Hunger Games

Hunger Games is trilogy, writes by Suzanne Colin, an American writer, who has a very big success with the young people but who also convinced the grown-up readers.

When to begin you to read this story, you cannot stop any more, as if your life depended on it. It is moreover one of theme of this story.

I became a fan because there is a lot of action, contrary to movies. I find that it is one very beautiful story because when we analyze it, it reflects that our society can become. Violence, war, poverty, power, corrupt politicians…

When you finish books, it is as if it you miss something. The characters are very charming, and there are many different characters, we can become identified thus easily with somebody.

Try the experience, and do not trust to you in the rumors, make you your own opinion by reading them! For the least brave, try movies, but compared with books them are disappointing.

4 réflexions sur « Hunger Games »

  1. Hello !
    I read all the books and… I loved too !
    my favourite book is the first, and when I saw the film I wasn’t disappointed!

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