A Canadian guest in our class

A Canadian Guest in our Class

Discover real life in Canada!

The pupils in Madame Brauer’s 4e 1 and 2 interviewed a Canadian on his experiences in Canada. His name is Jeffrey and he spent three hours in our class. Jeffrey is from Windsor in Ontario. The pupils received the following answers to their questions.

Group A: Sports & Activities

He has never been dogsledding or snowboarding in Canada. He has never gone white-water rafting, but he has already played lacrosse. He has never played ice hockey, but road hockey.

   Group B: Animals & Plants

He has never seen huskies or caribou in the wild. He has seen thousands and thousands of maple trees.

Group C: Landscapes & Climate

He has never gone to a desert in Canada because there are no deserts there, and he has never climbed a mountain in Canada. He has already witnessed a snowstorm and he has already gone to Canada when the weather is hot. He has already gone to the Niagara Falls.

Group D: Cities & Famous Sites

Jeffrey has never visited Quebec, but he has already gone to Montreal to speak French. The guest found the Niagara Falls extremely beautiful after his visit with his family and friends. He has already gone to Vancouver, but Jeffrey hasn’t returned since 2010.

Group E: Food

In this paragraph, we spoke to Jeffrey about his experiences with Canadian food. He has already eaten pancakes with maple syrup, but he has never eaten maple syrup on bacon. He has already eaten poutine and meat pie many times, but he has never tasted beaver tails.

Group F: Clothing

He has already worn snow boots and warm clothes in winter, but the clothes most worn in Canada are warm pants and a very big coat for the cold weather. He has worn a ski suit in Canada to go skiing, but he has never worn snow shoes. He has never worn a warm winter coat in summer, but he has already seen a man wear a T-shirt in summer.

Final Impressions

I thought it was always snowing in Canada and that all Canadians have already gone dogsledding, but in fact, some Canadians, like Jeffrey, never do that.

  • Perrine

I am happy to learn more information about Canada; it’s very interesting. Now I want to eat poutine because Jeffrey loves that and I think this specialty would be yummy!

  • Naomi

I didn’t know there were so many different landscapes.

  • Jade

I thought that Canada is always very cold, but there are beautiful seasons too.

  • Agathe

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