Lovecraft and Cthulhu mythos

Howard Phillips Lovecraft is a sci-fi, horror and fantasy author born on august 1890. As a lot of writters, his work was not appreciated but he is now recognize as a great artist ( especially by Stephen king who tells him « the greatest artisan of classic story of the 19th century »).

One of this most well-known stories is Cthulhu mythos, a fictional univers setting in the real world but where old and dark forces are asleep, waiting for the best moment to restore their past authority on humans. They are present as former gods, came from space thousand years ago. It is made of few short-stories, each about one of this gods. It is link with some other books of Lovecraft like the Necronomicon, supposed to be writting by a fictional author, Abdul al-Hazred the mad arab who predicted « a background of evil versimilitude. » (refer to the old gos)  by this verse :

« That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die. »

« The call of Cthulhu » is the most famous one and gives the name to the entiere myth. Cthulhu is an humanoid monster with a face of cuttlefish, tentacles and drangon wings. He is supposed to sleep at the bottom of the South Pacific, in the underwater dead city of R’lyeh. Lovecraft inspired himself of the Kraken to create Cthulhu.

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