Alice in Wonderland

The author of the book was Lewis Carroll, in 1865. The story is about a little girl who falls in a rabbit-hole and discovers the imaginary world with a lot of funny creatures like the Cheshire Cat. The first version  was in 1903, we saw the film in class and I loved it, it made me smile because characters were moving strangely. Besides, it was very different than the other versions that we all know, so it was really interesting. After we studied the text of « Alice and pig baby » and « Alice speaks to Cheshire Cat », it was very pleasant for me because I like this story. Many things like the conversation between Alice and the Cat take us in a fantasy world. I was very pleasant and I really loved to work about this story.

3 réflexions sur « Alice in Wonderland »

  1. Thank you for the presentation, indeed many of us have enjoyed working on this book ! It is really interesting.

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