The Help

The Help is a novel by Kathryn Stockett and was published on 2009. The story takes place in Jackson, Mississippi during the 1960s. The story is about Abileen and Minny who are both African-American maids in houses of white families and Skeeter who is the daughter of a prominent white family. When Sketter comes back to university she talks with Abileen to know were Constantine – the maid of his house – is gone. After that, she talks with Abileen and she wants to write a book about the story of different maids in Jackson. With the help of Abileen, Minny and many other maids Sketter wrote his book, but is not without danger because there are conflicts between black and white, it’s why they write this book in secret.

The film adapted by Tate Taylor on 2011 is not a very good adaptation to my part because in the book we know about what Skeeter, Abileen and Minny thinking, but in the movie the actors played very well and it’s why I like this movie.

If you have the opportunity to read the book or watch the movie, do it, it’s very interesting.

7 réflexions sur « The Help »

  1. I totally agree with you. It’s a really good book and a really good film adaptation.

  2. I’m agree with you, it’s a beautiful movie, moreover the book is even better than the film. I remember that for my TPE, we watched ( my partners and me) this film which deals with the Racial Segregation.

  3. This novel should be fine. I love Mississippi of 60s and even before, it’s a beautiful world!

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