Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

In the both extracts we have seen in class that we could consider two versions on Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. I prefer the second version because the first one is not really realistic : indeed according to this version Mr Hyde is ape-like and that refers to prehistoric men although in the second version he looks like a monster : we can say that they choose a monster because it’s more impressive : the monster is horrible. On the one hand he presents physical ugliness and on the second hand psychological ugliness. In my opinion, that’s more realistic : that’s why I would say that I prefer the second version.Dr. Jekyll et Mr. Hyde : Photo

2 réflexions sur « Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde »

  1. it’s difficult to compare these film because the means and the budget are different
    I find the first extract more expressive and more fun.

  2. I agree with Anthony. I don’t really like the second version because there are too much special effects. It’s less realistic. It’s really exaggerated. Moreover, I found the first version more oppressive, more heart-pounding and more gripping than the second. The film score of the first version is really suspenseful to my mind.

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