As You Like It by William Shakespeare

We have watched three videos at school about the act 3, scene 2 from As You Like It, adaptations of the pastoral comedy written by Shakespeare, the famous english poet, playwright and actor.

I’ve selected two videos and I want to compare them.

In my opinion, this play is my favourite because the play of the actors is good.

The second play is good too but it’s more in a modern life – for example, she smokes.

Even if the costume – we clearly see that it is artificial (the mustache for example) in the first play while the woman who is disguised hasn’t a costume : it is natural in the second play – and the landscape is better in the second play – there are many colors and it’s realistic, I prefer the first one for its adaptation.

And you, what play do you prefer?

4 réflexions sur « As You Like It by William Shakespeare »

  1. Personally, I prefer the first play like you because I found that the actors played well. I was disturbed by the interpretation emphasized in the second play.

  2. I think too that the second video is the best because in the modern life the scene seems to be more realistic.

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