As you like it

We saw in class 3 versions of the play As you like it by Shakespeare. The first version was filmed by somebody in the andience so it was very « natural » and we could hear the laughter of people. The second version seems to be more recent and it was filmed differently. Besides, it was like if the actors played to nobody, the audience was silent. The last version was very modern, and it looked like a movie. The play of the actors was very different from the other and it shocked me because I found it wasn’t faithful to the original play. Consequently I prefer the first and the second version than the third, but it was interesting to see the differences between them.

7 réflexions sur « As you like it »

  1. Personally, my favourite version of « As you like it » is the third version because it is modern and as a result more interresting and allows to attach to characters.

  2. I found the third version better than others… I prefer modern like Victoria!

  3. I agree with Victoria ! I prefer the third version because the play was able to be transposed in our days and to show us that love can resist time.

  4. I like the first version because it’s funny. In the second the actors play very well and in the third version is more like a film adaptation. I do know which I prefer because it adaptation are all different.

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