Frankenstein’s versions

   Personally, I don’t really like the Frankenstein’s play. I found it not really faithful. For example, the creature didn’t kill the same characters as in the book and the end was really strange. I found this adaptation too babyish. It’s strange for me that they wanted to show a funny version of the book whereas it is rather dramatic but I understand because it is represented for teenagers. However, I think that I would have been more interested if it was more faithful and more dramatic. Nevertheless, even if I didn’t really appreciate the play I think that the players were really qualified because they arrived to play few characters whereas they are just 4.

 I didn’t appreciate also the film of Coppola. I found it was far-fetched and really strange.

 A new adaptation of Frankenstein was released last week. I found it, even if I didn’t watch it, really exaggerated. The fact that the creature is still alive and there are vampires is strange. It is not faithful at all. And you, did you enjoy this different version of Frankenstein? Do you know a version more faithful that I can watch?

4 réflexions sur « Frankenstein’s versions »

  1. Like you, i did’nt appreciate the film for the same reasons but if i can recommand you a film it would be  » the bride of frankenstein » dated back from 1935. It’s a classic and if you like old movies you will probably love this one.

  2. Yes « 1, Frankenstein » of Stuart Beattie is a 2014 film but it’s completely at the opposite of the original book. The scene is set in a Gothic city where two groups of immortals people fight. It definitely don’t look really attractive.

  3. I don’t really like this kind of film but I agree with Colyne: « The Bride of Frankenstein » is a great classic!

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