Brave new world – Aldous Huxley

Brave New World is a science fiction novel, written by Aldous Huxley and published in 1932. I think he was an important british author of his era.

In Brave New World, Huxley imagines a world where humans are mass produced, artificially created and conditioned to be what the Authorities want they want to be. It’s a futuristic world which takes place 700 years after Ford. Ford is a sort of god in this world. In this strange but ideal society, family, feelings and monogamy doesn’t exist. People must be happy and free. Their lives are already made. They are not fear by death, they are not access to books and they can’t think. A few characters are emphasized. Bernard who has suffered a problem in his conception is rather different from others. He loves a woman which it’s forbidden. He thinks about his condition and would like to change it. I won’t tell you the entire story but I advice you to read it.


I think that it was interesting to speak about this novel because I think it could a good illustration for the thematic:  Imaginary because the story evolves in a completely imaginary world. However, it’s a satirical novel. We can recognize our condition in their strange condition. It’s just that they are pushed to the extreme. For example, the conditioning of humans could be interpreted as our publicity. They listen always the same prejudices and they finish by believing them. It’s a really interesting book. And even if you don’t like as me the science fiction we could like this novel because it’s really philosophic and it could question yourself and our society. However, I advice you to read it in French because I think that it’s rather complicated  in English but it’s my opinion. And you, have you already read this novel ? Did you like it ? Maybe you have already seen the film adaptation.

Une réflexion sur « Brave new world – Aldous Huxley »

  1. Since we saw an extract in class I’m thinking about reading it and your article just convince me to give it a try.

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