You’re not parents of mine !

Your blood is not mine !

You’re not parents of mine !

Adious, i wanted to live my life…

The years are long,

the time past.


is around.

The years are hard

the days sad

is not time

to flee and to be free

His prayed fly from the sky,

but his ears listened nothing

there tears are eat by the night

but one day, he will cry to him :

You’re not parents of mine !

Your blood is not mine !

You’re not parents of mine !

Adious, I wanted to live my life…

Adious, I wanted to live my life…

Adious, I wanted to live my

