Impossible love…

Impossible love… It speaks to everyone and, if love is a recurring theme, the impossible love is equally. That’s why a lot of writers use this Gimick in their books, here is a few examples:

  • how not to speak about Shakespeare and his too  famous Romeo and Juliet. It’s a classic for good, an incontestable reference. i think it’s impossible to find more universal than Romeo and Juliet.
  • A great novel which gave a place to one of the most amazing film ever directed, Gone with the Wind ( written by Margaret Mitchell and published in 1936) tells the impossible loves between Scarlett and Ashley then between Scarlett and Reth ,who will never be happy together even if they were madly in love with each other.
  • It’s one of my favorite short stories. Brokeback Mountain (written by Annie Proulx in 1997) tels the love between two cowboys who will separeted during their entire lifes. It’s gorgeous but also totally devastating.

Of course, there are many other examples  in the french literature or outside the literature in general. If you see another examples, don’t hesitate to leave a com’.

3 réflexions sur « Impossible love… »

  1. Personally, I think that Anna Karenine and Alexis Vronski in the novel written by Tolstoï is a good example too.

  2. I just know Romeo and Juliet, but not the anothers…. And yes I agree with you, the subject of love is always on the actual way!!

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